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Fri Oct 29 20:54:12 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by aw0a
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1 ************************************************************************
2 *
3 * File mi70nobj fortran.
4 *
5 * m7bsg m7chkd m7chkg m7chzq m7fixb
6 * m7rg m7rgit m7sdir m7sscv
7 *
8 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10 subroutine m7bsg ( ms, nn, kb, gsub, grd )
12 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
13 integer kb(ms)
14 double precision gsub(nn), grd(ms)
16 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
17 * m7bsg sets grd = basic and superbasic components of gsub.
18 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
20 common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale
21 common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj
23 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0 )
25 do 20 k = 1, ms
26 j = kb(k)
27 if (j .le. nn) then
28 grd(k) = gsub(j)
29 else
30 grd(k) = zero
31 end if
32 20 continue
34 if (iobj .ne. 0) grd(iobj) = - minimz * sclobj
36 * end of m7bsg
37 end
39 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
41 subroutine m7chkd( n, bl, bu, x, dx, d, nfeas )
43 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
44 double precision bl(n), bu(n), x(n), dx, d(n)
46 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
47 * m7chkd checks that x + dx*d is feasible.
48 * It is used by m7chkg and m8chkj for the cheap gradient checks.
49 * Original: Just looked at the sign of d for variables on a bound.
50 * 13 Mar 1992: dx added as a parameter to make certain that
51 * x + dx*d does not lie outside the bounds.
52 * d may be altered to achieve this.
53 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0 )
57 nfeas = 0
58 do 500 j = 1, n
59 xj = x(j)
60 b1 = bl(j)
61 b2 = bu(j)
62 if (b1 .eq. b2 ) d(j) = zero
64 if (d(j) .ne. zero) then
66 * x(j) is not fixed, so there is room to move.
67 * If xj + dx*dj is beyond one bound, reverse dj
68 * and make sure it is not beyond the other.
69 * Give up and use set dj = zero if both bounds are too close.
71 dj = d(j)
72 xnew = xj + dx*dj
74 if (dj .gt. zero) then
75 if (xnew .gt. b2) then
76 dj = - dj
77 xnew = xj + dx*dj
78 if (xnew .lt. b1) dj = zero
79 end if
80 else
81 if (xnew .lt. b1) then
82 dj = - dj
83 xnew = xj + dx*dj
84 if (xnew .gt. b2) dj = zero
85 end if
86 end if
88 d(j) = dj
89 if (dj .ne. zero) nfeas = nfeas + 1
90 end if
91 500 continue
93 * end of m7chkd
94 end
96 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
98 subroutine m7chkg( n, bl, bu, g, g2,
99 $ x, da, db, z, nwcore )
101 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
102 double precision bl(n), bu(n), da(n), db(n),
103 $ g(n), g2(n), x(n), z(nwcore)
105 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
106 * This routine checks that the gradient of an n-dimensional
107 * function has been defined and programmed correctly.
108 *
109 * First, a cheap heuristic test is performed, as in
110 * subroutine chkgrd by the following authors:
111 * Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, Susan M. Picken and Hazel M. Barber
112 * D.N.A.C., National Physical Laboratory, England (circa 1975).
113 *
114 * Next, a more reliable test is performed on each component of the
115 * gradient, for indices in the range jverif(1) thru jverif(2).
116 *
117 * lverif(1) is the verify level, which has the following meaning:
118 *
119 * -1 do not perform any check.
120 * 0 do the cheap test only.
121 * 1 or 3 do both cheap and full test on objective gradients.
122 * 2 or 3 do both cheap and full test on the jacobian.
123 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
125 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
126 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
127 common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale
128 common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint
129 common /m8diff/ difint(2),gdummy,lderiv,lvldif,knowng(2)
130 common /m8veri/ jverif(4),lverif(2)
132 intrinsic abs, max, min
134 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0 )
136 logical cheap, nodd
137 character*4 key
138 character*4 lbad , lgood
139 data lbad/'bad?'/, lgood/'ok '/
141 lvl = lverif(1)
142 if (lvl .lt. 0) return
144 j1 = max( jverif(1), 1 )
145 j2 = min( jverif(2), n )
146 cheap = lvl .eq. 0 .or. lvl .eq. 2 .or. j1 .gt. j2
147 lssave = lscale
148 lscale = 0
150 * Evaluate the function f and gradient g at the base point x.
152 call m6dmmy( n, g )
153 call m6fobj( 2, n, f, g, x, z, nwcore )
154 if (ierr .ne. 0) go to 900
155 if (knowng(1) .eq. 0) go to 900
157 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
158 if ( cheap ) then
159 write(iprint, 1100)
160 else
161 write(iprint, 1000)
162 end if
163 end if
165 * --------------------------
166 * Cheap test.
167 * --------------------------
169 * If n is odd, u is set to 1/(n - 1). Otherwise, u = 1/n.
171 nodd = 2*(n/2) .ne. n
172 rn = n
173 r = one/rn
174 u = r
175 if (nodd .and. n .ne. 1) u = one/(rn - one)
177 * Set arrays da and db to be (almost) orthogonal.
178 * We must not perturb x(j) if g(j) is unknown.
180 call dload ( n, zero, da, 1 )
181 call dload ( n, zero, db, 1 )
182 do 20 j = 1, n
183 if (g(j) .eq. gdummy) go to 20
184 db(j) = r
185 da(j) = u
186 20 continue
188 do 30 j = 1, n, 2
189 if (da(j) .ne. zero) da(j) = - da(j) - j / rn
190 30 continue
191 if (nodd) da(n) = zero
193 * Define a difference interval.
194 * Make sure da and db are feasible directions.
196 dx = difint(1) * (one + dnorm1( n, x, 1 ))
197 call m7chkd( n, bl, bu, x, dx, da, nfeas1 )
198 call m7chkd( n, bl, bu, x, dx, db, nfeas2 )
200 if (nfeas1 + nfeas2 .eq. 0) then
201 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1200)
202 else
204 * Set w1 = g(t)*da and w2 = g(t)*db.
206 w1 = ddot ( n, da, 1, g, 1 )
207 w2 = ddot ( n, db, 1, g, 1 )
209 * Make a forward-difference approximation to the gradient
210 * along da and db.
212 do 40 i = 1, n
213 da(i) = x(i) + dx*da(i)
214 40 continue
215 f1 = f
216 if (n .ne. 1) call m6fobj( 0, n, f1, g2, da, z, nwcore )
217 if (ierr .ne. 0) go to 900
218 v1 = (f1 - f)/dx
220 do 50 i = 1, n
221 db(i) = x(i) + dx*db(i)
222 50 continue
223 call m6fobj( 0, n, f2, g2, db, z, nwcore )
224 if (ierr .ne. 0) go to 900
225 v2 = (f2 - f)/dx
227 * c1 and c2 are the differences between approximated and
228 * programmed gradient projected along da and db respectively.
