1 |
REQUIRE "johnpye/ideal_steam.a4c"; |
2 |
REQUIRE "johnpye/iapws_sat_curves.a4c"; |
3 |
REQUIRE "johnpye/iapws95.a4c"; |
4 |
5 |
MODEL condenser_lmtd( |
6 |
S_in WILL_BE thermo_state; |
7 |
S_out WILL_BE thermo_state; |
8 |
); |
9 |
T_h1 ALIASES S_in.T; |
10 |
T_h2 ALIASES S_out.T; |
11 |
h_h1 ALIASES S_in.h; |
12 |
h_h2 ALIASES S_out.h; |
13 |
14 |
mdot_in IS_A mass_rate; |
15 |
16 |
T_c1 IS_A temperature; |
17 |
T_c2 IS_A temperature; |
18 |
19 |
T_c_in ALIASES T_c2; |
20 |
T_c_out ALIASES T_c1; |
21 |
22 |
23 |
LMTD IS_A delta_temperature; |
24 |
25 |
DT_1, DT_2 IS_A delta_temperature; |
26 |
27 |
DT_1 = T_h1 - T_c1; |
28 |
DT_2 = T_h2 - T_c2; |
29 |
30 |
lmtd: DT_2/DT_1 = exp( (DT_2 - DT_1) / LMTD ); |
31 |
32 |
UA IS_A ua_value; |
33 |
q IS_A energy_rate; |
34 |
35 |
q = UA * LMTD; |
36 |
37 |
q = mdot_in * (h_h1 - h_h2); |
38 |
39 |
S_out.p = S_in.p; |
40 |
41 |
42 |
METHOD specify; |
43 |
44 |
FIX T_c_in; |
45 |
FIX mdot_in; |
46 |
END specify; |
47 |
METHOD values; |
48 |
UA := 1000 {W/m^2/K} * 4 {m} * 900 * 2*3.1415926* (0.01 {m})/2; |
49 |
T_c_in := 273.15{K} + 20 {K}; |
50 |
mdot_in := 1 {kg/s}; |
51 |
(* free values *) |
52 |
T_h2 := T_h1 - 20{K}; |
53 |
h_h2 := h_h1 - 4.2{kJ/kg/K}*20{K}; |
54 |
END values; |
55 |
METHOD bound_self; |
56 |
DT_1.lower_bound := 0{K}; |
57 |
DT_2.lower_bound := 0{K}; |
58 |
q.lower_bound := 0{W}; |
59 |
T_h2.upper_bound := T_h1; |
60 |
T_h2.lower_bound := T_c_out; |
61 |
h_h2.upper_bound := h_h1; |
62 |
END bound_self; |
63 |
END condenser_lmtd; |
64 |
65 |
(*--------------------------*) |
66 |
67 |
(* test model for the above *) |
68 |
MODEL condenser_lmtd_test; |
69 |
S1 IS_A iapws95_1phase; |
70 |
S2 IS_A iapws95_1phase; |
71 |
72 |
T_hi ALIASES C.S_in.T; |
73 |
T_ho ALIASES C.S_out.T; |
74 |
T_ci ALIASES C.T_c_in; |
75 |
T_co ALIASES C.T_c_out; |
76 |
77 |
p_in ALIASES S1.p; |
78 |
79 |
C IS_A condenser_lmtd(S1,S2); |
80 |
81 |
q ALIASES C.q; |
82 |
83 |
84 |
METHOD default_self; |
85 |
RUN reset; RUN values; RUN bound_self; |
86 |
END default_self; |
87 |
METHOD specify; |
88 |
RUN C.specify; |
89 |
FIX T_hi; |
90 |
FIX T_co; |
91 |
FIX p_in; |
92 |
END specify; |
93 |
METHOD values; |
94 |
RUN C.values; |
95 |
T_hi := 273.15{K} + 280 {K}; |
96 |
T_co := 273.15{K} + 25 {K}; |
97 |
p_in := 1{bar}; |
98 |
q := 4.2{kJ/s}; |
99 |
END values; |
100 |
METHOD bound_self; |
101 |
RUN C.bound_self; |
102 |
END bound_self; |
103 |
END condenser_lmtd_test; |
104 |
105 |
106 |
(*--------------------------*) |
107 |
108 |
(* |
109 |
This model is parameterised in order that we |
110 |
don't end up with multiple assertions about the |
111 |
saturated state at the inlet, see condenser_lmtd_sat_test |
112 |
*) |
113 |
MODEL condenser_lmtd_sat( |
114 |
S_in WILL_BE thermo_state; |
115 |
S_out WILL_BE thermo_state; |
116 |
); |
117 |
mdot_in IS_A mass_rate; |
118 |
mdot_out ALIASES mdot_in; |
119 |
120 |
