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Contents of /trunk/models/README

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Revision 87 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Dec 7 14:53:34 2005 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by aw0a
File size: 8432 byte(s)
updated README for westerberg subdirectory
1 $Revision: 1.5 $
3 Topics-
5 1) content description
6 2) file extensions
7 3) file names
8 4) subdirectories
9 5) File summaries
12 1) Description:
14 This directory tree contains the ASCEND IV code for library models and
15 example models.
17 All the files in this directory hierarchy are Copyright
18 Carnegie Mellon University and distributed under the GNU
19 License version 2 unless OTHERWISE noted in an individual
20 file.
22 All 'supported' models are in this top level directory.
23 Subdirectories are supported by their authors (if at all) and
24 not by the ASCEND Project at large.
27 2) Files have 5 extensions:
29 .a4s: A Script (tcl) for loading in the ASCEND script window.
30 .a4l: A library of reusable models. Each library contains enough
31 test models to be self-validating and self-documenting.
32 .a4c: Model code examples and demos.
33 .a4v: A file of saved values from a simulation.
34 .tcl: Auxillary TCL scripts for performing miscellaneous tasks
35 related to modeling that the user may wish to copy and
36 modify: for example, the user can create many permutations
37 on the set_intervals.tcl functions which specify a
38 time sampling schedule for the integrators.
40 and 1 prefix
42 z- normally of no interest to users, z files are models that
43 contain code testing 1 or more features of the system which
44 are not ordinarily tested in the course of routine distillation
45 modeling.
48 3) A note on file names:
50 We frequently develop alternative modeling strategies as part of
51 research. Since all our models live in one directory, several files
52 may have names starting with part of the author's name to distinguish
53 them from similar sets of models by another author.
54 Groups of related models may be kept in subdirectories.
57 4) Subdirectories:
59 Most subdirectories only exist at Carnegie Mellon, and are generally
60 full of experimental goop designed to frustrate the casual user.
61 They also contain legacy goop. Old style extensions in use for
62 these files include .s (now .a4s), .lib (now .a4l), .asc (now .a4c).
63 .values (now .a4v), .units (now defunct).
65 ben: This directory contains the models presented in Ben Allan's
66 thesis. These models are somewhat less flexible than the
67 main models directory, but are generally less consuming of
68 computer CPU tim/memory resources.
70 libraries: This directory contains *.lib files, containing model
71 libraries. There is a link between H_G_thermodynamics.lib
72 and thermo.lib.
74 examples: This directory contains example files. Each example has a
75 *.asc and a *.s file. The *.s is a script for running the
76 models in the *.asc file.
78 pending: This directory contains possible additions or changes to the
79 libraries and examples directories. The models in these
80 directories fall under the GNU license, but there are no
81 guarantees on how well they will work. A generic GNU
82 header is provided in each of the sub-directories to be
83 added to any models placed in pendings.
85 westerberg This directory contains models that Art Westerberg is
86 developing.
88 Of interest are the simpleUnits.AWW.a4s/c script and
89 models. These models allow one to develop simple
90 flowsheet models for stream mixing, splitting, pressure
91 changing (compressor, valve) while using rigorous physical
92 properties. The H2Process models use these models to
93 model a desktop hydrogen plant.
95 The models in SiirolaJohn are also for modeling a desktop
96 hydrogen plant.
98 The CelayaDemo models mimic the simple_FS models replaced
99 with rigorous units and physical property calculations.
101 The ivp models are for solving initial value DAE models.
102 See the ASCEND Wiki description for this work at
104 https://pse.cheme.cmu.edu/wiki/view/Ascend/InitialValueModeling
107 5) Models are primarily chemical engineering library application
108 except as OTHERWISE noted.
110 Guthrie_costs.a4l
111 Cost correlation modeling, chemical engineering.
112 KenPendings.a4l
113 Experimental code.
114 abc_flowsheet.a4l
115 Experimental code.
116 atoms.a4l
117 Basic variable definitions for all engineering and physics.
118 Additional ATOM contributions welcomed.
119 basemodel.a4l
120 Base system library.
121 bvp.a4l
122 Generic mathematical boundary value problem framework for
123 differential algebraic equations.
124 casestudy.a4s
125 Simple example of case studies for chemical engineering flash MODEL.
126 collocation.a4l
127 Reduced order distillation modeling by collocation.
128 Variable number of trays and tray sections supported.
129 collocation.a4s
130 Demo script for collocation.a4l.
131 collocation_tests.a4s
132 Obsolete file.
133 column.a4l
134 Rigorous tray-by-tray distillation models for chemical engineering.
135 Fixed number of trays user configurable. Mass or energy balance
136 options.