230 c1 = v1 - w1
231 c2 = v2 - w2
233 * Set an error indicator if c1 or c2 is too large.
235 ifail = 0
236 if (c1*c1 .ge. dx*(w1*w1 + one) .or.
237 $ c2*c2 .ge. dx*(w2*w2 + one)) ifail = 2
239 if (ifail .eq. 0) then
240 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1400)
241 else
242 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1500)
243 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 1500)
244 end if
245 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1600) w1,w2,v1,v2
246 end if
248 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
249 * Check each component by differencing along
250 * the coordinate directions.
251 * Don't bother printing a line if it looks like an exact zero.
252 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
254 if (cheap) go to 900
255 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 2000)
256 top = (one + abs( f ))*eps2
257 emax = - one
258 jmax = 0
259 nwrong = 0
260 ngood = 0
262 do 200 j = j1, j2
263 xj = x(j)
264 gj = g(j)
265 if (gj .eq. gdummy) go to 200
266 gabs = one + abs( gj )
267 dx = top / gabs
268 x(j) = xj + dx
269 call m6fobj( 0, n, fforwd, g2, x, z, nwcore )
270 if (ierr .ne. 0) go to 900
272 gdiff = (fforwd - f) / dx
273 err = abs( gdiff - gj ) / gabs
275 if (emax .lt. err) then
276 emax = err
277 jmax = j
278 end if
280 key = lgood
281 if (err .gt. eps5) key = lbad
282 if (key .eq. lbad) nwrong = nwrong + 1
283 if (key .eq.lgood) ngood = ngood + 1
284 if (abs( gj ) + err .gt. eps0) then
285 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 2100) j,xj,dx,gj,gdiff,key
286 end if
287 x(j) = xj
288 200 continue
290 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
291 if (nwrong .eq. 0) then
292 write(iprint, 2500) ngood ,j1,j2
293 else
294 write(iprint, 2600) nwrong,j1,j2
295 end if
296 write(iprint, 2700) emax,jmax
297 end if
298 if (emax .lt. one) go to 900
300 * Bad gradients in funobj.
302 ierr = 7
303 call m1envt( 1 )
304 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 3700)
305 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 3700)
307 * Exit.
309 900 lscale = lssave
310 return
312 1000 format(/// ' Verification of objective gradients',
313 $ ' returned by subroutine funobj.')
314 1100 format(/ ' Cheap test on funobj...')
315 1200 format(/ ' XXX Can''t find a feasible step -',
316 $ ' objective gradients not verified.')
317 1400 format( ' The objective gradients seem to be OK.')
318 1500 format( ' XXX The objective gradients seem to be incorrect.')
319 1600 format( ' Gradient projected in two directions', 1p, 2e20.11,
320 $ / ' Difference approximations ', 2e20.11)
321 2000 format(// 6x, 'j', 7x, 'x(j)', 8x, 'dx(j)',
322 $ 11x, 'g(j)', 9x, 'Difference approxn' /)
323 2100 format(i7, 1p, e16.8, e10.2, 2e18.8, 2x, a4)
324 2500 format(/ i7, ' objective gradients out of', i6, ' thru', i6,
325 $ ' seem to be OK.')
326 2600 format(/ ' XXX There seem to be', i6,
327 $ ' incorrect objective gradients in cols', i6, ' thru', i6)
328 2700 format(/ ' XXX The largest relative error was', 1p, e12.2,
329 $ ' in column', i6 /)
330 3700 format(// ' EXIT -- subroutine funobj appears to be',
331 $ ' giving incorrect gradients')
333 * end of m7chkg
334 end
336 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
338 subroutine m7chzq( m, nb, ms, ns, Rset, jq, pivot,
339 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
340 $ kb, bl, bu, x, y, z, nwcore )
342 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
343 logical Rset
344 integer*4 ha(ne)
345 integer ka(ne), kb(ms)
346 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb), x(ms), y(ms), z(nwcore)
348 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
349 * m7chzq selects a superbasic to replace the jp-th basic variable.
350 * On entry, y(1:m) contains the jp-th row of B(inverse).
351 * On exit, if Rset is true, y(S) = y(m1:ms) holds the vector v
352 * needed by m6bswp to update R following a basis change.
353 *
354 * 29 Nov 1991: qnewtn changed to Rset (should fix a bug).
355 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
357 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
358 common /m5tols/ toldj(3),tolx,tolpiv,tolrow,rowerr,xnorm
360 intrinsic abs, min
361 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0 )
363 * Set y(S) = 0 - S(t)*y. Beware of the minus sign when using y(S).
365 m1 = m + 1
366 call dload ( ns, zero, y(m1), 1 )
367 call m2aprd( 4, y, m, y(m1), ns,
368 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
369 $ z, nwcore )
370 jq = m + idamax( ns, y(m1), 1 )
371 pivot = abs( y(jq) )
373 * Exit if the pivot is too small.
375 if (pivot .lt. tolpiv) then
376 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
377 write(iprint, '(/ a, 1p, e11.1)')
378 $ ' XXX m7chzq. Max pivot is too small:', pivot
379 end if
380 jq = - ms
381 else
383 * Choose one away from its bounds if possible.
385 tol = 0.1*pivot
386 dmax = - one
388 do 200 k = m1, ms
389 if (abs( y(k) ) .ge. tol) then
390 j = kb(k)
391 xj = x(k)
392 d1 = xj - bl(j)
393 d2 = bu(j) - xj
394 d1 = min( abs( d1 ), abs( d2 ) )
395 if (dmax .le. d1) then
396 dmax = d1
397 jq = k
398 end if
399 end if
400 200 continue
402 pivot = - y(jq)
404 * Finish computing v, the vector needed to modify R.
406 if ( Rset ) then
407 y(jq) = - (one + pivot)
408 call dscal ( ns, (one/pivot), y(m1), 1 )
409 end if
410 end if
412 * end of m7chzq
413 end
415 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
417 subroutine m7fixb( m, maxr, ms, n, nb, nr, ns, nx, inform,
418 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
419 $ hs, kb, bl, bu, bbl, bbu,
420 $ r, x, y, y2, z, nwcore )
422 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
423 integer*4 ha(ne), hs(nb)
424 integer ka(ne), kb(ms)
425 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb), bbl(ms), bbu(ms)
426 double precision r(nr), x(ms), y(ms), y2(nx), z(nwcore)
428 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
429 * m7fixb looks to see if the current basis B is ill-conditioned.
430 * We assume that the factorization B = L*U has just been computed.
431 * If the smallest diagonal of U seems too small, a superbasic is
432 * chosen to be swapped with the corresponding column of B.
433 * The reduced Hessian R is updated accordingly.
434 *
435 * On exit,
436 * inform = 0 means no error condition.
437 * inform = 5 means the LU update failed.
438 *
439 * 15 Mar 1992: First version, derived from bits of m7chzq, m7rgit.
