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Contents of /trunk/pygtk/method.h

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Revision 669 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Wed Jun 21 07:00:45 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by johnpye
File MIME type: text/x-chdr
File size: 940 byte(s)
Merged changes from DAE branch (revisions 702 to 819) back into trunk.
This adds the Integration API to the ASCEND solver (in base/generic).
Also provides pre-alpha support for 'IDA' from the SUNDIALS suite, a DAE solver.
Many other minor code clean-ups, including adoption of new 'ASC_NEW' and friends (to replace 'ascmalloc')
Added some very sketchy stuff providing 'DIFF(...)' syntax, although it is anticipated that this will be removed.
1 #ifndef ASCXX_METHOD_H
2 #define ASCXX_METHOD_H
4 #include <string>
6 #include "config.h"
7 extern "C"{
8 #include <utilities/ascConfig.h>
9 #include <general/list.h>
10 #include <compiler/instance_enum.h>
11 #include <compiler/watchpt.h>
13 #include <compiler/fractions.h>
14 #include <compiler/compiler.h>
15 #include <compiler/dimen.h>
16 #include <compiler/expr_types.h>
17 #include <compiler/proc.h>
18 #include <compiler/initialize.h>
20 }
22 #include "symchar.h"
24 /**
25 Initialisation functions are specified
26 in models using "METHOD" statements.
28 This class acts as a holder for these funtions, so that they
29 can be passed from a type to an instance via instanc.run(method).
31 (@TODO rename this class to Method or similar)
32 */
33 class Method{
34 private:
35 struct InitProcedure *initproc;
36 public:
37 Method();
38 Method(struct InitProcedure *initproc);
39 ~Method();
40 struct InitProcedure *getInternalType() const;
41 const char *getName() const;
42 SymChar getSym() const;
43 };
45 #endif

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