1 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
2 |
* File mi30spec fortran |
3 |
* |
4 |
* miopt miopti mioptr m3char m3dflt m3key |
5 |
* opfile oplook opnumb opscan optokn opuppr |
6 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
7 |
8 |
subroutine miopt ( buffer, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
9 |
10 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
11 |
character*(72) buffer |
12 |
13 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
14 |
* miopt decodes the option contained in buffer. |
15 |
* |
16 |
* The buffer is output to file iprint, minus trailing blanks. |
17 |
* Error messages are output to files iprint and isumm. |
18 |
* buffer is echoed to iprint but normally not to isumm. |
19 |
* It is echoed to isumm before any error msg. |
20 |
* |
21 |
* On entry, |
22 |
* iprint is the Print file. No output occurs if iprint .le 0. |
23 |
* isumm is the Summary file. No output occurs if isumm .le 0. |
24 |
* inform is the number of errors so far. |
25 |
* |
26 |
* On exit, |
27 |
* inform is the number of errors so far. |
28 |
* |
29 |
* 27 Nov 1991: First version. |
30 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
31 |
32 |
character*16 key |
33 |
34 |
call m3key ( buffer, key, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
35 |
36 |
* end of miopt |
37 |
end |
38 |
39 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
40 |
41 |
subroutine miopti( buffer, ivalue, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
42 |
43 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
44 |
character*(56) buffer |
45 |
integer ivalue |
46 |
47 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
48 |
* miopti decodes the option contained in buffer // ivalue. |
49 |
* The parameters other than ivalue are as in miopt. |
50 |
* |
51 |
* 27 Nov 1991: First version. |
52 |
* 17 Jan 1992: buff72 needed to comply with f77 standard. |
53 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
54 |
55 |
character*16 key |
56 |
character*72 buff72 |
57 |
58 |
write(key, '(i16)') ivalue |
59 |
lenbuf = len(buffer) |
60 |
buff72 = buffer |
61 |
buff72(lenbuf+1:lenbuf+16) = key |
62 |
call m3key ( buff72, key, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
63 |
64 |
* end of miopti |
65 |
end |
66 |
67 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
68 |
69 |
subroutine mioptr( buffer, rvalue, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
70 |
71 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
72 |
character*(56) buffer |
73 |
double precision rvalue |
74 |
75 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
76 |
* mioptr decodes the option contained in buffer // rvalue. |
77 |
* The parameters other than rvalue are as in miopt. |
78 |
* |
79 |
* 27 Nov 1991: First version. |
80 |
* 17 Jan 1992: buff72 needed to comply with f77 standard. |
81 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
82 |
83 |
character*16 key |
84 |
character*72 buff72 |
85 |
86 |
write(key, '(1p, e16.8)') rvalue |
87 |
lenbuf = len(buffer) |
88 |
buff72 = buffer |
89 |
buff72(lenbuf+1:lenbuf+16) = key |
90 |
call m3key ( buff72, key, iprint, isumm, inform ) |
91 |
92 |
* end of mioptr |
93 |
end |
94 |
95 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
96 |
97 |
subroutine m3char( lname, iname ) |
98 |
99 |
character*4 lname |
100 |
integer iname |
101 |
102 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
103 |
* m3char copies lname into iname. |
104 |
* lname contains character data in a4 format. |
105 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
106 |
107 |
read (lname, '(a4)') iname |
108 |
109 |
* end of m3char |
110 |
end |
111 |
112 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
113 |
114 |
subroutine m3dflt( mode ) |
115 |
116 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
117 |
118 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
119 |
* If mode = 1, m3dflt sets default values for most of the parameters |
120 |
* that can be altered by opfile via the OPTIONS file. |
121 |
* If mode = 2, the parameter values are checked and possibly changed |
122 |
* to reasonable values. |
123 |
* If mode = 3 and iprint > 0 and iparm(3) > 0, the parameters are |
124 |
* printed. (In the OPTIONS file, Suppress parameters |
125 |
* sets iparm(3) = 0.) |
126 |
* |
127 |
* 26 Apr 1992: mode 3 added. |
128 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
129 |
130 |
logical conv,restrt |
131 |
logical alone, AMPL, GAMS, MINT, page1, page2 |
132 |
common /m1env / alone, AMPL, GAMS, MINT, page1, page2 |
133 |
common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy |
134 |
common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm |
135 |
parameter ( ntime = 5 ) |
136 |
common /m1tim / tlast(ntime), tsum(ntime), numt(ntime), ltime |
137 |
common /m1word/ nwordr,nwordi,nwordh |
138 |
common /m2file/ iback,idump,iload,imps,inewb,insrt, |
139 |
$ ioldb,ipnch,iprob,iscr,isoln,ispecs,ireprt |
140 |
common /m2len / mrows,mcols,melms |
141 |
common /m2lu4 / parmlu(30),luparm(30) |
142 |
common /m2mapz/ maxw,maxz |
143 |
common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30) |
144 |
common /m3mps3/ aijtol,bstruc(2),mlst,mer, |
145 |
$ aijmin,aijmax,na0,line,ier(20) |
146 |
common /m3mps4/ name(2),mobj(2),mrhs(2),mrng(2),mbnd(2),minmax |
147 |
common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale |
148 |
common /m5len / maxr ,maxs ,mbs ,nn ,nn0 ,nr ,nx |
149 |
common /m5freq/ kchk,kinv,ksav,klog,ksumm,i1freq,i2freq,msoln |
150 |
common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj |
151 |
common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint |
152 |
logical prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed |
153 |
common /m5log4/ prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed |
154 |
common /m5lp1 / itn,itnlim,nphs,kmodlu,kmodpi |
155 |
common /m5prc / nparpr,nmulpr,kprc,newsb |
156 |
common /m5step/ featol, tolx0,tolinc,kdegen,ndegen, |
157 |
$ itnfix, nfix(2) |
158 |
common /m5tols/ toldj(3),tolx,tolpiv,tolrow,rowerr,xnorm |
159 |
common /m7len / fobj ,fobj2 ,nnobj ,nnobj0 |
160 |
common /m7cg1 / cgbeta,itncg,msgcg,modcg,restrt |
161 |
common /m7cg2 / lcg1,lcg2,lcg3,lcg4,modtcg,nitncg,nsubsp |
162 |
common /m7conv/ etash,etarg,lvltol,nfail,conv(4) |
163 |
common /m7tols/ xtol(2),ftol(2),gtol(2),pinorm,rgnorm,tolrg |
164 |
common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac |
165 |
common /m8al1 / penpar,rowtol,ncom,nden,nlag,nmajor,nminor |
166 |
common /m8al2 / radius,rhsmod,modpen,modrhs |
167 |
common /m8diff/ difint(2),gdummy,lderiv,lvldif,knowng(2) |
168 |
common /m8func/ nfcon(4),nfobj(4),nprob,nstat1,nstat2 |
169 |
common /m8veri/ jverif(4),lverif(2) |
170 |
common /cyclcm/ cnvtol,jnew,materr,maxcy,nephnt,nphant,nprint |
171 |
172 |
intrinsic max, min, sqrt |
173 |
174 |
parameter (idummy = -11111, rdummy = -11111.0d+0, |
175 |
$ zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0) |
176 |
177 |
logical lincon, linear, nlncon, nonlin, SYSTEM |
178 |
179 |
character*4 lblank, lmax, lmin, id(6) |
180 |
data lblank /' '/, |
181 |
$ lmax /'Max '/, |
182 |
$ lmin /'Min '/, |
183 |
$ id /'No ', 'Yes ', 'Part', |
184 |
$ 'Full', ' Den', 'Spar'/ |
185 |
186 |
* SYSTEM means that MINOS is being used "behind the scenes" |
187 |
* by some other system such as GAMS or AMPL or ASCEND. |
188 |
* Certain defaults should then be different. |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
* Set some local machine-dependent constants. |
193 |
194 |
c3 = max( 1.0d-3, eps4 ) |
195 |
c4 = max( 1.0d-4, eps3 ) |
196 |
c5 = max( 1.0d-5, eps2 ) |
197 |
c6 = max( 1.0d-6, eps2 ) |
198 |
c7 = max( 1.0d-7, eps2 ) |
199 |
200 |
* Set the Reduced-Gradient tolerances. |
201 |
202 |
xtol(1) = 0.1 |
203 |
xtol(2) = c6 |
204 |
ftol(1) = xtol(1)*0.1 |
205 |
ftol(2) = xtol(2)**2 |
206 |
gtol(1) = c3 |
207 |
gtol(2) = c7 |
208 |
gdummy = -111111.0d+0 |
209 |
210 |
if (mode .eq. 1) then |
211 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
212 |
* mode = 1. Set parameters to default or dummy values. |
213 |
* |
214 |
* For some keywords like LAGRANGIAN, the Options file doesn't |
215 |
* allow the user to set illegal values. Sensible defaults can |
216 |
* therefore be set here, and the final values don't need to be |
217 |
* checked later. |
218 |
* |
219 |
* Some of the options with numerical values do need to be checked |
220 |
* and sometimes we need to know if the user set values or not. |
221 |
* Such options are set to dummy values here. |
222 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
223 |
* |
224 |
* Options needed by GAMS. |
225 |
* Things like file numbers have to be initialized. |
226 |
* Genuine options are mostly concerned with solving the problem. |
227 |
228 |
iback = 0 |
229 |
idump = 0 |
230 |
iload = 0 |
231 |
inewb = 0 |
232 |
imps = 0 |
233 |
insrt = 0 |
234 |
ioldb = 0 |
235 |
ipnch = 0 |
236 |
iprob = 0 |
237 |
ireprt = 0 |
238 |
isoln = 0 |
239 |
240 |
idebug = 0 |
241 |
itnlim = idummy |
242 |
kchk = idummy |
243 |
kinv = idummy |
244 |
klog = idummy |
245 |
ksav = idummy |
246 |
ksumm = idummy |
247 |
kdegen = idummy |
248 |