440 * 18 Mar 1992: If we call m7fixb only after m2bfac, we don't need
441 * to make it update grd, pi and rg.
442 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
444 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
445 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
446 common /m2lu4 / parmlu(30),luparm(30)
447 common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30)
448 common /m5log3/ djq,theta,pivot,cond,nonopt,jp,jq,modr1,modr2
449 common /m5lp2 / invrq,invitn,invmod
451 logical Rset, swap
452 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0 )
454 * LUSOL gives umax = the largest element of U,
455 * dumin = the smallest diagonal of U,
456 * and jumin = the corresponding column of B.
458 inform = 0
459 umax = parmlu(12)
460 dumin = parmlu(14)
461 jumin = luparm(19)
463 * Since modifying B is an expensive operation,
464 * we don't do anything if dumin seems reasonably large.
465 * The SPECS file gives swaptl = Swap tolerance = eps4 by default.
466 * NOTE: If B has rank 0, dumin = umax = 0.
467 * If B has rank 1, dumin = umax.
468 * Hence we need both relative and absolute tests.
470 swaptl = dparm(8)
471 if (dumin .gt. swaptl * (umax + one)) return
473 * U looks ill-conditioned. We want to replace the jumin-th column.
474 * Use jp = jumin for brevity, and for the final call to m2bsol.
476 inform = 1
477 jp = jumin
478 Rset = r(1) .ne. zero
479 m1 = m + 1
480 nz1 = min( ns, maxr )
482 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
483 * Solve B(t)*y = e(jp).
484 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
485 call dload ( m, zero, y2, 1 )
486 y2(jp) = one
487 call m2bsol( 3, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
489 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
490 * Use y to "price" the superbasics.
491 * For each column of S, y(S) returns (minus) the pivot element
492 * that would arise if that column replaced the jumin-th basic.
493 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
495 * Set y(S) = 0 - S(t)*y. Beware of the minus sign when using y(S).
497 call dload ( ns, zero, y(m1), 1 )
498 call m2aprd( 4, y, m, y(m1), ns,
499 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
500 $ z, nwcore )
501 kq = idamax( ns, y(m1), 1 )
502 jq = m + kq
503 pivot = - y(jq)
505 * Continue if pivot is noticeably larger than dumin.
506 * It is not clear that this the best test, but it will do for now.
508 cond0 = cond
509 dtol = 2.0d+0
510 swap = abs( pivot ) .ge. dtol*dumin
512 if ( swap ) then
513 if (Rset .and. kq .le. maxr) then
515 * Finish computing v, the vector needed to modify R.
516 * v is stored in y(S) for use in m6bswp.
518 y(jq) = - (one + pivot)
519 call dscal ( ns, (one/pivot), y(m1), 1 )
521 * Modify R to account for the change in basis.
522 * y2 is workspace.
523 * Get cond(R) before and after to see how we're doing.
525 call m6rcnd( maxr, nr, ns, r, dmax, dmin, cond0 )
526 call m6bswp( nz1, nr, r, y2, y(m1), kq,
527 $ eps0, eps2, modr2 )
528 call m6rcnd( maxr, nr, ns, r, dmax, dmin, cond )
530 * We may want to cancel the swap if the new R
531 * seems a lot worse than before.
532 * At present we don't know enough about it, so let it go.
534 worse = 1.0d+3
535 if (cond .gt. worse*cond0) then
536 *--- swap = .false.
537 end if
539 * If cond is now pretty bad, set R = I.
540 * (Alternatively we could set swap = .false.
541 * and restore the old R by calling m6bswp.)
543 if (cond .ge. one/eps1) then
544 r(1) = zero
545 call m6rset( maxr, nr, ns, r, cond )
546 end if
547 end if
549 * Swap columns jp and jq of (B S).
551 if ( swap ) then
552 jr1 = kb(jp)
553 jq1 = kb(jq)
554 kb(jp) = jq1
555 kb(jq) = jr1
556 hs(jq1) = 3
557 hs(jr1) = 2
559 if (iprint .gt. 0)
560 $ write(iprint, 1000) jr1, jq1, dumin, pivot, cond0, cond
561 if (isumm .gt. 0)
562 $ write(isumm , 1000) jr1, jq1, dumin, pivot, cond0, cond
564 t = bbl(jp)
565 bbl(jp) = bbl(jq)
566 bbl(jq) = t
568 t = bbu(jp)
569 bbu(jp) = bbu(jq)
570 bbu(jq) = t
572 t = x(jp)
573 x(jp) = x(jq)
574 x(jq) = t
576 * Set y2 for modifying L and U. L*y2 = a(jq1).
577 * Then modify L and U, using jp in /m5log3/.
579 call m2unpk( jq1, m, n, ne, nka, a, ha, ka, y2 )
580 call m2bsol( 1, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
581 call m2bsol( 4, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
582 if (invrq .ne. 0) inform = 5
583 end if
584 end if
586 return
588 1000 format(1p, ' Swap', 2i6, ' Diag, pivot =', 2e9.1,
589 $ ' cond(R) =', 2e9.1)
591 * end of m7fixb
592 end
594 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
596 subroutine m7rg ( m, ms, ns, grd, pi, rg, rgnorm,
597 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
598 $ z, nwcore )
600 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
601 integer*4 ha(ne)
602 integer ka(nka)
603 double precision a(ne), grd(ms), pi(m), rg(ns), z(nwcore)
605 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
606 * m7rg calculates the reduced gradient rg = g(S) - S(t)*pi.
607 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
609 intrinsic abs, min
610 external idamax
612 call dcopy ( ns, grd(m+1), 1, rg, 1 )
613 call m2aprd( 4, pi, m, rg, ns,
614 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
615 $ z, nwcore )
616 kmax = idamax( ns, rg, 1 )
617 rgnorm = abs( rg(kmax) )
619 * end of m7rg
620 end
622 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
624 subroutine m7rgit( m, maxr, maxs, mbs, n, nb, incres,
625 $ nn, nn0, nr, ns, nx, inform, nxtphs,
626 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
627 $ hrtype, hs, kb, bl, bu, bbl, bbu,
628 $ fsub, gsub, grd, grd2,
629 $ pi, r, rg, rg2, x, xn, y, y2, z, nwcore )
631 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
632 logical incres
633 integer*4 ha(ne), hrtype(mbs), hs(nb)
634 integer ka(nka), kb(mbs)
635 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb), bbl(mbs), bbu(mbs),
636 $ gsub(nn0), grd(mbs), grd2(mbs),
637 $ pi(m), r(nr), rg(maxs), rg2(maxs),
638 $ x(mbs), xn(nb), y(nx), y2(nx), z(nwcore)
640 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
641 * m7rgit performs an iteration of the reduced-gradient algorithm.
642 *
643 * incres in Phase 3 says if the new variable should increase or not.
644 * It is used only in linear mode when m5pric is moving free
645 * nonbasics toward their closest bound (and djq = zero).