137 components.a4l
138 Physical properties database from Reid Prausnitz and Poling
139 (McGraw-Hill) for chemical engineering. Will be expanded greatly
140 shortly with permission from McGraw-Hill.
141 cost_column.a4l
142 Economic evaluation of collocation modeled distillation.
143 distance_calc.a4c
144 Simple physics example.
145 dyn_column.a4l
146 Dynamic simulation of vapor-liquid distillation in
147 chemical engineering. Mass or energy balance options.
148 dyn_flash.a4l
149 Dynamic simulation of vapor-liquid flash, condensers, reboilers etc
150 for chemical engineering.
151 dyn_separation_demos.a4s
152 Demo script for dynamic simulation of flash and distillation models.
153 dyn_tank.a4c
154 dyn_tank.a4s
155 Dynamic simulation of water level in a tank.
156 flash.a4l
157 Steady-state flash separation models for chemical engineering.
158 Condenser, reboiler, tray, etc. Mass or energy balance options.
159 force1d.a4c
160 force1d.a4s
161 Mass-spring-force models for basic physics or mechanical engineering.
162 heatex.a4c
163 heatex.a4s
164 Heat exchange MODEL with condensation boundary determination.
165 ivpsystem.a4l
166 Basic variable definitions for algebraic and initial value problem
167 solvers.
168 kinetics.a4l
169 kinetics.a4s
170 Models for computing chemical reactions.
171 linear_balance.a4c
172 linear_balance.a4s
173 Trivial mass-balance flowsheet superstructures for chemical
174 engineering solved with conditional modeling. Requires CONOPT
175 measures.a4l
176 Units of measure definitions based on MKS system.
177 mix.a4l
178 mix.a4s
179 Mixer unit for process streams in chemical engineering.
180 old_separation_demos.a4s
181 Steady-state flash and distillation models from Ben Allan's thesis.
182 phaseq.a4c
183 phaseq.a4s
184 phaseq_comp.a4c
185 phaseq_comp.a4s
186 phases.a4l
187 pipeline.a4c
188 pipeline.a4s
189 Conditional models of multiphase thermodynamic equilibrium
190 and pipe networks.
191 plot.a4l
192 Antiquated but sometimes useful plot package.
193 plotbvp.a4c
194 plotbvp.a4s
195 Plot package application example for differential equations.
196 plotcol.a4c
197 Plot package application example for distillation.
198 rachford.a4c
199 rachford.a4s
200 Simple Rachford-Rice flash calculation.
201 ratelaws.a4c
202 Chemical kinetics examples.
203 reactor.a4l
204 reactor.a4s
205 Chemical reactor modeling examples, chemical engineering.
206 roots_of_poly.a4c
207 Simple equation solving example. Mathematics.
208 separation_demos.a4s
209 Steady-state flash and distillation models.
210 set_intervals.tcl
211 Support script for initial value solver interface.
212 simple_fs.a4c
213 simple_fs.a4s
214 Obsolete flowsheet structuring examples a la ASCEND III.
215 simple_fs_cost.a4c
216 simple_fs_cost.a4s
217 simple_fs_ext.a4c
218 Obsolete flowsheet optimization examples a la ASCEND III.
219 Requires CONOPT.
220 sonic.a4c
221 sonic.a4s
222 Calculation of sonic flow transition in a pipe. Chemical/mechanical
223 engineering.
224 splitter.a4l
225 splitter.a4s
226 Process stream splitter models for chemical engineering.
227 stream_holdup.a4l
228 Basic process stream definitions.
229 system.a4l
230 Basic variable definition for algebraic solvers.
231 ternary_plot.a4l
232 Plot library for 3 component mixtures in distillation columns from
233 chemical engineering.
234 thermodynamics.a4l
235 Vapor, liquid, and equilibrium thermodynamic calculation library.
236 vessel.a4c
237 vessel.a4s
238 vesselMethods.a4c
239 vesselNotes.a4c
240 vesselParams.a4c
241 vesselPlain.a4c
242 vesselPlot.a4c
243 vesselPlot.a4s
244 vesselStudy.a4s
245 vesselTabulated.a4c
246 vesselTabulated.a4s
247 Simple models accumulated from the HowTo's for ASCEND.
248 when_demo.a4c
249 when_demo.a4s
250 Simple example of conditional modeling.
251 z-addmethod.a4c
252 z-align.a4c
253 z-alike.a4c
254 z-anontype.a4c
255 z-arsubs.a4c
256 z-context.a4c
257 z-emptyarg.a4c
258 z-emptyfor.a4c
259 z-iflogic.a4c
260 z-indirect.a4c
261 z-isawhere.a4c
262 z-relname.a4c
263 z-suite.a4s
264 Software Quality Assurance tests and bug documentation.
265 Not for routine use.

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