lderiv = 3 |
249 |
lprint = 0 |
250 |
prnt0 = .true. |
251 |
prnt1 = .false. |
252 |
summ0 = .true. |
253 |
summ1 = .false. |
254 |
lscale = idummy |
255 |
ltime = 3 |
256 |
lverif(1) = 0 |
257 |
lverif(2) = -2 |
258 |
maxr = idummy |
259 |
maxs = idummy |
260 |
minimz = 1 |
261 |
msoln = 2 |
262 |
ncom = idummy |
263 |
nlag = 1 |
264 |
nmajor = 50 |
265 |
nminor = 40 |
266 |
nmulpr = 1 |
267 |
nparpr = idummy |
268 |
269 |
do 60 i = 1, 4 |
270 |
jverif(i) = -1 |
271 |
60 continue |
272 |
273 |
* iparm(1) = Crash option |
274 |
* iparm(2) = Linesearch debug -- starting iteration |
275 |
* iparm(3) = Suppress parameters |
276 |
* iparm(4) = Scale print |
277 |
* iparm(5) = Start assigned nonlinears (GAMS only) |
278 |
279 |
iparm(1) = 3 |
280 |
iparm(2) = 9999999 |
281 |
iparm(3) = 1 |
282 |
iparm(4) = 0 |
283 |
iparm(5) = 2 |
284 |
285 |
* dparm(1) = Unbounded objective |
286 |
* dparm(2) = Unbounded step |
287 |
* dparm(3) = Function precision |
288 |
* dparm(4) = Major damping parameter |
289 |
* dparm(5) = Crash tolerance |
290 |
* dparm(6) = Minor damping parameter |
291 |
* dparm(7) = Penalty parameter |
292 |
* dparm(8) = LU swap tolerance |
293 |
294 |
do 10 i = 1, 8 |
295 |
dparm(i) = rdummy |
296 |
10 continue |
297 |
298 |
difint(1) = rdummy |
299 |
difint(2) = rdummy |
300 |
etarg = rdummy |
301 |
etash = rdummy |
302 |
parmlu(1) = rdummy |
303 |
parmlu(2) = rdummy |
304 |
parmlu(4) = rdummy |
305 |
parmlu(5) = rdummy |
306 |
parmlu(8) = rdummy |
307 |
penpar = rdummy |
308 |
radius = rdummy |
309 |
rowtol = rdummy |
310 |
scltol = rdummy |
311 |
toldj(3) = rdummy |
312 |
tolpiv = rdummy |
313 |
tolrow = c4 |
314 |
tolx = rdummy |
315 |
wtobj = rdummy |
316 |
317 |
* Certain defaults should be different within modeling systems. |
318 |
319 |
if (SYSTEM) then |
320 |
lverif(1) = -1 |
321 |
msoln = 0 |
322 |
end if |
323 |
324 |
* Options not used by GAMS. |
325 |
* These are mostly to do with the MPS file. |
326 |
327 |
aijtol = 1.0d-10 |
328 |
bstruc(1) = zero |
329 |
bstruc(2) = plinfy |
330 |
cnvtol = zero |
331 |
332 |
i1freq = 0 |
333 |
i2freq = 0 |
334 |
mrows = 0 |
335 |
mcols = 0 |
336 |
melms = 0 |
337 |
mer = 10 |
338 |
mlst = 0 |
339 |
modcg = -1 |
340 |
modtcg = 1 |
341 |
nitncg = 0 |
342 |
nden = 1 |
343 |
nncon = 0 |
344 |
nnjac = 0 |
345 |
nnobj = 0 |
346 |
nprob = 0 |
347 |
maxcy = 1 |
348 |
nephnt = 0 |
349 |
nphant = 0 |
350 |
nprint = 1 |
351 |
352 |
call m3char( lblank, iblank ) |
353 |
do 20 i = 1, 2 |
354 |
name(i) = iblank |
355 |
mobj(i) = iblank |
356 |
mrhs(i) = iblank |
357 |
mrng(i) = iblank |
358 |
mbnd(i) = iblank |
359 |
20 continue |
360 |
361 |
else if (mode .eq. 2) then |
362 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
363 |
* mode = 2. Check parameters and assign default values. |
364 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
365 |
366 |
* Options and variables needed by GAMS. |
367 |
368 |
if (nncon .eq. 0) nnjac = 0 |
369 |
if (nnjac .eq. 0) nncon = 0 |
370 |
nn = max( nnjac, nnobj ) |
371 |
nncon0 = max( nncon, 1 ) |
372 |
lincon = nncon .eq. 0 |
373 |
linear = nn .eq. 0 |
374 |
nlncon = nncon .gt. 0 |
375 |
nonlin = nn .gt. 0 |
376 |
377 |
* Set unspecified frequencies or silly values to defaults. |
378 |
379 |
if (kchk .eq. idummy) kchk = 60 |
380 |
if (kinv .le. 0 ) kinv = 100 |
381 |
if (klog .eq. idummy) klog = 100 |
382 |
if (ksav .eq. idummy) ksav = 100 |
383 |
if (ksumm .eq. idummy) ksumm = 100 |
384 |
if (kdegen .eq. idummy) kdegen = 10000 |
385 |
386 |
* Sometimes, frequency 0 means "almost never". |
387 |
388 |
if (kchk .le. 0) kchk = 99999999 |
389 |
if (klog .le. 0) klog = 99999999 |
390 |
if (ksav .le. 0) ksav = 99999999 |
391 |
if (ksumm .le. 0) ksumm = 99999999 |
392 |
if (kdegen .le. 0) kdegen = 99999999 |
393 |
394 |
prnt0 = lprint .eq. 0 |
395 |
prnt1 = lprint .gt. 0 |
396 |
if (iprint .le. 0) then |
397 |
prnt0 = .false. |
398 |
prnt1 = .false. |
399 |
end if |
400 |
if (isumm .le. 0) then |
401 |
summ0 = .false. |
402 |
summ1 = .false. |
403 |
end if |
404 |
405 |
* Check Hessian dimension maxr and Superbasics limit maxs. |
406 |
407 |
if ( nonlin ) then |
408 |
if (maxr .gt. 0 .and. maxs .lt. 0) maxs = maxr |
409 |
if (maxs .gt. 0 .and. maxr .lt. 0) maxr = maxs |
410 |
if (.not. GAMS) then |
411 |
if (maxs .lt. 0) maxs = 50 |
412 |
if (maxr .lt. 0) maxr = 50 |
413 |
end if |
414 |
end if |
415 |
if (.not. GAMS) then |
416 |
if (maxs .le. 0 ) maxs = 1 |
417 |
if (maxr .lt. 0 ) maxr = 0 |
418 |
if (maxs .lt. maxr) maxs = maxr |
419 |
end if |
420 |
maxr = min( maxr, maxs ) |
421 |
422 |
* Check other options. |
423 |
424 |
if (lscale .lt. 0) then |
425 |
lscale = 2 |
426 |
if (nonlin) lscale = 1 |
427 |
end if |
428 |
if (ncom .lt. 0) then |
429 |
ncom = 1 |
430 |
if (nlncon) ncom = 0 |
431 |
end if |
432 |
if (nparpr .le. 0) then |
433 |
nparpr = 10 |
434 |
if (nonlin) nparpr = 1 |
435 |
end if |
436 |
437 |
* If the Optimality tolerance was not specified, it should not |
438 |
* be smaller than the sqrt of the Function precision. |
439 |
440 |
if (toldj(3) .le. zero) then |
441 |
toldj(3) = c6 |
442 |
if (dparm(3) .gt. zero) toldj(3) = sqrt( dparm(3) ) |
443 |
end if |
444 |
445 |
* See the list of dparms above. |
446 |
447 |
if (dparm(1) .le. zero) dparm(1) = plinfy |
448 |
if (dparm(2) .le. zero) dparm(2) = 1.0d+10 |
449 |
if (dparm(3) .le. zero) dparm(3) = eps0 |
450 |
if (dparm(4) .le. zero) dparm(4) = 2.0 |
451 |
if (dparm(6) .le. zero) dparm(6) = 2.0 |
452 |
if (penpar .lt. zero) penpar = one |
453 |
dparm(7) = penpar |
454 |
if (dparm(8) .le. zero) dparm(8) = eps4 |
455 |
456 |
if (dparm(5) .lt. zero .or. dparm(5) .ge. one) dparm(5)= 0.1 |
457 |
if (etarg .le. zero .or. etarg .gt. one) etarg = 0.5 |
458 |
if (etash .lt. zero .or. etash .gt. one) etash = 0.1 |
459 |
460 |
if (difint(1).le. zero) difint(1) = sqrt( dparm(3) ) |
461 |
if (difint(2).le. zero) difint(2) = dparm(3) ** 0.333333 |
462 |
if (parmlu(1).lt. one ) parmlu(1) = 100.0 |
463 |
if (parmlu(2).lt. one ) parmlu(2) = 10.0 |
464 |
if (parmlu(4).le. zero) parmlu(4) = eps1 |
465 |
if (parmlu(5).le. zero) parmlu(5) = eps1 |
466 |
if (parmlu(8).le. zero) parmlu(8) = 0.5 |
467 |
if (radius .le. eps2) radius = 0.01 |
468 |
if (rowtol .le. eps ) rowtol = c6 |
469 |
if (scltol .le. zero) scltol = 0.90 |
470 |
if (tolpiv .le. zero) tolpiv = eps1 |
471 |
if (tolx .le. zero) tolx = c6 |
472 |
if (wtobj .lt. zero) wtobj = zero |
473 |
474 |
* Check the Start and Stop column numbers for gradient checking. |
475 |
476 |
if (jverif(1) .lt. 0) jverif(1) = 1 |
477 |
if (jverif(2) .lt. 0) jverif(2) = nnobj |
478 |
if (jverif(3) .lt. 0) jverif(3) = 1 |
479 |
if (jverif(4) .lt. 0) jverif(4) = nnjac |
480 |
481 |
482 |
* Options not used by GAMS. |
483 |
484 |
if (bstruc(1) .gt. bstruc(2)) then |
485 |
t = bstruc(1) |
486 |
bstruc(1) = bstruc(2) |
487 |
bstruc(2) = t |
488 |
end if |
489 |
if (minimz .gt. 0 ) call m3char( lmin, minmax ) |
490 |
if (minimz .le. 0 ) call m3char( lmax, minmax ) |
491 |
if (iback .eq. inewb ) iback = 0 |
492 |
if (mrows .le. 0 ) mrows = 100 |
493 |
if (mcols .le. 0 ) mcols = 3*mrows |
494 |
if (melms .le. 0 ) melms = 5*mcols |
495 |
if (itnlim .lt. 0 ) itnlim = 3*mrows + 10*nn |
496 |
maxs = min( maxs, mcols + mrows + 1 ) |
497 |
498 |
else if (mode .eq. 3 .and. iprint .gt. 0) then |
499 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
500 |
* mode = 3. Print the parameters if |
501 |
* Print level > 0 and iparm(3) > 0. |
502 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------- |
503 |
if (prnt1 .and. iparm(3) .gt. 0) then |
504 |
call m1page( 1 ) |
505 |
write(iprint, 1000) |
506 |
507 |
if (SYSTEM) then |
508 |
* relax |
509 |
else |
510 |
write(iprint, 2000) mrows , mlst , bstruc(1), |
511 |
$ mcols , mer , bstruc(2), |
512 |
$ melms , nephnt, aijtol |
513 |
write(iprint, 2100) imps , ioldb , iread , |
514 |
$ isoln , inewb , iprint, |
515 |
$ insrt , iback , ispecs, |
516 |
$ ipnch , iload , idump |
517 |
end if |
518 |
519 |
write(iprint, 2200) klog , kchk , ksav , |
520 |
$ ksumm , kinv , kdegen |
521 |
write(iprint, 2300) lscale , tolx , itnlim , |
522 |
$ scltol , toldj(3) , nparpr , |
523 |
$ iparm(1) , tolpiv , nmulpr , |
524 |
$ dparm(5) , wtobj |
525 |
write(iprint, 2400) nncon , maxr , dparm(3) , |
526 |
$ nnjac , maxs , difint(1), |
527 |
$ nnobj , etash , difint(2), |
528 |
$ nprob , etarg , lderiv , |
529 |
$ dparm(1) , dparm(2) , lverif(1) |
530 |
write(iprint, 2450) id(4+nden),nmajor , radius , |
531 |
$ id(1+nlag),nminor , rowtol , |
532 |
$ penpar , id(3+ncom),lprint , |
533 |
$ dparm(4) , dparm(6) |
534 |
write(iprint, 2500) parmlu(1), maxw , idebug , |
535 |
$ parmlu(2), maxz , iparm(2) , |
536 |
$ parmlu(4), eps, nwordr,nwordi,nwordh, |
537 |
$ dparm(8) , ltime |
538 |
end if |
539 |
end if |
540 |
return |
541 |
542 |
1000 format(' Parameters' / ' ----------') |
543 |
2000 format(' MPS INPUT DATA.' |
544 |
$/ ' Row limit..............', i10, 6x, |
545 |
$ ' List limit.............', i10, 6x, |
546 |
$ ' Lower bound default....', 1p, e10.2 |
547 |
$/ ' Column limit...........', i10, 6x, |
548 |
$ ' Error message limit....', i10, 6x, |
549 |
$ ' Upper bound default....', e10.2 |
550 |