646 *
647 * Rset says if a useful quasi-newton r exists.
648 * It will be false if a feasible point has not yet been
649 * found.
650 * Note that Rset could be true even if the current itn
651 * is infeasible. This allows r to be updated in
652 * certain ways during temporary loss of feasibility.
653 *
654 * qnewtn in this version (Jan 1983) is the same as nonlin.
655 *
656 * parhes is true if r is not big enough to store a full
657 * quasi-newton estimate of the projected hessian.
658 * The null space is then z = ( z1 z2 ), and r estimates
659 * the Hessian only in the subspace z1. A diagonal estimate
660 * is used (also in r) for the subspace z2.
661 *
662 * fullz is true if the search direction for the superbasics is
663 * computed using all of the reduced gradients. Otherwise,
664 * the components corresponding to z2 are zero.
665 *
666 * grd2 is not used in this version (Aug 1986).
667 *
668 * xx Sep 1987: Anti-degeneracy m5chzr incorporated.
669 * 29 Sep 1991: a, ha, ka etc. passed in. Argument list altered.
670 * 04 Oct 1991: switch and difint added as arguments to m6srch.
671 * 08 Apr 1992: hs(*) now has internal values. We have to be more
672 * careful in setting jrstat, the state of a blocking
673 * variable.
674 * 15 Apr 1992: incres added as input parameter for linear Phase 3
675 * when djq = 0.
676 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
678 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
679 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
680 common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30)
681 common /m5loc / lpi ,lpi2 ,lw ,lw2 ,
682 $ lx ,lx2 ,ly ,ly2 ,
683 $ lgsub ,lgsub2,lgrd ,lgrd2 ,
684 $ lr ,lrg ,lrg2 ,lxn
685 common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj
686 common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint
687 common /m5log2/ jq1,jq2,jr1,jr2,lines1,lines2
688 common /m5log3/ djq,theta,pivot,cond,nonopt,jp,jq,modr1,modr2
689 logical prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed
690 common /m5log4/ prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed
691 common /m5lp1 / itn,itnlim,nphs,kmodlu,kmodpi
692 common /m5lp2 / invrq,invitn,invmod
693 common /m5prc / nparpr,nmulpr,kprc,newsb
694 common /m5tols/ toldj(3),tolx,tolpiv,tolrow,rowerr,xnorm
695 common /m7len / fobj ,fobj2 ,nnobj ,nnobj0
696 logical conv
697 common /m7conv/ etash,etarg,lvltol,nfail,conv(4)
698 common /m7phes/ rgmin1,rgnrm1,rgnrm2,jz1,jz2,labz,nfullz,mfullz
699 common /m7tols/ xtol(2),ftol(2),gtol(2),pinorm,rgnorm,tolrg
700 common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac
701 common /m8diff/ difint(2),gdummy,lderiv,lvldif,knowng(2)
702 common /m8save/ vimax ,virel ,maxvi ,majits,minits,nssave
703 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
705 intrinsic abs, max, min, sqrt
707 logical feasbl, infsbl, linear, nonlin,
708 $ fullz , parhes, qnewtn, Rset ,
709 $ debug , fonly , grdcon, grdobj,
710 $ hitlow, move , onbnd , switch, unbndd,
711 $ unbddf, unbddx, uncon , vertex
713 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0,
714 $ point1 = 0.1d+0, point9 = 0.9d+0 )
716 character*19 msg(4:8)
717 data msg/'max step too small.',
718 $ 'step too small. ',
719 $ 'no minimizer. ',
720 $ 'too many functions.',
721 $ 'uphill direction. '/
723 inform = 0
724 m1 = m + 1
725 tolz = eps0
726 feasbl = ninf .eq. 0
727 infsbl = .not. feasbl
728 linear = infsbl .or. nn .eq. 0
729 nonlin = .not. linear
730 qnewtn = nonlin
731 Rset = r(1) .ne. zero
732 unbndd = .false.
733 bplus = point1 * plinfy
734 toobig = sqrt(plinfy)
735 oldfx = fsub
736 if ( qnewtn ) then
737 if (.not. Rset) then
738 call m6rset( maxr, nr, ns, r, cond )
739 Rset = .true.
740 end if
741 end if
743 if (nphs .eq. 3) then
744 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
745 * Phase 3. First, make sure we dont want to stay in Phase 4.
746 * Since price can select nonbasics floating free between their
747 * bounds with zero reduced cost, we have to check that dqj is
748 * not zero.
749 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
750 if (linear) then
751 if (djq .eq. zero) then
752 djq = one
753 if (incres) djq = - one
754 rg(ns+1) = djq
755 end if
756 end if
758 jq2 = jq
759 djqmod = abs( djq )
760 ratio = rgnorm / djqmod
762 if ( linear ) go to 100
763 if (ns .eq. 0 ) go to 100
764 if (nfail .gt. 0 ) go to 100
765 if (ratio .le. point9 ) go to 100
766 if (rgnorm .le. gtol(2)*pinorm) go to 100
768 tolrg = point9 * rgnorm
769 jq2 = -jq
770 nphs = 4
771 go to 200
773 * Add the superbasics selected during pricing.
774 * The last newsb entries in kb and rg have been set by m5pric.
776 100 nfullz = 0
777 jqstat = hs(jq)
778 rgnorm = max( rgnorm, djqmod )
779 tolrg = etarg * djqmod
781 * NOTE. The above line sets the level to which rgnorm
782 * must be reduced in the current subspace (Phase 4)
783 * before we consider moving off another constraint (Phase 3).
784 * etarg between (0, 1) is set by the user at his/her own peril.
785 * It is the Subspace tolerance in the SPECS file.
787 do 130 j = 1, newsb
788 ns = ns + 1
789 ms = m + ns
790 kq = kb(ms)
791 hs(kq) = 2
792 grd(ms) = zero
793 if (kq .le. nn .and. feasbl) grd(ms) = gsub(kq)
794 hrtype(ms) = 0
795 bbl(ms) = bl(kq)
796 bbu(ms) = bu(kq)
797 x(ms) = xn(kq)
798 if (Rset) call m6radd( maxr, nr, ns, r )
799 130 continue
801 else
802 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
803 * Phase 4. Exit if rgnorm is already very small.
804 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
805 if (rgnorm .le. point1 * toldj(3) * pinorm) go to 910
806 end if
809 * ==================================================================
810 * Get a search direction ys for the superbasics (in y(m1)...y(ms))
811 * and then a search direction y for the basics.
812 * ==================================================================
813 200 ms = m + ns
814 nssave = ns
815 vertex = ns .eq. 1
816 fullz = .true.
817 parhes = nonlin .and. ns .gt. maxr
818 nz1 = ns
819 if (parhes) nz1 = maxr
820 nz2 = ns - maxr
821 lastr = maxr*(maxr+1)/2
823 * Compute the search direction for the superbasics.
