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Fri Oct 29 20:54:12 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by aw0a
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1 PROVIDE "basemodel.a4l";
3 (*
4 * basemodel.a4l
5 * by Benjamin A. Allan
6 * Part of the ASCEND Library
7 * $Date: 1998/06/17 14:15:10 $
8 * $Revision: 1.3 $
9 * $Author: mthomas $
10 * $Source: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ascend/Repository/models/basemodel.a4l,v $
11 *
12 * This file is part of the ASCEND Modeling Library.
13 *
14 * Copyright (C) 1998 Carnegie Mellon University
15 *
16 * The ASCEND Modeling Library is free software; you can redistribute
17 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
18 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
19 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
20 *
21 * The ASCEND Modeling Library is distributed in hope that it
22 * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
24 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
25 *
26 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 * along with the program; if not, write to the Free Software
28 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. Check
29 * the file named COPYING.
30 *)
32 (*============================================================================*
34 B A S E M O D E L . A 4 L
35 -------------------------
37 AUTHOR: Benjamin A. Allan
39 DATES: 03/98 - Original Code
41 CONTENTS: Basic definitions cmu libraries and standard
42 methods.
43 This file is necessary for all
44 other CMU authored ASCEND models to work in ASCEND IV.
46 *============================================================================*)
48 MODEL catch_Word_model (* Bill Gates sacrificial goat *);
49 (* This MODEL does nothing.
50 * Normally catch_Word_model just gets parsed and ignored.
51 *
52 * If the user has tried to read a Microsoft Word binary file, Tcl file,
53 * or some other piece of junk as if it were an ASCEND MODEL
54 * source file, then catch_Word_model will die on an unknown
55 * syntax error.
56 * While catch_Word_model is dying the parser returns a good
57 * starting condition.
58 *
59 * Here is the message of recovery when this MODEL fails:
60 Asc-Error: Model definition "catch_Word_model" abandoned due to syntax errors.
61 Asc-Error: Rejected "catch_Word_model" at line basemodel.a4l:62.
62 *)
63 END catch_Word_model;
65 (* First define the standard methods, or stand-ins which will tell
66 * us when a standard method has not been written.
67 *)
70 METHOD ClearAll;
72 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
73 This method finds anything that is a solver_var and changes
74 the .fixed flag on the var to FALSE.
76 This method does not change .included flags on relations
77 or return boolean, integer, or symbol variables to a
78 default value.
81 EXTERNAL asc_free_all_variables(SELF);
82 END ClearAll;
84 (*
85 * Geniuses make more mistakes than anyone else -- because they
86 * try more things that anyone else. Part (perhaps a very large
87 * part) of what makes a genius different from the rest of
88 * humanity is that they quickly recognize their own mistakes
89 * and move on to try something else before anyone notices
90 * they screwed up! Solving a problem as far and as fast as you
91 * can, then going back to criticize every aspect of the solution
92 * with an eye to improving it is how you usually discover right answers.
93 *
94 * The authors of ASCEND (geniuses or not we'll
95 * leave to our users to decide) have found that it is
96 * best to do things such as writing mathematical MODELs and
97 * writing mathematical modeling software in ways which
98 * makes our mistakes (or your mistakes) very easy to detect.
99 *
100 * Below we describe a methodology (pun intended) which can
101 * help make anyone who can solve a quadratic equation
102 * a mathematical modeling expert. This methodology helps
103 * you to avoid screwing up and to find out about it when you have.
104 *
105 * The ASCEND system will not force you to write standard
106 * methods in your models. :-( METHODs of the sort we advocate
107 * here make your MODELs much easier to use and
108 * much more reliable. They pay off in the short run as well
109 * as the long run. These are _guidelines_, not _laws_: real
110 * genius requires knowing when to color outside the lines. :-)
111 *
112 * If you do not write the standard methods, your MODEL will
113 * inherit the ones given here. The "ClearAll" and "reset"
114 * methods here will work for you if you followed the guidelines.
115 * The other methods contain STOP statements which will warn you
116 * that you have skipped something important, should you accidentally
117 * end up calling one of them.
118 *
119 * The following methods should be redefined by each
120 * reusable library MODEL that REFINES this root MODEL.
121 * Models that do not supply proper versions of these
122 * (and possibly other) methods are very hard to reuse.