T_ci IS_A temperature; (* cold inlet *) |
121 |
T_co IS_A temperature; (* cold outlet *) |
122 |
T_hi ALIASES S_in.T; |
123 |
T_ho ALIASES S_out.T; |
124 |
125 |
LMTD IS_A delta_temperature; |
126 |
127 |
DT_c, DT_1, DT_2 IS_A delta_temperature; |
128 |
129 |
z_DT_c: DT_c = T_co - T_ci; |
130 |
z_DT_1: DT_1 = T_hi - T_ci; |
131 |
z_DT_2: DT_2 = T_hi - T_co; |
132 |
133 |
(* this is a better-converging form for the LMTD equation *) |
134 |
lmtd: DT_1/DT_2 = exp(DT_c / LMTD); |
135 |
136 |
UA IS_A ua_value; |
137 |
q IS_A energy_rate; |
138 |
139 |
z_q_LMTD: q = UA * LMTD; |
140 |
141 |
sat IS_A iapws_sat_density; |
142 |
z_rhof: sat.rhof = S_out.rho; |
143 |
z_T_sat: sat.T = S_out.T; |
144 |
145 |
z_T_const: S_in.T = S_out.T; |
146 |
147 |
C_c IS_A heat_capacity; |
148 |
cp_c IS_A specific_heat_capacity; |
149 |
mdot_c IS_A mass_rate; |
150 |
C_c = cp_c * mdot_c; |
151 |
z_Q_h: q = mdot_in * (S_in.h - S_out.h); |
152 |
z_Q_c: q = C_c * (T_co - T_ci); |
153 |
154 |
155 |
METHOD specify; |
156 |
157 |
FIX T_ci; |
158 |
FIX mdot_in; |
159 |
FIX cp_c; |
160 |
END specify; |
161 |
METHOD values; |
162 |
UA := 4000 {W/m^2/K} * 4 {m} * 900 * 2*3.1415926* (0.01 {m})/2; |
163 |
T_ci := 273.15{K} + 200 {K}; |
164 |
mdot_in := 10 {kg/s}; |
165 |
cp_c := 4.2 {kJ/kg/K}; |
166 |
(* free values *) |
167 |
T_co := 273.15{K} + 240 {K}; |
168 |
C_c := 200 {kJ/K}; |
169 |
q := 15000 {kW}; |
170 |
LMTD := 34 {K}; |
171 |
END values; |
172 |
METHOD bound_self; |
173 |
(* Sf.tau.lower_bound := 1; *) |
174 |
DT_c.lower_bound := 0{K}; |
175 |
DT_1.lower_bound := 0{K}; |
176 |
DT_2.lower_bound := 0{K}; |
177 |
(* Sf.rho.lower_bound := Sf.rhoc; *) |
178 |
mdot_c.upper_bound := 1000 {kg/s}; |
179 |
mdot_c.lower_bound := 0.1 {kg/s}; |
180 |
END bound_self; |
181 |
END condenser_lmtd_sat; |
182 |
183 |
(*------------------------------*) |
184 |
185 |
MODEL condenser_lmtd_sat_test; |
186 |
Sg IS_A iapws95_1phase; |
187 |
Sf IS_A iapws95_1phase; |
188 |
189 |
sat IS_A iapws_sat_density; |
190 |
sat.rhog, Sg.rho ARE_THE_SAME; |
191 |
sat.T, Sg.T ARE_THE_SAME; |
192 |
193 |
C IS_A condenser_lmtd_sat(Sg,Sf); |
194 |
195 |
T_hi ALIASES Sg.T; |
196 |
T_ho ALIASES Sf.T; |
197 |
198 |
T_ci ALIASES C.T_ci; |
199 |
T_co ALIASES C.T_co; |
200 |
201 |
mdot ALIASES C.mdot_in; |
202 |
203 |
204 |
C_c ALIASES C.C_c; |
205 |
mdot_c ALIASES C.mdot_c; |
206 |
207 |
208 |
METHOD default_self; |
209 |
RUN reset; RUN values; RUN bound_self; |
210 |
END default_self; |
211 |
METHOD specify; |
212 |
RUN C.specify; |
213 |
FIX T_hi; |
214 |
END specify; |
215 |
METHOD values; |
216 |
RUN C.values; |
217 |
T_hi := 273.15{K} + 280 {K}; |
218 |
END values; |
219 |
METHOD bound_self; |
220 |
RUN C.bound_self; |
221 |
END bound_self; |
222 |
METHOD self_test; |
223 |
ASSERT (C.q - 15430{kW}) < 1{kW}; |
224 |
ASSERT T_hi - T_ho < 0.01 {K}; |
225 |
END self_test; |
226 |
END condenser_lmtd_sat_test; |