824 * rg2 is used for the search direction, but it is promptly
825 * copied into y(m1) below.
826 * If r is being updated, m7sdir saves w such that R(t)*w = rg.
827 * w is used later by m6bfgs.
829 mode = 0
830 if (nonlin) mode = 1
831 call m7sdir( mode, maxr, nr, ns, r, rg, rg2, z(lw), z, nwcore )
832 call dcopy ( ns, rg2, 1, y(m1), 1 )
834 if ( parhes ) then
836 * Partial Hessian. Let all superbasics move for the first
837 * mfullz iterations, but then move only the first set.
839 mfullz = 3
840 nfullz = nfullz + 1
841 if (nfullz .gt. mfullz) then
842 fullz = .false.
843 labz = 2
844 j = m1 + maxr
845 call dload ( nz2, zero, y(j), 1 )
846 end if
847 end if
849 * ==================================================================
850 * The search direction for the superbasics, ys, is now in
851 * y(m+1), ..., y(m+ns).
852 * Find norms of xs and ys.
853 * ==================================================================
854 xsnrm1 = dasum( nz1, x(m1), 1 )
855 ysnrm1 = dasum( nz1, y(m1), 1 )
856 if (parhes) then
857 xsnrm2 = dasum( nz2, x(m1+maxr), 1 )
858 ysnrm2 = dasum( nz2, y(m1+maxr), 1 )
859 else
860 xsnrm2 = zero
861 ysnrm2 = zero
862 end if
863 xsnorm = xsnrm1 + xsnrm2
864 ysnorm = ysnrm1 + ysnrm2
866 * Compute y2 = - S*ys and prepare to solve B*y = y2
867 * to get y, the search direction for the basics.
868 * We first normalize y2 so the LU solver won't ignore
869 * too many "small" elements while computing y.
871 call dscal ( ns, (one / ysnorm), y(m1), 1 )
872 call dload ( m, zero, y2, 1 )
873 call m2aprd( 2, y(m1), ns, y2, m,
874 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
875 $ z, nwcore )
877 * Solve B*y = y2 and then unnormalize all of y.
879 call m2bsol( 2, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
880 call dscal ( ms, ysnorm, y, 1 )
881 ynorm = dasum( m, y, 1 ) + ysnorm
882 xnorm = dasum( m, x, 1 ) + xsnorm
884 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
885 * Find the nearest constraint in direction x + theta*y (theta>=0).
886 * With the present version of m5chzr (Sep 1987), theta is always
887 * positive.
888 * Exact is the step that takes x(jp) exactly onto bound.
889 * It may be positive or slightly negative. (Not defined if unbndd.)
890 *
891 * For the linesearch, theta becomes stepmx, the largest
892 * step that the linesearch is allowed to take.
893 *
894 * If exact is positive, or if we are at a vertex, we do a linesearch
895 * to find a new step theta in the range 0 lt theta le stepmx.
896 * Sometimes, this interval may be too small for the search to be
897 * successful. One thing to remember is that increasing the
898 * feasibility tolerance has the effect of increasing stepmx,
899 * and therefore increasing the chance of a successful search.
900 *
901 * If exact isn't positive and we are not at a vertex, we change
902 * theta and stepmx to zero and don't move.
903 *
904 * If onbnd is true, theta is a step that reaches a bound exactly.
905 * x(jp) reaches the value bound. If the linesearch says to
906 * take a constrained step, bound is used to put the new nonbasic
907 * variable xn(jr) exactly on its bound.
908 *
909 * If unbndd is true, theta = stepmx.
910 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
912 *xxx stepmn = eps1 / (one + ynorm) > 9 mar 1988: these are wrong if
913 *xxx stepmx = 1.0d+12 / (one + ynorm) > ynorm is small (john stone).
914 stepmx = 1.0d+12 / ynorm
915 tolp = tolpiv * ynorm
917 call m5chzr( ms , stepmx, plinfy, tolp ,
918 $ hrtype, bbl , bbu , x , y,
919 $ hitlow, move , onbnd , unbndd,
920 $ jp , bound , exact , theta )
922 if (.not. unbndd) then
923 pivot = - y(jp)
924 stepmx = theta
925 jr = kb(jp)
926 end if
928 if (unbndd .or. vertex .or. exact .gt. zero) then
929 * ===============================================================
930 * A move looks possible.
931 * If linear, do a normal update to x and skip the linesearch.
932 * ===============================================================
933 if ( linear ) then
934 if ( unbndd ) go to 955
935 call daxpy ( ms, theta, y, 1, x, 1 )
936 call m5bsx ( 1, ms, nb, kb, x, xn )
937 go to 500
938 end if
939 else
940 * ===============================================================
941 * Zero step.
942 * The blocking variable x(jp) is currently on its bound or
943 * slightly infeasible. We shall make it nonbasic and not move.
944 * The iteration proceeds as a constrained step with theta = zero
945 * and again we skip the linesearch.
946 *
947 * NOTE: If it is Phase 3 and the blocking variable is the one
948 * we have just brought in, we would have to go back and try again
949 * without it, to avoid "Cycling in Phase 3".
950 * However, since r is expanded with a unit vector,
951 * cycling of this kind can never happen. Hence, we no longer
952 * guard against it.
953 * ===============================================================
954 theta = zero
955 stepmx = zero
956 onbnd = .false.
957 go to 500
958 end if
960 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
961 * Perform a linesearch to find a downhill point (x = x + theta*y).
962 * switch tells m6srch whether there is an option to switch to
963 * central differences to get a better search direction.
964 *
965 * m6srch returns the following values:
966 *
967 * inform =-1 (and ierr = 6) if the user wants to stop.
968 * inform = 1 if the search is successful and theta < stepmx.
969 * = 2 if the search is successful and theta = stepmx.
970 * = 3 if a better point was found but too many functions
971 * were needed (not sufficient decrease).
972 * = 4 if stepmx < tolabs (too small to do a search).
973 * = 5 if theta < alfsml (srchq only -- maybe want to switch
974 * to central differences to get a better direction).
975 * = 6 if the search found that there is no useful step.
976 * The interval of uncertainty is less than 2*tolabs.
977 * The minimizer is very close to theta = zero
978 * or the gradients are not sufficiently accurate.
979 * = 7 if there were too many function calls.
980 * = 8 if the input parameters were bad
981 * (stepmx le toltny or uphill).
982 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
983 debug = itn .ge. iparm(2)
984 grdcon = nncon .eq. 0 .or. lderiv .ge. 2
985 grdobj = nnobj .eq. 0 .or. lderiv .eq. 1 .or. lderiv .eq. 3
986 fonly = .not. (grdcon .and. grdobj)
987 switch = lvldif .eq. 1
988 $ .and.
989 $ ((.not. grdobj .and. knowng(1) .lt. nnobj) .or.