123 *
124 * The premise of this method design is that we can
125 * write the _self methods incrementally, building on the
126 * already tested methods of previous MODEL parts we are
127 * reusing. In this way we never have to write a single huge method
128 * that directly checks 100s of variables in a hierarchy.
129 *
130 * The _all methods are methods which simply "top off" the
131 * _self methods. With an _all method, you can treat
132 * just a part of a larger simulation already built
133 * as a self-contained simulation.
134 *
135 *)
137 (*
138 * Usually discovery of the information you need to write the methods
139 * proceeds in the order that they appear below:
140 * check, default, specify, bound, scale.
141 *)
143 METHOD check_self;
144 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
145 This method should be written first, though it is run
146 last. Just like they taught you in elementary school,
147 always check your work. Start by defining criteria for a
148 successful solution that will not be included in the
149 equations solved and then computing those in this method.
150 As you develop your MODEL, you should expect to revise the
151 check method from time to time, if you are learning
152 anything about the MODEL. We frequently change our
153 definition of success.
155 When a mathematical MODEL is solved, the assumptions that
156 went into writing (deriving) the equations should be
157 checked. Usually there are redundant equations available
158 (more than one way to state the physical MODEL
159 mathematically). These should be used to check the
160 particularly tricky bits of the MODEL.
162 Check that the physical or intuitive (qualitative)
163 relationships among variables ch you expect to hold are
164 TRUE, especially if you have not written such relationships
165 in terms of inequalities in the MODEL equations.
167 In some models, checking the variable values against
168 absolute physical limits (temperature > 0{K} and
169 temperature < Tcritical for example) may be all that is
170 necessary or possible. Do not check variable values against
171 their .lower_bound or .upper_bound, as any decent algebraic
172 solver or modeling system will do this for you.
174 If a check fails, use a STOP or ERROR statement to notify
175 yourself (or you MODEL using customer) that the solution
176 may be bogus.
178 Currently only STOP is implemented.
179 STOP raises an error signal and issues an error message;
180 STOP normally also stops further execution of the method
181 and returns control to a higher level, though there are
182 interactive tools to force method execution to continue.
183 STOP does not crash the ASCEND system.
185 } END NOTES;
187 STOP {Error! Standard method "check_self" called but not written in MODEL.};
189 END check_self;
191 METHOD check_all;
193 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
194 When solving only a part of a simulation, it is necessary to check
195 the models and variables passed into the part as well as the
196 locally defined parts and variables. This method should check
197 all the received models and variables, then check the local
198 stuff.
199 } END NOTES;
201 STOP {Error! Standard method "check_all" called but not written in MODEL.};
202 RUN check_self; (* intentionally _second_ *)
204 END check_all;
206 METHOD defaults;
207 (*
208 * This is a kluge for interfaces that still think of
209 * 'defaults' as the standard method.
210 *)
211 RUN default_self;
212 STOP {GUI (or somebody) called non-standard method defaults. Call forwarded to default_self before stopping here.};
213 END defaults;
215 METHOD default_self;
216 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
217 This method should set default values for any variables
218 declared locally (IS_A) to the MODEL. It should run
219 default_self on _all_ the models that are declared locally
220 (with IS_A) in the MODEL also. If the atoms you use to
221 define your variables have a suitable default already, then
222 you do not need to assign them a default in this method.
224 This method should not run any methods on MODEL parts that
225 come via WILL_BE in the definition's parameter list. This
226 method also should not change the values of variables that
227 are passed in through the parameter list.
229 Sometimes there will be nothing for this method to do.
230 Define it anyway, leaving it empty.
232 When a top-level simulation is built by the compiler, this
233 method will be run at the end of compilation by the
234 compiler.
235 } END NOTES;
237 STOP {Error! Standard method "default_self" called but not written in MODEL.};
238 END default_self;
240 METHOD default_all;
242 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
243 This method assumes that the arguments to the MODEL
244 instance have not been properly initialized, as is
245 frequently the case in one-off modeling efforts. This
246 method should run the default_self method on each of the
247 parts received through the parameter list and should give
248 appropriate default values to any variables received
249 through the parameter list. After these have been done, it
250 should then call default_self to take care of all locally
251 declared default needs.
252 } END NOTES;
254 STOP {Error! Standard method "default_all" called but not written in MODEL.};
255 RUN default_self;
256 END default_all;
258 METHOD specify;
259 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
260 * Assuming ClearAll has been run on the MODEL, this method
261 * should get the MODEL to a condition called 'square':
262 * the case where there are as many variables with .fixed == FALSE
263 * as there equations available to compute them.