$/ ' Elements limit ........', i10, 6x, |
551 |
$ ' Phantom elements.......', i10, 6x, |
552 |
$ ' Aij tolerance..........', e10.2) |
553 |
2100 format(/ ' FILES.' |
554 |
$/ ' MPS file ..............', i10, 6x, |
555 |
$ ' Old basis file ........', i10, 6x, |
556 |
$ ' (Card reader)..........', i10 |
557 |
$/ ' Solution file..........', i10, 6x, |
558 |
$ ' New basis file ........', i10, 6x, |
559 |
$ ' (Printer)..............', i10 |
560 |
$/ ' Insert file............', i10, 6x, |
561 |
$ ' Backup basis file......', i10, 6x, |
562 |
$ ' (Specs file)...........', i10 |
563 |
$/ ' Punch file.............', i10, 6x, |
564 |
$ ' Load file..............', i10, 6x, |
565 |
$ ' Dump file..............', i10) |
566 |
2200 format(/ ' FREQUENCIES.' |
567 |
$/ ' Log frequency..........', i10, 6x, |
568 |
$ ' Check row error........', i10, 6x, |
569 |
$ ' Save new basis map.....', i10 |
570 |
$/ ' Summary frequency......', i10, 6x, |
571 |
$ ' Factorize basis........', i10, 6x, |
572 |
$ ' Expand frequency.......', i10) |
573 |
2300 format(/ ' LP PARAMETERS.' |
574 |
$/ ' Scale option...........', i10, 6x, |
575 |
$ ' Feasibility tolerance..', 1p, e10.2, 6x, |
576 |
$ ' Iteration limit........', i10 |
577 |
$/ ' Scale tolerance........', 0p, f10.3, 6x, |
578 |
$ ' Optimality tolerance...', e10.2, 6x, |
579 |
$ ' Partial price.........', i10 |
580 |
$/ ' Crash option...........', i10, 6x, |
581 |
$ ' Pivot tolerance........', 1p, e10.2, 6x, |
582 |
$ ' Multiple price.........', i10 |
583 |
$/ ' Crash tolerance........', 0p, f10.3, 6x, |
584 |
$ ' Weight on objective....', e10.2) |
585 |
2400 format(/ ' NONLINEAR PROBLEMS.' |
586 |
$/ ' Nonlinear constraints..', i10, 6x, |
587 |
$ ' Hessian dimension......', i10, 6x, |
588 |
$ ' Function precision.....', 1p, e10.2 |
589 |
$/ ' Nonlinear Jacobian vars', i10, 6x, |
590 |
$ ' Superbasics limit......', i10, 6x, |
591 |
$ ' Difference interval....', e10.2 |
592 |
$/ ' Nonlinear objectiv vars', i10, 6x, |
593 |
$ ' Linesearch tolerance...', 0p, f10.5, 6x, |
594 |
$ ' Central difference int.', 1p, e10.2 |
595 |
$/ ' Problem number.........', i10, 6x, |
596 |
$ ' Subspace tolerance.....', 0p, f10.5, 6x, |
597 |
$ ' Derivative level.......', i10 |
598 |
$/ ' Unbounded objective val', 1p, e10.2, 6x, |
599 |
$ ' Unbounded step size....', e10.2, 6x, |
600 |
$ ' Verify level...........', i10) |
601 |
2450 format(/ ' AUGMENTED LAGRANGIAN.' |
602 |
$/ ' Jacobian...............', 4x, a4, 'se', 6x, |
603 |
$ ' Major iterations limit.', i10, 6x, |
604 |
$ ' Radius of convergence..', 1p, e10.2 |
605 |
$/ ' Lagrangian.............', 7x, a3, 6x, |
606 |
$ ' Minor iterations limit.', i10, 6x, |
607 |
$ ' Row tolerance..........', e10.2 |
608 |
$/ ' Penalty parameter......', e10.2, 6x, |
609 |
$ ' Completion.............', 6x, a4, 6x, |
610 |
$ ' Print level..(JFLXB)...', i10 |
611 |
$/ ' Major damping parameter', e10.2, 6x, |
612 |
$ ' Minor damping parameter', e10.2) |
613 |
2500 format(/ ' MISCELLANEOUS.' |
614 |
$/ ' LU factor tolerance....', f10.2, 6x, |
615 |
$ ' Workspace (user).......', i10, 6x, |
616 |
$ ' Debug level............', i10 |
617 |
$/ ' LU update tolerance....', f10.2, 6x, |
618 |
$ ' Workspace (total)......', i10, 6x, |
619 |
$ ' Linesearch debug after.', i10 |
620 |
$/ ' LU singularity tol.....', 1p, e10.2, 6x, |
621 |
$ ' eps (machine precision)', e10.2, 6x, |
622 |
$ ' nwordr, nwordi, nwordh.', 1x, 3i3 |
623 |
$/ ' LU swap tolerance......', e10.2, 6x, |
624 |
$ ' Timing level...........', i10) |
625 |
626 |
* end of m3dflt |
627 |
end |
628 |
629 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
630 |
631 |
subroutine m3key ( buffer, key, lprnt, lsumm, inform ) |
632 |
633 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
634 |
character*(*) buffer |
635 |
character*16 key |
636 |
637 |
************************************************************************ |
638 |
* m3key decodes the option contained in buffer in order to set |
639 |
* a parameter value in the relevant common block. |
640 |
* |
641 |
* The buffer is output to file iprint, minus trailing blanks. |
642 |
* Error messages are output to files iprint and isumm. |
643 |
* buffer is echoed to iprint but normally not to isumm. |
644 |
* It is echoed to isumm before any error msg. |
645 |
* |
646 |
* On entry, |
647 |
* lprnt is iprint as given to opfile. |
648 |
* lsumm is isumm as given to opfile. |
649 |
* inform is the number of errors so far. |
650 |
* |
651 |
* On exit, |
652 |
* key is the first keyword contained in buffer. |
653 |
* inform is the number of errors so far. |
654 |
* |
655 |
* m3key calls opnumb and the subprograms |
656 |
* lookup, scannr, tokens, upcase |
657 |
* (now called oplook, opscan, optokn, opuppr) |
658 |
* supplied by Sterling Software, Palo Alto, California. |
659 |
* |
660 |
* Systems Optimization Laboratory, Stanford University. |
661 |
* 22 Mar 1988: First MINOS version. |
662 |
* 10 Nov 1991: inform added to count errors and allow for no output. |
663 |
************************************************************************ |
664 |
665 |
parameter (mxparm = 30) |
666 |
logical conv,restrt |
667 |
logical alone, AMPL, GAMS, MINT, page1, page2 |
668 |
common /m1env / alone, AMPL, GAMS, MINT, page1, page2 |
669 |
common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm |
670 |
parameter ( ntime = 5 ) |
671 |
common /m1tim / tlast(ntime), tsum(ntime), numt(ntime), ltime |
672 |
common /m2file/ iback,idump,iload,imps,inewb,insrt, |
673 |
$ ioldb,ipnch,iprob,iscr,isoln,ispecs,ireprt |
674 |
common /m2len / mrows,mcols,melms |
675 |
common /m2lu4 / parmlu(30),luparm(30) |
676 |
common /m2mapz/ maxw,maxz |
677 |
common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30) |
678 |
common /m3mps3/ aijtol,bstruc(2),mlst,mer, |
679 |
$ aijmin,aijmax,na0,line,ier(20) |
680 |
common /m3mps4/ name(2),mobj(2),mrhs(2),mrng(2),mbnd(2),minmax |
681 |
common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale |
682 |
common /m5len / maxr ,maxs ,mbs ,nn ,nn0 ,nr ,nx |
683 |
common /m5freq/ kchk,kinv,ksav,klog,ksumm,i1freq,i2freq,msoln |
684 |
common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj |
685 |
common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint |
686 |
logical prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed |
687 |
common /m5log4/ prnt0 ,prnt1 ,summ0 ,summ1 ,newhed |
688 |
common /m5lp1 / itn,itnlim,nphs,kmodlu,kmodpi |
689 |
common /m5prc / nparpr,nmulpr,kprc,newsb |
690 |
common /m5step/ featol, tolx0,tolinc,kdegen,ndegen, |
691 |
$ itnfix, nfix(2) |
692 |
common /m5tols/ toldj(3),tolx,tolpiv,tolrow,rowerr,xnorm |
693 |
common /m7len / fobj ,fobj2 ,nnobj ,nnobj0 |
694 |
common /m7cg1 / cgbeta,itncg,msgcg,modcg,restrt |
695 |
common /m7cg2 / lcg1,lcg2,lcg3,lcg4,modtcg,nitncg,nsubsp |
696 |
common /m7conv/ etash,etarg,lvltol,nfail,conv(4) |
697 |
common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac |
698 |
common /m8al1 / penpar,rowtol,ncom,nden,nlag,nmajor,nminor |
699 |
common /m8al2 / radius,rhsmod,modpen,modrhs |
700 |
common /m8diff/ difint(2),gdummy,lderiv,lvldif,knowng(2) |
701 |
common /m8func/ nfcon(4),nfobj(4),nprob,nstat1,nstat2 |
702 |
common /m8veri/ jverif(4),lverif(2) |
703 |
common /cyclcm/ cnvtol,jnew,materr,maxcy,nephnt,nphant,nprint |
704 |
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
705 |
706 |
external opnumb |
707 |
intrinsic abs |
708 |
logical more , number, opnumb, sorted |
709 |
710 |
parameter ( maxkey = 38, maxtie = 40, maxtok = 10) |
711 |
character*16 keys(maxkey), ties(maxtie), token(maxtok) |
712 |
713 |
* Next 2 lines not needed by GAMS |
714 |
parameter ( mxmkey = 35) |
715 |
character*16 mkey(mxmkey) |
716 |
717 |
character*16 key2, k2save, value |
718 |
719 |
parameter (idummy = -11111, rdummy = -11111.0d+0, |
720 |
$ sorted = .true., |
721 |
$ maxint = 100000000, zero = 0.0d+0 ) |
722 |
723 |
* maxint above should be larger than any expected integer value. |
724 |
725 |
* GAMS recognizes the following keywords. |
726 |
727 |
data keys |
728 |
$ / 'CHECK ', 'COMPLETION ', 'CRASH ', |
729 |
730 |
731 |
$ 'IPARM ', |
732 |
733 |
734 |
$ 'LU ', 'MAJOR ', 'MINOR ', |
735 |
736 |
$ 'PENALTY ', 'PIVOT ', 'PRINT ', |
737 |
$ 'RADIUS ', 'ROWS ', 'RPARM ', |
738 |
$ 'SCALE ', 'SOLUTION ', 'START ', |
739 |
740 |
741 |
$ 'VERIFY ', 'WEIGHT '/ |
742 |
743 |
data ties |
744 |
$ / '(TOTAL) ', '(USER) ', |
745 |
$ 'ALL ', 'BASIC ', 'COLUMNS ', |
746 |
747 |
$ 'DENSE ', 'DENSITY ', |
748 |
749 |
750 |
$ 'FULL ', 'GRADIENTS ', |
751 |
752 |
$ 'JACOBIAN ', 'LEVEL ', 'LIMIT ', |
753 |
$ 'LINEAR ', |
754 |
755 |
756 |
757 |
$ 'STEP ', 'SUPERBASIC ', 'SWAP ', |
758 |
759 |
$ 'VARIABLES ', 'YES '/ |
760 |
761 |
* More keywords for MINOS --- not needed by GAMS. |
762 |
763 |
data mkey |
764 |
$ / 'AIJ ', 'BACKUP ', 'BOUNDS ', |
765 |
766 |
767 |
$ 'DUMP ', 'ELEMENTS ', 'ERROR ', |
768 |
769 |
$ 'LIST ', 'LOAD ', 'LOWER ', |
770 |
771 |
772 |
$ 'OLD ', 'PHANTOM ', 'PROBLEM ', |
773 |
$ 'PUNCH ', 'RANGES ', 'REPORT ', |
774 |
$ 'RHS ', 'SAVE ', |
775 |
$ 'STOP ', 'UPPER ', 'WORKSPACE '/ |
776 |
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
777 |
778 |
* iparm(1) = Crash option |
779 |