990 $ (.not. grdcon .and. knowng(2) .lt. njac ) )
992 epsrf = dparm(3)
993 damp = dparm(6) * (one + xnorm) / ynorm
994 theta = min( one, damp )
996 call m6srch( ms, ns, n, nb, nn, itn, inform,
997 $ debug, fonly, switch,
998 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
999 $ theta, stepmx, difint(1), eps , epsrf, etash,
1000 $ fsub , rgnorm, ynorm, xnorm,
1001 $ gsub , grd, y, x, y2, xn, z, nwcore )
1003 if (inform .lt. 0) return
1004 if (inform .le. 3) go to 500
1006 if (inform .eq. 4) then
1007 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1008 * The linesearch says stepmx is too small.
1009 * (Function precision affects when this happens.)
1010 *
1011 * If m5chzr set move false, stepmx is very small and we probably
1012 * should not have attempted the linesearch. Rather than taking a
1013 * zero step (which might lead to cycling if vertex is true) we
1014 * force a step of stepmx regardless of the effect on the
1015 * objective. The step will be constrained.
1016 * onbnd has the correct value.
1017 *
1018 * Otherwise, we treat it as a linesearch failure
1019 * and try for a better direction, possibly with more superbasics.
1020 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1021 if ( unbndd ) go to 440
1022 if ( move ) go to 440
1024 theta = stepmx
1025 modefg = 2
1026 call daxpy ( ms, theta, y, 1, x, 1 )
1027 call m6fun ( 0, modefg, n, nb, ms, fsub,
1028 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1029 $ x, xn, z, nwcore )
1030 call m6fun ( 1, modefg, n, nb, ms, fsub,
1031 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1032 $ x, xn, z, nwcore )
1033 if (ierr .ne. 0) return
1035 call m6grd ( ms, nb, nn, gsub, grd,
1036 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1037 $ xn, z, nwcore )
1038 t = stepmx * ynorm
1039 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1075) t
1040 go to 500
1041 end if
1043 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 * See if we should switch to central differences.
1045 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1046 if (inform .eq. 5) then
1047 if (switch .and. lvltol .eq. 2) go to 920
1048 end if
1050 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1051 * Trouble -- no function decrease.
1052 * Try resetting the Hessian, deleting constraints,
1053 * and finally refactorizing the basis.
1054 * Give up after 8 consecutive failures.
1055 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1056 440 if (inform .ge. 4) then
1057 if (iprint .gt. 0)
1058 $ write(iprint, 1050) inform, msg(inform), itn, rgnorm
1059 if (isumm .gt. 0)
1060 $ write(isumm , 1050) inform, msg(inform), itn, rgnorm
1061 end if
1062 if (inform .eq. 5 .and. nfail .lt. 1) nfail = 1
1063 inform = 0
1065 * This is the top of the loop through various recovery procedures.
1067 450 nfail = nfail + 1
1068 if ( prnt1 ) write(iprint, 1090) nfail
1070 if (nfail .eq. 1) then
1071 if ( qnewtn .and. cond .ge. one/eps1 ) then
1072 call m6rset( maxr, nr, ns, r, cond )
1073 go to 200
1074 end if
1076 else if (nfail .eq. 2) then
1078 * Switch to central differences if we have not yet done so
1079 * and if we're trying to minimize accurately.
1081 if (switch .and. lvltol .eq. 2) go to 920
1083 else if (nfail .le. 5) then
1085 * Ask for price (up to 3 times) if rgnorm is not too big.
1087 if (nfail .ge. 5 .and. nonopt .eq. 0) go to 475
1088 if (ns .ge. maxs ) go to 475
1089 t = 10.0
1090 if (lvltol .eq. 2) t = one
1091 if (rgnorm .gt. t * pinorm ) go to 475
1092 go to 910
1094 475 nfail = 5
1096 else if (nfail .eq. 6) then
1098 * Switch to central differences even if we're not trying to
1099 * minimize accurately.
1101 if (switch .and. lvltol .eq. 1) go to 920
1103 else if (nfail .eq. 7) then
1105 * Request refactorization of the basis (inform = 5).
1107 if (invitn .gt. 0) go to 925
1109 else if (nfail .eq. 8) then
1111 * Request a change of basis as a last resort (inform = 6).
1113 go to 930
1114 end if
1116 if (nfail .lt. 8) go to 450
1118 * Can't think what to do now other than stop.
1120 if (ns .eq. maxs) go to 960
1121 ierr = 9
1122 return
1124 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1125 * We got past the linesearch (or didn't have to do one).
1126 * See if the step is unbounded, unconstrained, zero, or otherwise.
1127 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1128 500 inform = 0
1129 unbddf = abs( fsub ) .ge. dparm(1)
1130 unbddx = theta*ynorm .ge. dparm(2)
1131 unbndd = unbddf .or. unbddx
1132 uncon = nonlin .and. theta .lt. stepmx
1133 if (unbndd) go to 950
1135 * ==================================================================
1136 * Get the new reduced gradient rg2.
1137 * ==================================================================
1138 modr1 = 0
1139 modr2 = 0
1140 if (linear .or. theta .eq. zero) then
1141 call dcopy ( ns, rg, 1, rg2, 1 )
1142 else
1143 call dcopy ( m, grd, 1, y, 1 )
1144 call m5setp( 1, m, y, pi, z, nwcore )
1145 call m7rg ( m, ms, ns, grd, pi, rg2, rgnorm,
1146 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1147 $ z, nwcore )
1149 * Update the reduced Hessian.
1151 if (qnewtn) then
1152 nsmove = ns
1153 if (parhes .and. .not. fullz) nsmove = maxr
1154 call m6bfgs( maxr, nsmove, nr, r, rg, rg2, y(m1), z(lw),
1155 $ theta, eps2, eps0, modr1 )
1156 end if
1157 end if
1159 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1160 * Update the active constraint set if necessary, and modify R,
1161 * the Cholesky factorization of the approximate reduced Hessian.
1162 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1163 if ( uncon ) then
1164 * ===============================================================
1165 * The step is unconstrained.
1166 * ===============================================================
1167 pivot = zero
1168 kmodlu = 0
1169 call dcopy ( ns, rg2, 1, rg, 1 )
1171 else
1172 if (jp .eq. 0) go to 955
1174 * ===============================================================
1175 * There is a blocking variable.
1176 * It could be a fixed variable, whose new state must be 4.
1177 * ===============================================================
1178 if (bbl(jp) .eq. bbu(jp)) then
1179 jrstat = 4
1180 else if (hitlow) then
1181 jrstat = 0
1182 else
1183 jrstat = 1
1184 end if
1185 if ( onbnd ) xn(jr) = bound
1187 if (jp .le. m) then
1188 * ============================================================
1189 * A variable in B hit a bound.
1190 * Find a column in S to replace it.
1191 * ============================================================
1193 * Solve B(t)*y = e(jp).
