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Contents of /trunk/minos54/minosl.f

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Revision 1 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Oct 29 20:54:12 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by aw0a
File size: 1476 byte(s)
Setting up web subdirectory in repository
1 ************************************************************************
2 *
3 * File minosl fortran.
4 *
5 * MINOSL funobj (+ dummy entries)
6 *
7 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9 program MINOSL
11 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
13 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
14 * MINOSL and this version of funobj are simplified routines
15 * for MINOS 5.4 when only linear programs are to be solved.
16 * They should be used in conjunction with files
17 * mi10mach, mi15blas, mi20amat, mi25bfac, mi30spec,
18 * mi35inpt, mi40bfil, mi50lp .
19 * They are substitutes for files
20 * mi00main, mi05funs, mi60srch, mi65rmod, mi70nobj, mi80ncon.
21 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
23 parameter (nwcore = 100000)
24 double precision z(nwcore)
26 call minos1( z, nwcore )
28 * end of main program for MINOSL
29 end
31 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
33 subroutine funobj
34 entry funcon
35 entry matmod
36 entry m6fobj
37 entry m6fcon
38 entry m6dmmy
39 entry m6fun
40 entry m6grd
41 entry m6rdel
42 entry m7chkg
43 entry m7fixb
44 entry m7rg
45 entry m7rgit
46 entry m8ajac
47 entry m8augl
48 entry m8chkj
49 entry m8setj
50 entry m8viol
52 * end of dummy routines for MINOSL
53 end

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