* iparm(2) = Linesearch debug -- starting iteration |
780 |
* iparm(3) = Suppress parameters |
781 |
* iparm(4) = Scale print |
782 |
* iparm(5) = Start assigned nonlinears |
783 |
784 |
* dparm(1) = Unbounded objective |
785 |
* dparm(2) = Unbounded step |
786 |
* dparm(3) = Function precision |
787 |
* dparm(4) = Major damping parameter |
788 |
* dparm(5) = Crash tolerance |
789 |
* dparm(6) = Minor damping parameter |
790 |
* dparm(7) = Penalty parameter |
791 |
792 |
* Set lenbuf = length of buffer without trailing blanks. |
793 |
* Echo to the print file. |
794 |
795 |
lenbuf = 1 |
796 |
do 10 j = 1, len(buffer) |
797 |
if (buffer(j:j) .ne. ' ') lenbuf = j |
798 |
10 continue |
799 |
800 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
801 |
write(lprnt, '(6x, a)') buffer(1:lenbuf) |
802 |
end if |
803 |
804 |
* Set lenb = length of buffer without trailing comments. |
805 |
* Eliminate comments and empty lines. |
806 |
* A '*' appearing anywhere in buffer terminates the string. |
807 |
808 |
i = index( buffer(1:lenbuf), '*' ) |
809 |
if (i .eq. 0) then |
810 |
lenb = lenbuf |
811 |
else |
812 |
lenb = i - 1 |
813 |
end if |
814 |
if (lenb .le. 0) then |
815 |
key = '*' |
816 |
go to 900 |
817 |
end if |
818 |
819 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
820 |
* Extract up to maxtok tokens from the record. |
821 |
* ntoken returns how many were actually found. |
822 |
* key, key2, are the first tokens if any, otherwise blank. |
823 |
* For some values of key (BOUNDS, OBJECTIVE, RANGES, RHS) |
824 |
* we have to save key2 before oplook gets a chance to alter it. |
825 |
* For example, if the data is Objective = OBJ |
826 |
* oplook will change obj to objective. |
827 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
828 |
ntoken = maxtok |
829 |
call optokn( buffer(1:lenb), ntoken, token ) |
830 |
key = token(1) |
831 |
key2 = token(2) |
832 |
k2save = key2 |
833 |
834 |
* Certain keywords require no action. |
835 |
836 |
if (key .eq. ' ') go to 900 |
837 |
if (key .eq. 'END') go to 900 |
838 |
839 |
* Most keywords will have an associated integer or real value, |
840 |
* so look for it no matter what the keyword. |
841 |
842 |
i = 1 |
843 |
number = .false. |
844 |
845 |
50 if (i .lt. ntoken .and. .not. number) then |
846 |
i = i + 1 |
847 |
value = token(i) |
848 |
number = opnumb( value ) |
849 |
go to 50 |
850 |
end if |
851 |
852 |
ivalue = 0 |
853 |
rvalue = zero |
854 |
if ( number ) then |
855 |
read (value, '(bn, e16.0)') rvalue |
856 |
if (abs(rvalue) .lt. maxint) ivalue = rvalue |
857 |
end if |
858 |
859 |
* Convert the keywords to their most fundamental form |
860 |
* (upper case, no abbreviations). |
861 |
* sorted says whether the dictionaries are in alphabetic order. |
862 |
* loci says where the keywords are in the dictionaries. |
863 |
* loci = 0 signals that the keyword wasn't there. |
864 |
865 |
call oplook( maxkey, keys, sorted, key , loc1 ) |
866 |
call oplook( maxtie, ties, sorted, key2, loc2 ) |
867 |
868 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
869 |
* Decide what to do about each keyword. |
870 |
* The second keyword (if any) might be needed to break ties. |
871 |
* Some seemingly redundant testing of more is used |
872 |
* to avoid compiler limits on the number of consecutive else if's. |
873 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
874 |
more = .true. |
875 |
if (more) then |
876 |
more = .false. |
877 |
if (key .eq. 'CHECK ') then |
878 |
kchk = ivalue |
879 |
else if (key .eq. 'COMPLETION ') then |
880 |
if (key2.eq. 'PARTIAL ') ncom = 0 |
881 |
if (key2.eq. 'FULL ') ncom = 1 |
882 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
883 |
else if (key .eq. 'CRASH ') then |
884 |
if (key2.eq. 'OPTION ') iparm(1) = ivalue |
885 |
if (key2.eq. 'TOLERANCE ') dparm(5) = rvalue |
886 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
887 |
else if (key .eq. 'DEBUG ') then |
888 |
idebug = ivalue |
889 |
else if (key .eq. 'DEFAULTS ') then |
890 |
call m3dflt( 1 ) |
891 |
else if (key .eq. 'EXPAND ') then |
892 |
kdegen = ivalue |
893 |
else if (key .eq. 'FACTORIZATION') then |
894 |
kinv = ivalue |
895 |
else if (key .eq. 'FEASIBILITY ') then |
896 |
tolx = rvalue |
897 |
else if (key .eq. 'HESSIAN ') then |
898 |
maxr = ivalue |
899 |
else |
900 |
more = .true. |
901 |
end if |
902 |
end if |
903 |
904 |
if (more) then |
905 |
more = .false. |
906 |
if (key .eq. 'IPARM ') then |
907 |
* Allow things like Iparm 21 = 100 to set iparm(21) = 100 |
908 |
key2 = token(3) |
909 |
if (ivalue .ge. 1 .and. ivalue .le. mxparm) then |
910 |
read (key2, '(bn, i16)') iparm(ivalue) |
911 |
else |
912 |
go to 880 |
913 |
end if |
914 |
else if (key .eq. 'ITERATIONS ') then |
915 |
itnlim = ivalue |
916 |
else if (key .eq. 'LAGRANGIAN ') then |
917 |
if (key2.eq. 'YES ') nlag = 1 |
918 |
if (key2.eq. 'NO ') nlag = 0 |
919 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
920 |
else if (key .eq. 'LINESEARCH ') then |
921 |
if (key2.eq. 'TOLERANCE ') etash = rvalue |
922 |
if (key2.eq. 'DEBUG ') iparm(2) = ivalue |
923 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
924 |
else if (key .eq. 'LOG ') then |
925 |
klog = ivalue |
926 |
else if (key .eq. 'LU ') then |
927 |
if (key2.eq. 'FACTORIZATION')parmlu(1) = rvalue |
928 |
if (key2.eq. 'UPDATE ') parmlu(2) = rvalue |
929 |
if (key2.eq. 'DENSITY ') parmlu(8) = rvalue |
930 |
if (key2.eq. 'SINGULARITY ') then |
931 |
parmlu(4) = rvalue |
932 |
parmlu(5) = rvalue |
933 |
end if |
934 |
if (key2.eq. 'SWAP ') dparm(8) = rvalue |
935 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
936 |
else |
937 |
more = .true. |
938 |
end if |
939 |
end if |
940 |
941 |
if (more) then |
942 |
more = .false. |
943 |
if (key .eq. 'MAJOR ') then |
944 |
if (key2.eq. 'DAMPING ') dparm(4) = rvalue |
945 |
if (key2.eq. 'ITERATIONS ') nmajor = ivalue |
946 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
947 |
else if (key .eq. 'MINOR ') then |
948 |
if (key2.eq. 'DAMPING ') dparm(6) = rvalue |
949 |
if (key2.eq. 'ITERATIONS ') nminor = ivalue |
950 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
951 |
else if (key .eq. 'MULTIPLE ') then |
952 |
nmulpr = ivalue |
953 |
else if (key .eq. 'OPTIMALITY ') then |
954 |
toldj(3) = rvalue |
955 |
else if (key .eq. 'PARTIAL ') then |
956 |
nparpr = ivalue |
957 |
else if (key .eq. 'PENALTY ') then |
958 |
dparm(7) = rvalue |
959 |
penpar = rvalue |
960 |
else if (key .eq. 'PIVOT ') then |
961 |
tolpiv = rvalue |
962 |
else if (key .eq. 'PRINT ') then |
963 |
if (key2.eq. 'FILE ') iprint = ivalue |
964 |
if (key2.eq. 'FREQUENCY ') klog = ivalue |
965 |
if (key2.eq. 'LEVEL ') then |
966 |
lprint = ivalue |
967 |
end if |
968 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
969 |
else |
970 |
more = .true. |
971 |
end if |
972 |
end if |
973 |
974 |
if (more) then |
975 |
more = .false. |
976 |
if (key .eq. 'RADIUS ') then |
977 |
radius = rvalue |
978 |
else if (key .eq. 'ROWS ') then |
979 |
* GAMS and AMPL should recognize Row tolerance |
980 |
* but not just Rows |
981 |
if (key2.eq. 'TOLERANCE ') then |
982 |
rowtol = rvalue |
983 |
else |
984 |
if ( .not. (GAMS .or. AMPL) ) mrows = ivalue |
985 |
end if |
986 |
else if (key .eq. 'RPARM ') then |
987 |
* Allow things like Rparm 21 = 2 to set dparm(21) = 2.0 |
988 |
key2 = token(3) |
989 |
if (ivalue .ge. 1 .and. ivalue .le. mxparm) then |
990 |
read (key2, '(bn, e16.0)') dparm(ivalue) |
991 |
else |
992 |
go to 880 |
993 |
end if |
994 |
else |
995 |
more = .true. |
996 |
end if |
997 |
end if |
998 |
999 |
if (more) then |
1000 |
more = .false. |
1001 |
if (key .eq. 'SCALE ') then |
1002 |
if (key2.eq. 'OPTION ') then |
1003 |
lscale = ivalue |
1004 |
else |
1005 |
if (rvalue .gt. zero ) scltol = rvalue |
1006 |
if (key2.eq. 'PRINT ') iparm(4) = 1 |
1007 |
if (key2.eq. 'ALL ') lscale = 2 |
1008 |
if (key2.eq. 'NONLINEAR ') lscale = 2 |
1009 |
if (key2.eq. 'LINEAR ') lscale = 1 |
1010 |
if (key2.eq. 'NO ') lscale = 0 |
1011 |
if (key2.eq. 'YES ') lscale = -1 |
1012 |
if (key2.eq. ' ') lscale = -1 |
1013 |
if (key2.eq. ' ') loc2 = 1 |
1014 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1015 |
end if |
1016 |
else |
1017 |
more = .true. |
1018 |
end if |
1019 |
end if |
1020 |
1021 |
if (more) then |
1022 |
more = .false. |
1023 |
if (key .eq. 'SOLUTION ') then |
1024 |
if (key2.eq. 'YES ') msoln = 2 |
1025 |
if (key2.eq. 'NO ') msoln = 0 |
1026 |
if (key2.eq. 'FILE ') isoln = ivalue |
1027 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1028 |
else if (key .eq. 'START ') then |
1029 |
key2 = token(4) |
1030 |
call oplook( maxtie, ties, sorted, key2, loc2 ) |
1031 |
if (key2.eq. 'SUPERBASIC ') iparm(5) = 2 |
1032 |
if (key2.eq. 'BASIC ') iparm(5) = 3 |
1033 |
if (key2.eq. 'NONBASIC ') iparm(5) = 4 |
1034 |
if (key2.eq. 'ELIGIBLE ') iparm(5) = 1 |
1035 |
if (key2.eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') jverif(1) = ivalue |
1036 |
if (key2.eq. 'CONSTRAINTS ') jverif(3) = ivalue |
1037 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 840 |
1038 |
else |
1039 |
more = .true. |
1040 |
end if |
1041 |
end if |
1042 |
1043 |
if (more) then |
1044 |