1195 call dload ( m, zero, y2, 1 )
1196 y2(jp) = one
1197 call m2bsol( 3, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
1199 * Select a superbasic to become basic.
1200 * If Rset is true, y(S) is returned for use in m6bswp.
1202 call m7chzq( m, nb, ms, ns, Rset, jq, pivot,
1203 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1204 $ kb, bl, bu, x, y, z, nwcore )
1206 if (jq .le. 0) go to 940
1207 hs(jr) = jrstat
1208 jr1 = jr
1209 jr2 = kb(jq)
1210 jq1 = jr2
1211 kb(jp) = jr2
1212 bbl(jp) = bbl(jq)
1213 bbu(jp) = bbu(jq)
1214 grd(jp) = grd(jq)
1215 x(jp) = x(jq)
1216 kq = jq - m
1218 * Modify R to account for the change in basis.
1219 * y2 is workspace.
1221 if (Rset .and. ns .gt. 1 .and. kq .le. maxr) then
1222 call m6bswp( nz1, nr, r, y2, y(m1), kq,
1223 $ eps0, eps2, modr2 )
1224 end if
1226 * Modify pi using y where B(t)*y = e(jp).
1228 t = rg2(kq) / pivot
1229 call daxpy ( m, t, y, 1, pi, 1 )
1230 pinorm = dnorm1( m, pi, 1 )
1231 pinorm = max( pinorm, one )
1233 * Set y2 for modifying L and U.
1235 hs(jq1) = 3
1236 call m2unpk( jq1, m, n, ne, nka, a, ha, ka, y2 )
1237 call m2bsol( 1, m, y2, y, z, nwcore )
1239 else
1240 * ============================================================
1241 * A variable in S hit a bound.
1242 * ============================================================
1243 hs(jr) = jrstat
1244 jr2 = jr
1245 kmodlu = 0
1246 kq = jp - m
1247 end if
1249 * ===============================================================
1250 * If necessary, swap the largest reduced-gradient in Z2 into
1251 * the front of Z2, so it will end up in the end of Z1.
1252 * ===============================================================
1253 call m7rg ( m, ms, ns, grd, pi, rg, rgnorm,
1254 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
1255 $ z, nwcore )
1257 rgdel = abs( rg(kq) )
1258 if ( parhes .and. kq .le. maxr ) then
1259 call m6swap( m, maxr, nr, ns, ms, kb, bbl, bbu,
1260 $ grd, r, rg, x )
1261 end if
1263 * Delete the kq-th superbasic, updating R if it exists.
1265 call m6rdel( m, maxr, nr, ns, ms, kb, bbl, bbu,
1266 $ grd, r, rg, x, kq, Rset )
1267 ns = ns - 1
1268 ms = m + ns
1269 nssave = ns
1270 nfullz = 0
1272 if (rgnorm .le. rgdel) then
1273 rgnorm = zero
1274 if (ns .gt. 0 ) then
1275 imax = idamax( ns, rg, 1 )
1276 rgnorm = abs( rg(imax) )
1277 end if
1278 end if
1279 end if
1281 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1282 * Estimate the condition of R(t)*R using the diagonals of R.
1283 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1284 if ( Rset .and. ns .gt. 0 ) then
1285 call m6rcnd( maxr, nr, ns, r, dmax, dmin, cond )
1287 if (infsbl) then
1288 * Infeasible. If cond is pretty big, throw R away.
1290 if (cond .ge. one/eps2) r(1) = zero
1291 else
1292 * Feasible.
1293 * If cond is hoplessly big, try a basis change.
1294 * If cond is big but not quite that big, try modifying it.
1296 if (cond .ge. one/eps0) go to 930
1297 if (cond .ge. one/eps1) call m6rset( maxr, nr, ns, r, cond )
1298 end if
1299 end if
1301 * ==================================================================
1302 * Test for convergence in the current subspace.
1303 * ==================================================================
1304 nfail = 0
1305 parhes = nonlin .and. ns .gt. maxr
1306 call m7sscv( m, maxr, maxs, ms, nr, ns, parhes, nxtphs,
1307 $ fsub, oldfx, theta, xsnorm, xsnrm1, ysnorm, ysnrm1,
1308 $ kb, bbl, bbu, grd, r, rg, x )
1310 * If no room for more superbasics, try to stay in phase 4.
1312 if (nxtphs .eq. 3 .and. ns .eq. maxs) nxtphs = 4
1313 go to 990
1315 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1316 * Various exits.
1317 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1319 * rgnorm is small -- return to Phase 3.
1321 910 nphs = 3
1322 inform = 1
1323 return
1325 * ==================================================================
1326 * Switch to central differences.
1327 * (Reset ninf to cause m5frmc to set dummy gradients.)
1328 * ==================================================================
1329 920 lvldif = 2
1330 nfail = 0
1331 ninf = 1
1332 inform = 4
1333 if (prnt1) write(iprint, 1040)
1334 return
1336 * ==================================================================
1337 * Request a basis factorization.
1338 * ==================================================================
1339 925 invrq = 22
1340 inform = 5
1341 return
1343 * ==================================================================
1344 * Request a change of basis via m7fixb.
1345 * ==================================================================
1346 930 invrq = 23
1347 inform = 6
1348 return
1350 * ==================================================================
1351 * m7chzq failed.
1352 * ==================================================================
1353 940 nfail = nfail + 1
1354 if (nfail .lt. 5) then
1356 * Treat as an unconstrained step. Then ask for price.
1358 jr1 = - jr1
1359 kmodlu = 0
1360 kmodpi = 0
1361 nxtphs = 3
1362 go to 990
1363 else
1365 * Fail.
1367 call m1page( 2 )
1368 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1200)
1369 ierr = 11
1370 return
1371 end if
1373 * ==================================================================
1374 * Unbounded.
1375 * ==================================================================
1376 950 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
1377 if (unbddf) write(iprint, 2000) fsub
1378 if (unbddx) write(iprint, 2100) theta
1379 end if
1381 955 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 2200) nphs, kb(ms), rg(ns)
1382 ierr = 2
1383 return
1385 * ==================================================================
1386 * Too many superbasics.
1387 * ==================================================================
1388 960 call m1page( 2 )
1389 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1600) maxs
1390 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 1600) maxs
1391 ierr = 5
1392 return
1394 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1395 * Normal exit.
1396 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1397 990 if (nphs .eq. 4) djq = rgnorm
1398 if (.not. fullz) djq = rgnrm1
1399 return
1401 1040 format(' Switch to central differences.')