264 * This is one of the hardest tasks ever invented by mathematicians
265 * if you go about it in the wrong way. We think we know the right way.
266 *
267 * Actually, 'square' is a bit trickier to achieve
268 * than simply counting equations and variables.
269 * Solver, such as QRSlv in ASCEND, may help greatly with the bookkeeping.
270 *
271 The general approach is to:
273 (1) Run "specify" for all the parts (both passed in and locally defined)
274 that are not passed on into other parts.
276 (2) Fix up (by tweaking .fixed flags on variables) any difficulties
277 that arise when parts compete to calculate the same variable.
279 (3) Use the remaining new local variables to take care of any leftover
280 equations among the parts and any new equations written locally.
282 At all steps 1-3
283 Pay special attention to indexed variables used in
284 indexed equations; frequently you must fix or free N or
285 N-1 variables of a set sized N, if there are N matching equations.
286 In general, if you think you have specify correctly written, change
287 the sizes of all the sets in your MODEL by one and then by two
288 members. If your specify method still works, you are using sets
289 correctly.
291 When writing models that combine parts which do not share
292 very well, or which both try to compute the same variable
293 in different ways, it may even be necessary to write a WHEN
294 statement to selectively TURN OFF the conflicting equations
295 or MODEL fragments. An object or equation USEd in a WHEN
296 statement is turned off by default and becomes a part of
297 the solved MODEL only when the conditions of some CASE
298 which refers to that object are matched.
300 The setting of boolean, integer, and symbol variables which
301 are controlling conditions of WHEN and SWITCH statements
302 should be taken care of in the specify method.
304 There is no 'one perfect "specify"' for all purposes. This
305 routine should merely define a reasonably useful base
306 configuration of the MODEL.
308 Other specify_whatElseYouWant methods can (should) also be
309 written.
311 The name of a method is a communication tool. Please use
312 meaningful names as long as necessary to tell what the
313 method does. Avoid cryptic abbreviations and hyper-
314 specialized jargon known only to you and your three friends
315 when you are naming methods; however, do not shy away from
316 technical terms common to the engineering domain in which
317 you are modeling.
319 } END NOTES;
321 STOP {Error! Standard method "specify" called but not written in MODEL.};
323 END specify;
325 METHOD reset;
326 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
327 This method gets the MODEL to some standard starting state,
328 though not necessarily the most useful starting state for a
329 particular application. In Chem. Eng. terms, this method
330 establishes a base case.
332 There is no 'one perfect "reset"' for all purposes. This
333 routine should merely define a reasonably useful base
334 configuration of the MODEL.
336 Other reset_whatElseYouWant methods can (should) also be
337 written.
339 Normally you do not need to write this method: your models
340 will inherit this one unless you override it (redefine it)
341 in your MODEL.
342 }
345 RUN ClearAll;
346 RUN specify;
348 END reset;
350 METHOD bound_self;
351 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
352 Much of the art of nonlinear physical modeling is in
353 bounding the solution.
355 This method should update the bounds on _locally_ defined
356 (IS_A) variables and IS_A defined MODEL parts. Updating
357 bounds requires some care. For example, the bounds on
358 fractions frequently don't need updating.
360 A common formula for updating bounds is to define a region
361 around the current value of the variable. A linear region
362 size formula, as an example, would be:
364 v.upper_bound := v + boundwidth * v.nominal;
365 v.lower_bound := v - boundwidth * v.nominal;
367 Care must be taken that such a formula does not move the
368 bounds (particularly lower bounds) out so far as to allow
369 non-physical solutions. Logarithmic bounding regions are
370 also simple to calculate.
372 Here boundwidth IS_A bound_width;
373 boundwidth is a real variable (but not a solver_var) or a
374 value you can use to determine how much "wiggle-room" you
375 want to give a solver. Small powers of 4 and 10 are usually
376 good values of boundwidth.
378 Too small a boundwidth can cut off the portion of number
379 space where the solution is found. Too large a bound width
380 can allow solvers to wander for great distances in
381 uninteresting regions of the number space.
383 This method should not bound variables passed into the
384 MODEL definition or parts passed into the definition.
385 } END NOTES;
387 STOP {Error! Standard method "bound_self" called but not written in MODEL.};
388 END bound_self;
390 METHOD bound_all;
391 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
392 This method should be like bound_self except that it bounds the
393 passed in variables and calls bound_self on the passed in parts.