more = .false. |
1045 |
if (key .eq. 'SUBSPACE ') then |
1046 |
etarg = rvalue |
1047 |
else if (key .eq. 'SUPERBASICS ') then |
1048 |
maxs = ivalue |
1049 |
else if (key .eq. 'SUMMARY ') then |
1050 |
if (key2.eq. 'FILE ') isumm = ivalue |
1051 |
if (key2.eq. 'FREQUENCY ') ksumm = ivalue |
1052 |
if (key2.eq. 'LEVEL ') then |
1053 |
summ0 = ivalue .eq. 0 |
1054 |
summ1 = ivalue .gt. 0 |
1055 |
end if |
1056 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1057 |
else if (key .eq. 'TIMING ') then |
1058 |
ltime = ivalue |
1059 |
else if (key .eq. 'UNBOUNDED ') then |
1060 |
if (key2.eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') dparm(1) = rvalue |
1061 |
if (key2.eq. 'STEP ') dparm(2) = rvalue |
1062 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1063 |
else if (key .eq. 'VERIFY ') then |
1064 |
if (key2.eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') lverif(1) = 1 |
1065 |
if (key2.eq. 'CONSTRAINTS ') lverif(1) = 2 |
1066 |
if (key2.eq. 'GRADIENTS ') lverif(1) = 3 |
1067 |
if (key2.eq. 'YES ') lverif(1) = 3 |
1068 |
if (key2.eq. 'NO ') lverif(1) = 0 |
1069 |
if (key2.eq. 'LEVEL ') lverif(1) = ivalue |
1070 |
if (key2.eq. ' ') lverif(1) = 3 |
1071 |
if (key2.eq. ' ') loc2 = 1 |
1072 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1073 |
else if (key .eq. 'WEIGHT ') then |
1074 |
wtobj = rvalue |
1075 |
else |
1076 |
more = .true. |
1077 |
end if |
1078 |
end if |
1079 |
1080 |
if (.not. more) go to 900 |
1081 |
if ( GAMS) go to 800 |
1082 |
1083 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1084 |
* The following keywords are not recognized by GAMS. |
1085 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1086 |
call oplook( mxmkey, mkey, sorted, key , loc1 ) |
1087 |
1088 |
if (more) then |
1089 |
more = .false. |
1090 |
if (key .eq. 'AIJ ') then |
1091 |
aijtol = rvalue |
1092 |
else if (key .eq. 'BACKUP ') then |
1093 |
iback = ivalue |
1094 |
else if (key .eq. 'BOUNDS ') then |
1095 |
call m3char( k2save(1:4), mbnd(1) ) |
1096 |
call m3char( k2save(5:8), mbnd(2) ) |
1097 |
else if (key .eq. 'CENTRAL ') then |
1098 |
difint(2) = rvalue |
1099 |
else if (key .eq. 'COEFFICIENTS') then |
1100 |
melms = ivalue |
1101 |
else if (key .eq. 'COLUMNS ') then |
1102 |
mcols = ivalue |
1103 |
else if (key .eq. 'CYCLE ') then |
1104 |
if (key2.eq. 'LIMIT ') maxcy = ivalue |
1105 |
if (key2.eq. 'PRINT ') nprint = ivalue |
1106 |
if (key2.eq. 'TOLERANCE ') cnvtol = rvalue |
1107 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1108 |
else if (key .eq. 'DERIVATIVE ') then |
1109 |
lderiv = ivalue |
1110 |
else |
1111 |
more = .true. |
1112 |
end if |
1113 |
end if |
1114 |
1115 |
if (more) then |
1116 |
more = .false. |
1117 |
if (key .eq. 'DIFFERENCE ') then |
1118 |
difint(1) = rvalue |
1119 |
else if (key .eq. 'DUMP ') then |
1120 |
idump = ivalue |
1121 |
else if (key .eq. 'ELEMENTS ') then |
1122 |
melms = ivalue |
1123 |
else if (key .eq. 'ERROR ') then |
1124 |
mer = ivalue |
1125 |
else if (key .eq. 'FUNCTION ') then |
1126 |
dparm(3) = rvalue |
1127 |
else if (key .eq. 'INSERT ') then |
1128 |
insrt = ivalue |
1129 |
else if (key .eq. 'JACOBIAN ') then |
1130 |
if (key2.eq. 'DENSE ') nden = 1 |
1131 |
if (key2.eq. 'SPARSE ') nden = 2 |
1132 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1133 |
else if (key .eq. 'LIST ') then |
1134 |
mlst = ivalue |
1135 |
else if (key .eq. 'LOAD ') then |
1136 |
iload = ivalue |
1137 |
else if (key .eq. 'LOWER ') then |
1138 |
bstruc(1) = rvalue |
1139 |
else if (key .eq. 'MAXIMIZE ') then |
1140 |
minimz = -1 |
1141 |
else if (key .eq. 'MINIMIZE ') then |
1142 |
minimz = 1 |
1143 |
else if (key .eq. 'MPS ') then |
1144 |
imps = ivalue |
1145 |
else |
1146 |
more = .true. |
1147 |
end if |
1148 |
end if |
1149 |
1150 |
if (more) then |
1151 |
more = .false. |
1152 |
if (key .eq. 'NEW ') then |
1153 |
inewb = ivalue |
1154 |
else if (key .eq. 'NONLINEAR ') then |
1155 |
if (key2.eq. 'CONSTRAINTS ') nncon = ivalue |
1156 |
if (key2.eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') nnobj = ivalue |
1157 |
if (key2.eq. 'JACOBIAN ') nnjac = ivalue |
1158 |
if (key2.eq. 'VARIABLES ') then |
1159 |
nnobj = ivalue |
1160 |
nnjac = ivalue |
1161 |
end if |
1162 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1163 |
else if (key .eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') then |
1164 |
call m3char( k2save(1:4), mobj(1) ) |
1165 |
call m3char( k2save(5:8), mobj(2) ) |
1166 |
else if (key .eq. 'OLD ') then |
1167 |
ioldb = ivalue |
1168 |
else if (key .eq. 'PHANTOM ') then |
1169 |
if (key2.eq. 'COLUMNS ') nphant = ivalue |
1170 |
if (key2.eq. 'ELEMENTS ') nephnt = ivalue |
1171 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1172 |
else if (key .eq. 'PROBLEM ') then |
1173 |
if (key2.eq. 'FILE ') ifile = ivalue |
1174 |
if (key2.ne. 'FILE ') nprob = ivalue |
1175 |
else if (key .eq. 'PUNCH ') then |
1176 |
ipnch = ivalue |
1177 |
else if (key .eq. 'RANGES ') then |
1178 |
call m3char( k2save(1:4), mrng(1) ) |
1179 |
call m3char( k2save(5:8), mrng(2) ) |
1180 |
else if (key .eq. 'REPORT ') then |
1181 |
ireprt = ivalue |
1182 |
else if (key .eq. 'RHS ') then |
1183 |
call m3char( k2save(1:4), mrhs(1) ) |
1184 |
call m3char( k2save(5:8), mrhs(2) ) |
1185 |
else |
1186 |
more = .true. |
1187 |
end if |
1188 |
end if |
1189 |
1190 |
if (more) then |
1191 |
more = .false. |
1192 |
if (key .eq. 'SAVE ') then |
1193 |
ksav = ivalue |
1194 |
else if (key .eq. 'STOP ') then |
1195 |
if (key2.eq. 'OBJECTIVE ') jverif(2) = ivalue |
1196 |
if (key2.eq. 'CONSTRAINTS ') jverif(4) = ivalue |
1197 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1198 |
else if (key .eq. 'UPPER ') then |
1199 |
bstruc(2) = rvalue |
1200 |
else if (key .eq. 'WORKSPACE ') then |
1201 |
if (key2.eq. '(USER) ') maxw = ivalue |
1202 |
if (key2.eq. '(TOTAL) ') maxz = ivalue |
1203 |
if (loc2.eq. 0 ) go to 820 |
1204 |
else |
1205 |
more = .true. |
1206 |
end if |
1207 |
end if |
1208 |
1209 |
if (.not. more) go to 900 |
1210 |
1211 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1212 |
* Error messages. |
1213 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1214 |
800 inform = inform + 1 |
1215 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
1216 |
write (lprnt, 2300) key |
1217 |
end if |
1218 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) then |
1219 |
write (lsumm, '(1x, a )') buffer |
1220 |
write (lsumm, 2300) key |
1221 |
end if |
1222 |
return |
1223 |
1224 |
820 inform = inform + 1 |
1225 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
1226 |
write (lprnt, 2320) key2 |
1227 |
end if |
1228 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) then |
1229 |
write (lsumm, '(1x, a )') buffer |
1230 |
write (lsumm, 2320) key2 |
1231 |
end if |
1232 |
return |
1233 |
1234 |
840 inform = inform + 1 |
1235 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
1236 |
write (lprnt, 2340) key2 |
1237 |
end if |
1238 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) then |
1239 |
write (lsumm, '(1x, a )') buffer |
1240 |
write (lsumm, 2340) key2 |
1241 |
end if |
1242 |
return |
1243 |
1244 |
880 inform = inform + 1 |
1245 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
1246 |
write (lprnt, 2380) ivalue |
1247 |
end if |
1248 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) then |
1249 |
write (lsumm, '(1x, a )') buffer |
1250 |
write (lsumm, 2380) ivalue |
1251 |
end if |
1252 |
1253 |
900 return |
1254 |
1255 |
2300 format(' XXX Keyword not recognized: ', a) |
1256 |
2320 format(' XXX Second keyword not recognized: ', a) |
1257 |
*2330 format(' XXX Third keyword not recognized: ', a) |
1258 |
2340 format(' XXX Fourth keyword not recognized: ', a) |
1259 |
2380 format(' XXX The parm subscript is out of range:', i10) |
1260 |
1261 |
* end of m3key |
1262 |
end |
1263 |
1264 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1265 |
1266 |
subroutine opfile( ncalls, ioptns, opkey, |
1267 |
$ title , iprint, isumm, inform ) |
1268 |
1269 |
integer ncalls, ioptns, iprint, isumm, inform |
1270 |
character*(*) title |
1271 |
external opkey |
1272 |
1273 |
************************************************************************ |
1274 |
* opfile reads the options file from unit ioptns and loads the |
1275 |
* relevant options, using opkey to process each line. |
1276 |
* |
1277 |
* On exit, inform says how many errors were encountered. |
1278 |
* |
1279 |
* Systems Optimization Laboratory, Stanford University. |
1280 |
* 18-Dec-1985: Original version. |
1281 |
* 20-Mar-1988: First MINOS version -- title added, prnt deleted. |
1282 |
* 10 Nov 1991: Provision made for no output to iprint and isumm. |
1283 |
* 11 Nov 1991: opfile now calls m3dflt( 1 ) to initialize options |
1284 |
* only after an Options file has been found. |
1285 |
************************************************************************ |
1286 |
1287 |
character*16 key , token(1) |
1288 |
character*72 buffer |
1289 |
character*30 dashes |
1290 |
data dashes /'=============================='/ |
1291 |
1292 |
* lprnt and lsumm and local copies of iprint and isumm |
1293 |
* (which might get changed by m3key). |
1294 |