1402 1050 format(' Search exit', i3, ' -- ', a,
1403 $ ' Itn =', i7, ' Norm rg =', 1p, e11.3)
1404 1075 format(' Forcing a small step. alpha * norm(p) =', 1p, e9.1)
1405 1090 format(' Retry', i3)
1406 1200 format(' EXIT -- cannot find a superbasic to replace',
1407 $ ' basic variable')
1408 1600 format(' EXIT -- the superbasics limit is too small...', i7)
1409 2000 format(/ ' XXX Linesearch has exceeded the Unbounded function',
1410 $ ' value. fsub =', 1p, e15.5)
1411 2100 format(/ ' XXX Linesearch has exceeded the Unbounded step size.',
1412 $ 4x, ' step =', 1p, e13.3)
1413 2200 format(/ ' XXX Unbounded in Phase', i3,
1414 $ ' Last SB =', i7, 1p, e13.3)
1416 * end of m7rgit
1417 end
1419 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1421 subroutine m7sdir( mode, maxr, nr, ns, r, rg, p, w, z, nwcore )
1423 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1424 double precision r(nr), rg(ns), p(ns), w(ns), z(nwcore)
1426 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1427 * m7sdir computes a search direction p for the superbasic
1428 * variables, using the current reduced gradient rg.
1429 *
1430 * mode method
1431 * 0 steepest descent: p = - rg
1432 * 1 quasi-Newton: R(t)*R p = - rg
1433 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1435 parameter ( one = 1.0d+0 )
1437 if (mode .eq. 0) then
1439 * Steepest descent (used when infeasible).
1441 do 20 j = 1, ns
1442 p(j) = - rg(j)
1443 20 continue
1444 else
1446 * Quasi-Newton. We must save w satisfying R(t)*w = rg.
1448 call dcopy ( ns, rg, 1, p, 1 )
1449 call m6rsol( 2, maxr, nr, ns, r, p )
1450 call dcopy ( ns, p, 1, w, 1 )
1451 call m6rsol( 1, maxr, nr, ns, r, p )
1452 call dscal ( ns, (- one), p, 1 )
1453 end if
1455 * end of m7sdir
1456 end
1458 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1460 subroutine m7sscv( m, maxr, maxs, ms, nr, ns, parhes, nxtphs,
1461 $ fx, oldfx, theta, xsnorm,xsnrm1, ysnorm,ysnrm1,
1462 $ kb, bbl, bbu, grd, r, rg, x )
1464 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1465 logical parhes
1466 integer kb(ms)
1467 double precision bbl(ms), bbu(ms)
1468 double precision grd(ms), r(nr), rg(maxs), x(ms)
1470 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1471 * m7sscv (subspace convergence) decides whether or not
1472 * optimization should continue on the current subspace.
1473 * On exit, nxtphs = 4 means it should,
1474 * nxtphs = 3 means it should not.
1475 *
1476 * parhes is false if this is a linear iteration or if there
1477 * is sufficient storage in r for the full projected Hessian.
1478 *
1479 * parhes is true if r is just a partial Hessian for the
1480 * first maxr superbasic variables. The superbasics are then
1481 * in two sets Z1 (containing nz1 = maxr variables)
1482 * and Z2 (containing nz2 = ns - maxr variables).
1483 *
1484 * The null-space matrix is similarly partitioned as Z = ( Z1 Z2 ).
1485 *
1486 * The normal convergence test is first applied to Z1. If it looks
1487 * like we are near enough to an optimum in that restricted
1488 * subspace, we find the largest reduced gradient in Z2 (index k2).
1489 * If this is less than tolrg we exit with nxtphs = 3 (to ask for
1490 * price). Otherwise we make room in Z1 for the corresponding
1491 * variable by the moving the superbasic with the smallest reduced
1492 * gradient in Z1 (index k1) to the end of Z2.
1493 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1495 logical conv
1496 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
1497 common /m7conv/ etash,etarg,lvltol,nfail,conv(4)
1498 common /m7phes/ rgmin1,rgnrm1,rgnrm2,jz1,jz2,labz,nfullz,mfullz
1499 common /m7tols/ xtol(2),ftol(2),gtol(2),pinorm,rgnorm,tolrg
1501 intrinsic abs
1502 parameter ( one = 1.0d+0 )
1504 rgnrm1 = rgnorm
1505 if (parhes) then
1506 xsnorm = xsnrm1
1507 ysnorm = ysnrm1
1508 k1 = idamax( maxr, rg, 1 )
1509 rgnrm1 = abs( rg(k1) )
1510 end if
1512 deltax = theta * ysnorm
1513 deltaf = abs( fx - oldfx )
1514 conv(1) = deltax .le. xtol(lvltol) * (one + xsnorm )
1515 conv(2) = deltaf .le. ftol(lvltol) * (one + abs( fx ))
1516 conv(3) = rgnrm1 .le. tolrg
1517 conv(4) = rgnrm1 .le. 0.1 * tolrg .or.
1518 $ rgnrm1 .le. gtol(2) * pinorm
1520 nxtphs = 4
1521 if (conv(1).and.conv(2).and.conv(3) .or. conv(4)) nxtphs = 3
1522 if (.not. parhes ) go to 900
1523 if (nxtphs .eq. 4) go to 900
1525 * Swap the largest reduced gradient in Z2 into the front of Z2
1526 * and see if it is significantly large.
1528 call m6swap( m, maxr, nr, ns, ms, kb, bbl, bbu, grd, r, rg, x )
1529 k2 = maxr + 1
1530 rgnrm2 = abs( rg(k2) )
1531 if (ns .lt. maxs .and. rgnrm2 .le. tolrg) go to 900
1533 * Find the smallest component of Z1(t)*g.
1535 rgmin1 = abs( rg(1) )
1536 k1 = 1
1537 do 200 k = 1, maxr
1538 if (rgmin1 .ge. abs( rg(k) )) then
1539 rgmin1 = abs( rg(k) )
1540 k1 = k
1541 end if
1542 200 continue
1544 if (rgmin1 .lt. rgnrm2) then
1546 * Save the relevant values.
1548 nxtphs = 4
1549 nfullz = 0
1550 lastr = maxr*(maxr + 1)/2
1551 ldiag1 = k1 * (k1 + 1)/2
1552 rdiag1 = r(ldiag1)
1553 rg1 = rg(k1)
1554 k = m + k1
1555 jz1 = kb(k)
1556 jz2 = kb(m + k2)
1557 bl1 = bbl(k)
1558 bu1 = bbu(k)
1559 grd1 = grd(k)
1560 x1 = x(k)
1562 * Delete the k1-th variable from Z1, and shift the remaining
1563 * superbasics in Z1 and Z2 one place to the left.
1565 call m6rdel( m, maxr, nr, ns, ms,
1566 $ kb, bbl, bbu, grd, r, rg, x, k1, .true. )
1568 * Put the old k1-th superbasic in at the very end.
1570 lr = lastr + (ns - maxr)
1571 r(lr) = rdiag1
1572 rg(ns) = rg1
1573 kb(ms) = jz1
1574 bbl(ms) = bl1
1575 bbu(ms) = bu1
1576 grd(ms) = grd1
1577 x(ms) = x1
1578 end if
1580 900 return
1582 * end of m7sscv
1583 end

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