394 It should then call bound_self.
395 } END NOTES;
397 STOP {Error! Standard method "bound_all" called but not written in MODEL.};
398 RUN bound_self;
399 END bound_all;
401 METHOD scale_self;
402 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
403 Most nonlinear (and many linear) models cannot be solved without
404 proper scaling of the variables.
406 This method should reset the .nominal value on every real
407 variable in need of scaling. It should then call the
408 scale_self method on all the locally defined (IS_A) parts
409 of the MODEL. 0.0 is the worst possible nominal value. A
410 proper nominal is one such that you expect at the solution
411 the quantity
413 abs(variable/(variable.nominal))
415 to be around 1 (in the range of [0.1..10] or [0.01..100]).
417 Variables (like fractions) bounded such that they cannot be
418 too far away from 1.0 in magnitude probably don't need scaling
419 most of the time if they are also bounded away from 0.0.
421 Some solvers, but not all, will attempt to scale the
422 equations and variables by heuristic matrix-based methods.
423 This works, but inconsistently; user-defined scaling is
424 generaly much superior.
426 ASCEND makes it easy to do. You scale the variables, which
427 can only be done well by knowing something about where the
428 solution is going to be found (by being an engineer, for
429 example.) Then ASCEND can calculate an appropriate
430 equation-scaling by efficient symbolic methods.
432 This method should not change the scaling of models and
433 variables that are received through the parameter list of
434 the MODEL.
435 } END NOTES;
437 STOP {Error! Standard method "scale_self" called but not written in MODEL.};
438 END scale_self;
440 METHOD scale_all;
441 NOTES 'purpose' SELF {
442 This method should be like scale_self above except that it also
443 should scale the variables and models received through the
444 parameter list. It should then call scale_self to take care of
445 the local variables and models.
446 } END NOTES;
448 STOP {Error! Standard method "scale_all" called but not written in MODEL.};
449 RUN scale_self;
450 END scale_all;
453 MODEL cmumodel();
455 'purpose' SELF {
456 This MODEL does nothing except provide a root
457 for a collection of loosely related models.
458 If it happens to reveal a few bugs in the software,
459 and perhaps masks others, well, what me worry?
460 BAA, 8/97.
461 }
462 'methods' SELF {
463 This MODEL also provides a hook to put in candidates for
464 becoming ascBuiltin global methods. Global methods may be
465 overridden by local definitions.
466 BAA, 3/98.
467 }
470 END cmumodel;
472 MODEL testcmumodel();
473 (*
474 * All CMU test models, of whatever sort should ultimately be
475 * rooted here or be a final refinement of a reusable MODEL.
476 *)
478 METHOD values;
479 (*
480 * In a final application MODEL, you should record at least one set of
481 * input values (values of the fixed variables and guesses of key
482 * solved-for variables) that leads to a good solution.
483 * Do this so noone need reinvent that set the next time
484 * you use the MODEL or someone picks the MODEL up after you.
485 *)
486 STOP {Error! Standard method "values" called but not written in MODEL.};
487 END values;
489 METHOD specify;
490 STOP {Error! Standard method "specify" called but not written in test MODEL.};
491 END specify;
492 (*
493 METHOD ClearAll;
494 EXTERNAL asc_free_all_variables(SELF);
495 END ClearAll;
497 METHOD reset;
498 (* This method gets the MODEL to some standard starting state,
499 * though not necessarily the most useful starting state for
500 * a particular application. In Chem. Eng. terms, this method
501 * establishes a base case.
502 * There is no 'one perfect "reset"' for all purposes. This
503 * routine should merely define a reasonably useful base configuration
504 * of the MODEL.
505 * Other reset_whatElseYouWant methods can (should) also be
506 * written.
507 *
508 * Normally you do not need to write this method: your models
509 * will inherit this one unless you override it (redefine it)
510 * in your MODEL.
511 *)
512 RUN ClearAll;
513 RUN specify;
514 END reset;
515 *)
516 END testcmumodel;
518 MODEL your_site_models();
519 (* if you create a library to share with the net which is
520 * not just an end application of Carnegie Mellon models,
521 * please create an empy root MODEL such as this and use
522 * it as the origin of your library in the same way that
523 * we use cmumodel as the origin of our libraries.
524 * Thank you.
525 *)
526 END your_site_models;

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