1295 |
lprnt = iprint |
1296 |
lsumm = isumm |
1297 |
inform = 0 |
1298 |
1299 |
* Return if the unit number is out of range. |
1300 |
1301 |
if (ioptns .lt. 0 .or. ioptns .gt. 99) then |
1302 |
inform = 1 |
1303 |
return |
1304 |
end if |
1305 |
1306 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1307 |
* Look for Begin, Endrun or Skip. |
1308 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1309 |
nread = 0 |
1310 |
50 read (ioptns, '(a72)', end = 930) buffer |
1311 |
nread = nread + 1 |
1312 |
nkey = 1 |
1313 |
call optokn( buffer, nkey, token ) |
1314 |
key = token(1) |
1315 |
if (key .eq. 'ENDRUN') go to 940 |
1316 |
if (key .ne. 'BEGIN' ) then |
1317 |
if (nread .eq. 1 .and. key .ne. 'SKIP') then |
1318 |
inform = inform + 1 |
1319 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) write (lprnt, 2000) ioptns, buffer |
1320 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) write (lsumm, 2000) ioptns, buffer |
1321 |
end if |
1322 |
go to 50 |
1323 |
end if |
1324 |
1325 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1326 |
* BEGIN found. |
1327 |
* This is taken to be the first line of an OPTIONS file. |
1328 |
* It is printed without the trailing blanks. |
1329 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1330 |
call m1page(1) |
1331 |
do 10 j = 1, len(buffer) |
1332 |
if (buffer(j:j) .ne. ' ') lenbuf = j |
1333 |
10 continue |
1334 |
1335 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) then |
1336 |
write (lprnt, '( 9x, a)') ' ', dashes, title, dashes |
1337 |
write (lprnt, '(/ 6x, a)') buffer(1:lenbuf) |
1338 |
end if |
1339 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) then |
1340 |
write (lsumm, '( 1x, a)') ' ', dashes, title, dashes |
1341 |
write (lsumm, '(/ 1x, a)') buffer(1:lenbuf) |
1342 |
end if |
1343 |
1344 |
* Set options to default values. |
1345 |
1346 |
call m3dflt( 1 ) |
1347 |
1348 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1349 |
* Read the rest of the file. |
1350 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1351 |
*+ while (key .ne. 'END') loop |
1352 |
100 if (key .ne. 'END') then |
1353 |
read (ioptns, '(a72)', end = 920) buffer |
1354 |
call opkey ( buffer, key, lprnt, lsumm, inform ) |
1355 |
go to 100 |
1356 |
end if |
1357 |
*+ end while |
1358 |
1359 |
return |
1360 |
1361 |
920 if (lprnt .gt. 0) write (lprnt, 2200) ioptns |
1362 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) write (lsumm, 2200) ioptns |
1363 |
inform = 2 |
1364 |
return |
1365 |
1366 |
930 if (ncalls .le. 1) then |
1367 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) write (lprnt, 2300) ioptns |
1368 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) write (lsumm, 2300) ioptns |
1369 |
else |
1370 |
if (lprnt .gt. 0) write (lprnt, '(a)') ' Endrun' |
1371 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) write (lsumm, '(a)') ' Endrun' |
1372 |
end if |
1373 |
inform = 3 |
1374 |
return |
1375 |
1376 |
940 if (lprnt .gt. 0) write (lprnt, '(/ 6x, a)') buffer |
1377 |
if (lsumm .gt. 0) write (lsumm, '(/ 1x, a)') buffer |
1378 |
inform = 4 |
1379 |
return |
1380 |
1381 |
2000 format( |
1382 |
$ //' XXX Error while looking for an OPTIONS file on unit', I7 |
1383 |
$ / ' XXX The file should start with Begin, Skip or Endrun' |
1384 |
$ / ' XXX but the first record found was the following:' |
1385 |
$ //' ---->', a |
1386 |
$ //' XXX Continuing to look for OPTIONS file...') |
1387 |
2200 format(//' XXX End-of-file encountered while processing', |
1388 |
$ ' an OPTIONS file on unit', I6) |
1389 |
2300 format(//' XXX End-of-file encountered while looking for', |
1390 |
$ ' an OPTIONS file on unit', I6) |
1391 |
1392 |
* end of opfile |
1393 |
end |
1394 |
1395 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1396 |
C |
1397 |
1398 |
C |
1399 |
C |
1400 |
C Description and usage: |
1401 |
C |
1402 |
C Performs dictionary lookups. A pointer is returned if a |
1403 |
C match is found between the input key and the corresponding |
1404 |
C initial characters of one of the elements of the dictionary. |
1405 |
C If a "synonym" has been provided for an entry, the search is |
1406 |
C continued until a match to a primary dictionary entry is found. |
1407 |
C Cases of no match, or multiple matches, are also provided for. |
1408 |
C |
1409 |
C Dictionary entries must be left-justified, and may be alphabetized |
1410 |
C for faster searches. Secondary entries, if any, are composed of |
1411 |
C two words separated by one or more characters such as blank, tab, |
1412 |
C comma, colon, or equal sign which are treated as non-significant |
1413 |
C by OPSCAN. The first entry of each such pair serves as a synonym |
1414 |
C for the second, more fundamental keyword. |
1415 |
C |
1416 |
C The ordered search stops after the section of the dictionary |
1417 |
C having the same first letters as the key has been checked, or |
1418 |
C after a specified number of entries have been examined. A special |
1419 |
C dictionary entry, the vertical bar '|', will also terminate the |
1420 |
C search. This will speed things up if an appropriate dictionary |
1421 |
C length parameter cannot be determined. Both types of search are |
1422 |
C sequential. See "Notes" below for some suggestions if efficiency |
1423 |
C is an issue. |
1424 |
C |
1425 |
C |
1426 |
C Parameters: |
1427 |
C |
1428 |
C Name Dimension Type I/O/S Description |
1429 |
C NDICT I I Number of dictionary entries to be |
1430 |
C examined. |
1431 |
C DICTRY NDICT C I Array of dictionary entries, |
1432 |
C left-justified in their fields. |
1433 |
C May be alphabetized for efficiency, |
1434 |
C in which case ALPHA should be |
1435 |
C .TRUE. Entries with synonyms are |
1436 |
C of the form |
1437 |
1438 |
C is a more fundamental entry in the |
1439 |
C same dictionary. NOTE: Don't build |
1440 |
C "circular" dictionaries! |
1441 |
C ALPHA L I Indicates whether the dictionary |
1442 |
C is in alphabetical order, in which |
1443 |
C case the search can be terminated |
1444 |
C sooner. |
1445 |
C KEY C I/O String to be compared against the |
1446 |
C dictionary. Abbreviations are OK |
1447 |
C if they correspond to a unique |
1448 |
C entry in the dictionary. KEY is |
1449 |
C replaced on termination by its most |
1450 |
C fundamental equivalent dictionary |
1451 |
C entry (uppercase, left-justified) |
1452 |
C if a match was found. |
1453 |
C ENTRY I O Dictionary pointer. If > 0, it |
1454 |
C indicates which entry matched KEY. |
1455 |
C In case of trouble, a negative |
1456 |
C value means that a UNIQUE match |
1457 |
C was not found - the absolute value |
1458 |
C of ENTRY points to the second |
1459 |
C dictionary entry that matched KEY. |
1460 |
C Zero means that NO match could be |
1461 |
C found. ENTRY always refers to the |
1462 |
C last search performed - |
1463 |
C in searching a chain of synonyms, |
1464 |
C a non-positive value will be |
1465 |
C returned if there is any break, |
1466 |
C even if the original input key |
1467 |
C was found. |
1468 |
C |
1469 |
C |
1470 |
C External references: |
1471 |
C |
1472 |
C Name Description |
1473 |
C OPSCAN Finds first and last significant characters. |
1474 |
C |
1475 |
C |
1476 |
C Environment: Digital VAX-11/780 VMS FORTRAN (FORTRAN 77). |
1477 |
C Appears to satisfy the ANSI Fortran 77 standard. |
1478 |
C |
1479 |
C |
1480 |
C Notes: |
1481 |
C |
1482 |
C (1) IMPLICIT NONE is non-standard. (Has been commented out.) |
1483 |
C |
1484 |
C (2) We have assumed that the dictionary is not too big. If |
1485 |
C many searches are to be done or if the dictionary has more |
1486 |
C than a dozen or so entries, it may be advantageous to build |
1487 |
C an index array of pointers to the beginning of the section |
1488 |
C of the dictionary containing each letter, then pass in the |
1489 |
C portion of the dictionary beginning with DICTRY (INDEX). |
1490 |
C (This won't generally work for dictionaries with synonyms.) |
1491 |
C For very large problems, a completely different approach may |
1492 |
C be advisable, e.g. a binary search for ordered dictionaries. |
1493 |
C |
1494 |
C (3) OPLOOK is case sensitive. In most applications it will be |
1495 |
C necessary to use an uppercase dictionary, and to convert the |
1496 |
C input key to uppercase before calling OPLOOK. Companion |
1497 |
C routines OPTOKN and PAIRS, available from the author, already |
1498 |
C take care of this. |
1499 |
C |
1500 |
C (4) The key need not be left-justified. Any leading (or |
1501 |
C trailing) characters which are "non-significant" to OPSCAN |
1502 |
C will be ignored. These include blanks, horizontal tabs, |
1503 |
C commas, colons, and equal signs. See OPSCAN for details. |
1504 |
C |
1505 |
C (5) The ASCII collating sequence for character data is assumed. |
1506 |
C (N.B. This means the numerals precede the alphabet, unlike |
1507 |
C common practice!) This should not cause trouble on EBCDIC |
1508 |
C machines if DICTRY just contains alphabetic keywords. |
1509 |
C Otherwise it may be necessary to use the FORTRAN lexical |
1510 |
C library routines to force use of the ASCII sequence. |
1511 |
C |
1512 |
C (6) Parameter NUMSIG sets a limit on the length of significant |
