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Contents of /trunk/tools/emacs/README.txt

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Revision 1391 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Apr 16 06:21:38 2007 UTC (17 years, 5 months ago) by jpye
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 3014 byte(s)
Moved files up a level
1 The two files in this directory provide an ASCEND mode to the emacs
2 editor. The .elc file is a "compiled" version of the .el file. Place
3 them into the lisp or elisp directory for your emacs installation.
4 These work on unix, linux and windows.
6 This mode automatically turns on for any file having the ASCEND4
7 extensions a4c and a4l.
9 Among other things, the ASCEND mode will automatically translate any
10 of the following aliases into the first shown (e.g., the mode replaces
11 "ats" with ARE_THE_SAME or "add" with ADD). In addition it will
12 attempt to indent lines properly when you complete them with a
13 carriage return.
15 ---
17 Aliases this mode translates -
19 ("ADD" "add")
20 ("ALIASES" "aliases" "alii" "al")
21 ("AND" "and")
22 ("ANY" "any")
23 ("ARE_ALIKE" "are_alike" "arealike" "aa")
24 ("ARE_THE_SAME" "are_the_same" "arethesame" "ats")
25 ("ARRAY" "array")
26 ("ATOM" "atom")
27 ("BREAK" "break")
28 ("CALL" "call")
29 ("CARD" "card")
30 ("CASE" "case")
31 ("CHOICE" "choice")
32 ("CONDITIONAL" "conditional")
33 ("CONSTANT" "constant" "const")
34 ("CONTINUE" "continue")
35 ("CREATE" "create")
36 ("DATA" "data")
37 ("DECREASING" "descreasing")
38 ("DEFAULT" "default")
39 ("DEFINITION" "definition")
40 ("DIMENSION" "dimension")
41 ("DIMENSIONLESS" "dimensionless")
42 ("DO" "do")
43 ("ELSE" "else")
44 ("END" "end")
45 ("EXTERNAL" "external")
46 ("FALSE" "false")
47 ("FALL_THROUGH" "fall_through" "fallthrough" "fall")
48 ("FOR" "for")
49 ("FROM" "from")
50 ("GLOBAL" "global")
51 ("IF" "if")
52 ("IMPORT" "import")
53 ("IN" "in")
54 ("INCREASING" "increasing")
55 ("INPUT" "input")
56 ("INTERACTIVE" "interactive")
57 ("INTERSECTION" "intersection")
58 ("IS_A" "is_a" "isa")
59 ("IS_REFINED_TO" "is_refined_to" "isrefinedto" "irt")
60 ("MAXIMIZE" "maximize" "max")
61 ("MAX_INTEGER" "max_integer" "maxinteger" "maxint")
62 ("MAX_REAL" "max_real" "maxreal")
63 ("METHOD" "method")
64 ("METHODS" "methods")
65 ("MINIMIZE" "minimize" "min")
66 ("MODEL" "model")
67 ("NOT" "not")
68 ("NOTES" "notes")
69 ("OF" "of")
70 ("OR" "or")
71 ("OTHERWISE" "otherwise")
72 ("OUTPUT" "output")
73 ("PROD" "prod")
74 ("PROVIDE" "provide")
75 ("REFINES" "refines")
76 ("REPLACE" "replace")
77 ("REQUIRE" "require")
78 ("RETURN" "return")
79 ("RUN" "run")
80 ("SATISFIED" "satisfied")
81 ("SELECT" "select")
82 ("SIZE" "size")
83 ("STOP" "stop")
84 ("SUCH_THAT" "such_that" "suchthat")
85 ("SUM" "sum")
86 ("SWITCH" "switch")
87 ("THEN" "then")
88 ("TRUE" "true")
89 ("UNION" "union")
90 ("UNITS" "units")
91 ("UNIVERSAL" "universal")
92 ("USE" "use")
93 ("VALUE" "value")
94 ("WHEN" "when")
95 ("WHERE" "where")
96 ("WHILE" "while")
97 ("WILL_BE" "will_be" "willbe" "wb")
98 ("WILL_BE_THE_SAME" "willbethesame" "wbts")
99 ("WILL_NOT_BE_THE_SAME" "willnotbethesame" "wnbts")
100 ("WITH" "with")
101 ("WITH_VALUE" "with_value" "withvalue" "wv")

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