1513 |
C dictionary entries. Special applications may require that |
1514 |
C this be increased. (It is 16 in the present version.) |
1515 |
C |
1516 |
C (7) No protection against "circular" dictionaries is provided: |
1517 |
C don't claim that A is B, and that B is A. All synonym chains |
1518 |
C must terminate! Other potential errors not checked for |
1519 |
C include duplicate or mis-ordered entries. |
1520 |
C |
1521 |
C (8) The handling of ambiguities introduces some ambiguity: |
1522 |
C |
1523 |
C ALPHA = .TRUE. A potential problem, when one entry |
1524 |
C looks like an abbreviation for another |
1525 |
C (eg. does 'A' match 'A' or 'AB'?) was |
1526 |
C resolved by dropping out of the search |
1527 |
C immediately when an "exact" match is found. |
1528 |
C |
1529 |
C ALPHA = .FALSE. The programmer must ensure that the above |
1530 |
C situation does not arise: each dictionary |
1531 |
C entry must be recognizable, at least when |
1532 |
C specified to full length. Otherwise, the |
1533 |
C result of a search will depend on the |
1534 |
C order of entries. |
1535 |
C |
1536 |
C |
1537 |
C Author: Robert Kennelly, Informatics General Corporation. |
1538 |
C |
1539 |
C |
1540 |
C Development history: |
1541 |
C |
1542 |
C 24 Feb. 1984 RAK/DAS Initial design and coding. |
1543 |
C 25 Feb. 1984 RAK Combined the two searches by suitable |
1544 |
C choice of terminator FLAG. |
1545 |
C 28 Feb. 1984 RAK Optional synonyms in dictionary, no |
1546 |
C longer update KEY. |
1547 |
C 29 Mar. 1984 RAK Put back replacement of KEY by its |
1548 |
C corresponding entry. |
1549 |
C 21 June 1984 RAK Corrected bug in error handling for cases |
1550 |
C where no match was found. |
1551 |
C 23 Apr. 1985 RAK Introduced test for exact matches, which |
1552 |
C permits use of dictionary entries which |
1553 |
C would appear to be ambiguous (for ordered |
1554 |
C case). Return -I to point to the entry |
1555 |
C which appeared ambiguous (had been -1). |
1556 |
C Repaired loop termination - had to use |
1557 |
C equal length strings or risk quitting too |
1558 |
C soon when one entry is an abbreviation |
1559 |
C for another. Eliminated HIT, reduced |
1560 |
C NUMSIG to 16. |
1561 |
C 15 Nov. 1985 MAS Loop 20 now tests .LT. FLAG, not .LE. FLAG. |
1562 |
C If ALPHA is false, FLAG is now '|', not '{'. |
1563 |
C 26 Jan. 1986 PEG Declaration of FLAG and TARGET modified to |
1564 |
C conform to ANSI-77 standard. |
1565 |
C----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1566 |
1567 |
1568 |
C Variable declarations. |
1569 |
C ---------------------- |
1570 |
1571 |
1572 |
1573 |
C Parameters. |
1574 |
1575 |
1576 |
1577 |
1578 |
1579 |
1580 |
$ (BLANK = ' ', VBAR = '|', NUMSIG = 16) |
1581 |
1582 |
C Variables. |
1583 |
1584 |
1585 |
1586 |
1587 |
1588 |
1589 |
* $ DICTRY (NDICT) * (*), FLAG * (NUMSIG), |
1590 |
* $ KEY * (*), TARGET * (NUMSIG) |
1591 |
1592 |
$ DICTRY (NDICT) * (*), FLAG * 16, |
1593 |
$ KEY * (*), TARGET * 16 |
1594 |
1595 |
C Procedures. |
1596 |
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
C Executable statements. |
1602 |
C ---------------------- |
1603 |
1604 |
ENTRY = 0 |
1605 |
1606 |
C Isolate the significant portion of the input key (if any). |
1607 |
1608 |
FIRST = 1 |
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
C Look up TARGET in the dictionary. |
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
1619 |
1620 |
C Select search strategy by cunning choice of termination test |
1621 |
C flag. The vertical bar is just about last in both the |
1622 |
C ASCII and EBCDIC collating sequences. |
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
1629 |
1630 |
1631 |
C Perform search. |
1632 |
C --------------- |
1633 |
1634 |
I = 0 |
1635 |
1636 |
I = I + 1 |
1637 |
1638 |
1639 |
1640 |
C First "hit" - must still guard against ambiguities |
1641 |
C by searching until we've gone beyond the key |
1642 |
C (ordered dictionary) or until the end-of-dictionary |
1643 |
C mark is reached (exhaustive search). |
1644 |
1645 |
1646 |
1647 |
C Special handling if match is exact - terminate |
1648 |
C search. We thus avoid confusion if one dictionary |
1649 |
C entry looks like an abbreviation of another. |
1650 |
C This fix won't generally work for un-ordered |
1651 |
C dictionaries! |
1652 |
1653 |
FIRST = 1 |
1654 |
1655 |
1656 |
1657 |
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
C Oops - two hits! Abnormal termination. |
1661 |
C --------------------------------------- |
1662 |
1663 |
ENTRY = -I |
1664 |
1665 |
1666 |
1667 |
1668 |
C Check whether we've gone past the appropriate section of the |
1669 |
C dictionary. The test on the index provides insurance and an |
1670 |
C optional means for limiting the extent of the search. |
1671 |
1672 |
1673 |
$ GO TO 20 |
1674 |
1675 |
1676 |
C Check for a synonym. |
1677 |
C -------------------- |
1678 |
1679 |
1680 |
1681 |
C Look for a second entry "behind" the first entry. FIRST |
1682 |
C and MARK were determined above when the hit was detected. |
1683 |
1684 |
FIRST = MARK + 2 |
1685 |
1686 |
1687 |
1688 |
C Re-set target and dictionary pointer, then repeat the |
1689 |
C search for the synonym instead of the original key. |
1690 |
1691 |
1692 |
ENTRY = 0 |
1693 |
GO TO 10 |
1694 |
1695 |
1696 |
1697 |
1698 |
1699 |
1700 |
1701 |
1702 |
C Normal termination. |
1703 |
C ------------------- |
1704 |
1705 |
1706 |
1707 |
C End of OPLOOK |
1708 |
1709 |
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1710 |
1711 |
1712 |
1713 |
1714 |
1715 |
1716 |
************************************************************************ |
1717 |
* Description and usage: |
1718 |
* |
1719 |
* A simple(-minded) test for numeric data is implemented by |
1720 |
* searching an input string for legitimate characters: |
1721 |
* digits 0 to 9, D, E, -, + and . |
1722 |
* Insurance is provided by requiring that a numeric string |
1723 |
* have at least one digit, at most one D, E or . |
1724 |
* and at most two -s or +s. Note that a few ambiguities remain: |
1725 |
* |
1726 |
* (a) A string might have the form of numeric data but be |
1727 |
* intended as text. No general test can hope to detect |
1728 |
* such cases. |
1729 |
* |
1730 |
* (b) There is no check for correctness of the data format. |
1731 |
* For example a meaningless string such as 'E1.+2-' |
1732 |
* will be accepted as numeric. |
1733 |
* |
1734 |
* Despite these weaknesses, the method should work in the |
1735 |
* majority of cases. |
1736 |
* |
1737 |
* |
1738 |
* Parameters: |
1739 |
* |
1740 |
* Name Dimension Type I/O/S Description |
1741 |
* OPNUMB L O Set .TRUE. if STRING appears |
1742 |
* to be numerical data. |
1743 |
* STRING C I Input data to be tested. |
1744 |
* |
1745 |
* |
1746 |
* Environment: ANSI FORTRAN 77. |
1747 |
* |
1748 |
* |
1749 |
* Notes: |
1750 |
* |
1751 |
* (1) It is assumed that STRING is a token extracted by |
1752 |
* OPTOKN, which will have converted any lower-case |
1753 |
* characters to upper-case. |
1754 |
* |
1755 |
* (2) OPTOKN pads STRING with blanks, so that a genuine |
1756 |
* number is of the form '1234 '. |
1757 |
* Hence, the scan of STRING stops at the first blank. |
1758 |
* |
1759 |
* (3) COMPLEX data with parentheses will not look numeric. |
1760 |
* |
1761 |
* |
1762 |
* Systems Optimization Laboratory, Stanford University. |
1763 |
* 12 Nov 1985 Initial design and coding, starting from the |
1764 |
* routine ALPHA from Informatics General, Inc. |
1765 |
************************************************************************ |
1766 |
1767 |
1768 |
1769 |
1770 |
1771 |
NDIGIT = 0 |
1772 |
NEXP = 0 |
1773 |
NMINUS = 0 |
1774 |
NPLUS = 0 |
1775 |
NPOINT = 0 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
J = 0 |
1779 |
1780 |
10 J = J + 1 |
1781 |
1782 |
IF (ATOM .GE. '0' .AND. ATOM .LE. '9') THEN |
1783 |
1784 |
1785 |
NEXP = NEXP + 1 |
1786 |
1787 |
1788 |
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
1793 |
1794 |
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 |
1799 |
1800 |
1801 |
$ .AND. NDIGIT .GE. 1 |
1802 |
$ .AND. NEXP .LE. 1 |
1803 |
$ .AND. NMINUS .LE. 2 |
1804 |
$ .AND. NPLUS .LE. 2 |
1805 |
$ .AND. NPOINT .LE. 1 |
1806 |
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
* End of OPNUMB |
1810 |
1811 |
C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1812 |
C |
1813 |
1814 |
C |
1815 |
C |
1816 |
C Description and usage: |
1817 |
C |
1818 |
C Looks for non-blank fields ("tokens") in a string, where the |
1819 |
C fields are of arbitrary length, separated by blanks, tabs, commas, |
1820 |
C colons, or equal signs. The position of the end of the 1st token |
1821 |
C is also returned, so this routine may be conveniently used within |
1822 |
C a loop to process an entire line of text. |
1823 |
C |
1824 |
C The procedure examines a substring, STRING (FIRST : LAST), which |
1825 |
C may of course be the entire string (in which case just call OPSCAN |
1826 |
C with FIRST <= 1 and LAST >= LEN (STRING) ). The indices returned |
1827 |
C are relative to STRING itself, not the substring. |
1828 |
C |
1829 |
C |
1830 |
C Parameters: |
1831 |
C |
1832 |
C Name Dimension Type I/O/S Description |
1833 |
C STRING C I Text string containing data to be |
1834 |
C scanned. |
1835 |
C FIRST I I/O Index of beginning of substring. |
1836 |
C If <= 1, the search begins with 1. |
1837 |
C Output is index of beginning of |
1838 |
C first non-blank field, or 0 if no |
1839 |
C token was found. |
1840 |
C LAST I I/O Index of end of substring. |
1841 |
C If >= LEN (STRING), the search |
1842 |
C begins with LEN (STRING). Output |
1843 |
C is index of end of last non-blank |
1844 |
C field, or 0 if no token was found. |
1845 |
C MARK I O Points to end of first non-blank |
1846 |
C field in the specified substring. |
1847 |
C Set to 0 if no token was found. |
1848 |
C |
1849 |
C |
1850 |
C Environment: Digital VAX-11/780 VMS FORTRAN (FORTRAN 77). |
1851 |
C ANSI Fortran 77, except for the tab character HT. |
1852 |
C |
1853 |
C Notes: |
1854 |
C |
1855 |
C (1) IMPLICIT NONE is non-standard. Constant HT (Tab) is defined |
1856 |
C in a non-standard way: the CHAR function is not permitted |
1857 |
C in a PARAMETER declaration (OK on VAX, though). For Absoft |
1858 |
C FORTRAN 77 on 68000 machines, use HT = 9. In other cases, it |
1859 |
C may be best to declare HT as a variable and assign |
1860 |
C HT = CHAR(9) on ASCII machines, or CHAR(5) for EBCDIC. |
1861 |
C |
1862 |
C (2) The pseudo-recursive structure was chosen for fun. It is |
1863 |
C equivalent to three DO loops with embedded GO TOs in sequence. |
1864 |
C |
1865 |
C (3) The variety of separators recognized limits the usefulness of |
1866 |
C this routine somewhat. The intent is to facilitate handling |
1867 |
C such tokens as keywords or numerical values. In other |
1868 |
C applications, it may be necessary for ALL printing characters |
1869 |
C to be significant. A simple modification to statement |
1870 |
C function SOLID will do the trick. |
1871 |
C |
1872 |
C |
1873 |
C Author: Robert Kennelly, Informatics General Corporation. |
1874 |
C |
1875 |
C |
1876 |
C Development history: |
1877 |
C |
1878 |
C 29 Dec. 1984 RAK Initial design and coding, (very) loosely |
1879 |
C based on SCAN_STRING by Ralph Carmichael. |
1880 |
C 25 Feb. 1984 RAK Added ':' and '=' to list of separators. |
1881 |
C 16 Apr. 1985 RAK Defined SOLID in terms of variable DUMMY |
1882 |
C (previous re-use of STRING was ambiguous). |
1883 |
C |
1884 |
C----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1885 |
1886 |
1887 |
C Variable declarations. |
1888 |
C ---------------------- |
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
1892 |
C Parameters. |
1893 |
1894 |
1895 |
1896 |
1897 |
$ (BLANK = ' ', EQUAL = '=', COLON = ':', COMMA = ',') |
1898 |
1899 |
C Variables. |
1900 |
1901 |
1902 |
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
1906 |
$ DUMMY, STRING * (*) |
1907 |
1908 |
C Statement functions. |
1909 |
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
1914 |
$ (DUMMY .NE. HT) |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 |
C Executable statements. |
1918 |
C ---------------------- |
1919 |
1920 |
**** HT = CHAR(9) for ASCII machines, CHAR(5) for EBCDIC. |
1921 |
HT = CHAR(9) |
1922 |
MARK = 0 |
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
C Find the first significant character ... |
1928 |
1929 |
DO 30 FIRST = BEGIN, END, +1 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 |
C ... then the end of the first token ... |
1933 |
1934 |
DO 20 MARK = FIRST, END - 1, +1 |
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
C ... and finally the last significant character. |
1938 |
1939 |
DO 10 LAST = END, MARK, -1 |
1940 |
1941 |
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
1945 |
C Everything past the first token was a separator. |
1946 |
1947 |
LAST = LAST + 1 |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
C There was nothing past the first token. |
1953 |
1954 |
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
C Whoops - the entire substring STRING (BEGIN : END) was composed of |
1960 |
C separators ! |
1961 |
1962 |
FIRST = 0 |
1963 |
MARK = 0 |
1964 |
LAST = 0 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
C End of OPSCAN |
1968 |
1969 |
C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1970 |
C |
1971 |
1972 |
C |
1973 |
C |
1974 |
C Description and usage: |
1975 |
C |
1976 |
C An aid to parsing input data. The individual "tokens" in a |
1977 |
C character string are isolated, converted to uppercase, and stored |
1978 |
C in an array. Here, a token is a group of significant, contiguous |
1979 |
C characters. The following are NON-significant, and hence may |
1980 |
C serve as separators: blanks, horizontal tabs, commas, colons, |
1981 |
C and equal signs. See OPSCAN for details. Processing continues |
1982 |
C until the requested number of tokens have been found or the end |
1983 |
C of the input string is reached. |
1984 |
C |
1985 |
C |
1986 |
C Parameters: |
1987 |
C |
1988 |
C Name Dimension Type I/O/S Description |
1989 |
C STRING C I Input string to be analyzed. |
1990 |
C NUMBER I I/O Number of tokens requested (input) |
1991 |
C and found (output). |
1992 |
C LIST NUMBER C O Array of tokens, changed to upper |
1993 |
C case. |
1994 |
C |
1995 |
C |
1996 |
C External references: |
1997 |
C |
1998 |
C Name Description |
1999 |
C OPSCAN Finds positions of first and last significant characters. |
2000 |
C OPUPPR Converts a string to uppercase. |
2001 |
C |
2002 |
C |
2003 |
C Environment: Digital VAX-11/780 VMS FORTRAN (FORTRAN 77). |
2004 |
C Appears to satisfy the ANSI Fortran 77 standard. |
2005 |
C |
2006 |
C |
2007 |
C Notes: |
2008 |
C |
2009 |
C (1) IMPLICIT NONE is non-standard. (Has been commented out.) |
2010 |
C |
2011 |
C |
2012 |
C Author: Robert Kennelly, Informatics General Corporation. |
2013 |
C |
2014 |
C |
2015 |
C Development history: |
2016 |
C |
2017 |
C 16 Jan. 1984 RAK Initial design and coding. |
2018 |
C 16 Mar. 1984 RAK Revised header to reflect full list of |
2019 |
C separators, repaired faulty WHILE clause |
2020 |
C in "10" loop. |
2021 |
C 18 Sep. 1984 RAK Change elements of LIST to uppercase one |
2022 |
C at a time, leaving STRING unchanged. |
2023 |
C |
2024 |
C----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
C Variable declarations. |
2028 |
C ---------------------- |
2029 |
2030 |
2031 |
2032 |
C Parameters. |
2033 |
2034 |
2035 |
2036 |
2037 |
$ (BLANK = ' ') |
2038 |
2039 |
C Variables. |
2040 |
2041 |
2042 |
2043 |
2044 |
$ STRING * (*), LIST (NUMBER) * (*) |
2045 |
2046 |
C Procedures. |
2047 |
2048 |
2049 |
2050 |
2051 |
2052 |
C Executable statements. |
2053 |
C ---------------------- |
2054 |
2055 |
C WHILE there are tokens to find, loop UNTIL enough have been found. |
2056 |
2057 |
FIRST = 1 |
2058 |
2059 |
2060 |
COUNT = 0 |
2061 |
2062 |
2063 |
C Get delimiting indices of next token, if any. |
2064 |
2065 |
2066 |
2067 |
2068 |
2069 |
C Pass token to output string array, then change case. |
2070 |
2071 |
2072 |
2073 |
FIRST = MARK + 2 |
2074 |
2075 |
2076 |
2077 |
2078 |
2079 |
C Fill the rest of LIST with blanks and set NUMBER for output. |
2080 |
2081 |
DO 20 I = COUNT + 1, NUMBER |
2082 |
2083 |
2084 |
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
2088 |
C Termination. |
2089 |
C ------------ |
2090 |
2091 |
2092 |
2093 |
C End of OPTOKN |
2094 |
2095 |
C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
2096 |
C |
2097 |
2098 |
C |
2099 |
2100 |
C |
2101 |
C PURPOSE: This subroutine changes all lower case letters in the |
2102 |
C character string to upper case. |
2103 |
C |
2104 |
C METHOD: Each character in STRING is treated in turn. The intrinsic |
2105 |
C function INDEX effectively allows a table lookup, with |
2106 |
C the local strings LOW and UPP acting as two tables. |
2107 |
C This method avoids the use of CHAR and ICHAR, which appear |
2108 |
C be different on ASCII and EBCDIC machines. |
2109 |
C |
2110 |
2111 |
2112 |
C STRING * C I/O Character string possibly containing |
2113 |
C some lower-case letters on input; |
2114 |
C strictly upper-case letters on output |
2115 |
C with no change to any non-alphabetic |
2116 |
C characters. |
2117 |
C |
2118 |
2119 |
C LEN - Returns the declared length of a CHARACTER variable. |
2120 |
C INDEX - Returns the position of second string within first. |
2121 |
C |
2122 |
2123 |
C |
2124 |
2125 |
2126 |
C 06/28/83 CLH Initial design. |
2127 |
C 01/03/84 RAK Eliminated NCHAR input. |
2128 |
C 06/14/84 RAK Used integer PARAMETERs in comparison. |
2129 |
C 04/21/85 RAK Eliminated DO/END DO in favor of standard code. |
2130 |
C 09/10/85 MAS Eliminated CHAR,ICHAR in favor of LOW, UPP, INDEX. |
2131 |
C |
2132 |
C AUTHOR: Charles Hooper, Informatics General, Palo Alto, CA. |
2133 |
C |
2134 |
C----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2135 |
2136 |
2137 |
2138 |
character*1 C |
2139 |
character*26 LOW, UPP |
2140 |
data LOW /'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/, |
2141 |
2142 |
2143 |
DO 10 J = 1, LEN(STRING) |
2144 |
2145 |
IF (C .GE. 'a' .AND. C .LE. 'z') THEN |
2146 |
I = INDEX( LOW, C ) |
2147 |
IF (I .GT. 0) STRING(J:J) = UPP(I:I) |
2148 |
2149 |
2150 |
2151 |
* End of OPUPPR |
2152 |