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Fri Oct 29 20:54:12 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by aw0a
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1 ************************************************************************
2 *
3 * File mi20amat fortran.
4 *
5 * m2core m2amat m2aprd m2apr1 m2apr5
6 * m2crsh m2scal m2scla m2unpk matcol
7 *
8 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10 subroutine m2core( mode, mincor )
12 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
14 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
15 * m2core allocates all array storage for MINOS,
16 * using various dimensions stored in common blocks as follows:
17 * (m2len ) mrows, mcols, melms
18 * (m3len ) nscl
19 * (m5len ) maxr, maxs, nn
20 * (m7len ) nnobj
21 * (m8len ) njac, nncon, nnjac
22 *
23 * if mode = 1, the call is from minos1 to estimate the storage
24 * needed for all stages of the problem.
25 * if mode = 2, the call is from m3inpt to find the minimum storage
26 * needed for mps input.
27 * if mode = 3, all dimensions should be known exactly.
28 * The call is from m3inpt to find the minimum
29 * storage to solve the problem and output the solution.
30 * The basis factorization routines will say later
31 * if they have sufficient storage.
32 * if mode = 4, the call is from minoss and all dimensions are known
33 * exactly. a, ha, ka etc need not be allocated.
34 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
36 common /m1word/ nwordr,nwordi,nwordh
37 common /m2len / mrows,mcols,melms
38 common /m2mapa/ ne ,nka ,la ,lha ,lka
39 common /m2mapz/ maxw ,maxz
40 common /m3len / m ,n ,nb ,nscl
41 common /m3loc / lascal,lbl ,lbu ,lbbl ,lbbu ,
42 $ lhrtyp,lhs ,lkb
43 common /m3mps1/ lname1,lname2,lkeynm,nname
44 common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale
45 common /m5len / maxr ,maxs ,mbs ,nn ,nn0 ,nr ,nx
46 common /m5loc / lpi ,lpi2 ,lw ,lw2 ,
47 $ lx ,lx2 ,ly ,ly2 ,
48 $ lgsub ,lgsub2,lgrd ,lgrd2 ,
49 $ lr ,lrg ,lrg2 ,lxn
50 common /m7len / fobj ,fobj2 ,nnobj ,nnobj0
51 common /m7loc / lgobj ,lgobj2
52 common /m7cg2 / lcg1,lcg2,lcg3,lcg4,modtcg,nitncg,nsubsp
53 common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac
54 common /m8loc / lfcon ,lfcon2,lfdif ,lfdif2,lfold ,
55 $ lblslk,lbuslk,lxlam ,lrhs ,
56 $ lgcon ,lgcon2,lxdif ,lxold
57 common /m8al1 / penpar,rowtol,ncom,nden,nlag,nmajor,nminor
58 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
60 m = mrows
61 n = mcols
62 ne = melms
63 mbs = m + maxs
64 nka = n + 1
65 nb = n + m
66 nscl = nb
67 if (lscale .eq. 0) nscl = 1
68 nname = nb
69 if (mode .eq. 4) nname = 1
71 ncoli = n/nwordi + 1
72 nrowi = m/nwordi + 1
73 lenh = max( 3*nrowi, 100 )
75 nn0 = max( nn , 1 )
76 nncon0 = max( nncon, 1 )
77 nnobj0 = max( nnobj, 1 )
78 maxr = max( maxr , 1 )
79 nr = maxr*(maxr + 1)/2 + (maxs - maxr)
80 nx = max( mbs, nn )
81 nx2 = 0
82 if (lscale .ge. 2) nx2 = nn
84 if (mode .le. 3) then
86 * MINOS is getting its data from an MPS file.
87 * Allocate arrays that are arguments of minoss and misolv.
88 * These are for the data,
89 * A, ha, ka, bl, bu, name1, name2,
90 * and for the solution
91 * hs, xn, pi, rc.
93 la = maxw + 1
94 lha = la + ne
95 lka = lha + 1 + (ne /nwordh)
96 lbl = lka + 1 + (nka/nwordi)
97 lbu = lbl + nb
98 lname1 = lbu + nb
99 lname2 = lname1 + 1 + (nname/nwordi)
100 lhs = lname2 + 1 + (nname/nwordi)
101 lxn = lhs + 1 + (nb /nwordh)
102 lpi = lxn + nb
103 lrc = lpi + m
104 minsub = lrc + nb
105 else
107 * The subroutine version can use all of z except up to maxw.
109 minsub = maxw + 1
110 end if
112 * Allocate arrays needed during and after MPS input.
114 lhrtyp = minsub
115 lkb = lhrtyp + 1 + (mbs/nwordh)
116 minz = lkb + 1 + (mbs/nwordi)
118 if (mode .le. 2) then
120 * Allocate additional arrays needed for MPS input.
121 * Currently just keynam -- the hash table.
123 lkeynm = minz
124 minmps = lkeynm + lenh
125 end if
127 * LP and reduced-gradient algorithm.
128 ***** Beware -- length 0000 is used below for arrays that are
129 ***** not needed in this version of MINOS.
131 lascal = minz
132 lpi2 = lascal + nscl
133 lw = lpi2 + 0000
134 lw2 = lw + nx
135 lx = lw2 + 0000
136 lx2 = lx + nx
137 ly = lx2 + nx2
138 ly2 = ly + nx
139 lgsub = ly2 + nx
140 lgsub2 = lgsub + nn
141 lgrd = lgsub2 + 0000
142 lr = lgrd + mbs
143 lrg = lr + nr
144 lrg2 = lrg + maxs
145 minz = lrg2 + maxs
147 * Nonlinear objective.
149 lgobj = minz
150 lgobj2 = lgobj + nnobj
151 minz = lgobj2 + nnobj
153 * Nonlinear constraints.
154 * If Jacobian = Dense we can set njac correctly.
155 * Otherwise we have to guess if the MPS file hasn't been
156 * input yet (mode = 1 or 2).
158 if (nden .eq. 1) then
159 njac = nncon * nnjac
160 else if (mode .le. 2) then
161 njac = 5 * nnjac
162 end if
163 njac = max( njac, 1 )
164 lfcon = minz
165 lfcon2 = lfcon + nncon
166 lfdif = lfcon2 + nncon
167 lfdif2 = lfdif + nncon
168 lfold = lfdif2 + 0000
169 lblslk = lfold + nncon
170 lbuslk = lblslk + nncon
171 lxlam = lbuslk + nncon
172 lrhs = lxlam + nncon
173 lgcon = lrhs + nncon
174 lgcon2 = lgcon + njac
175 lxdif = lgcon2 + njac
176 lxold = lxdif + nn
177 minz = lxold + nn
179 * Work arrays that can be overwritten by the names (see below)
180 * in between cycles.
182 lbbl = minz
183 lbbu = lbbl + mbs
184 lgrd2 = lbbu + mbs
185 minz = lgrd2 + mbs
187 * Allocate arrays for the basis factorization routines.
188 * minz points to the beginning of the LU factorization.
189 * This is the beginning of free space between cycles
190 * if the LU factors are allowed to be overwritten.
192 call m2bmap( mode, m, n, ne, minz, maxz, nguess )
194 if (mode .eq. 1) mincor = max( minmps, nguess, minz )
195 if (mode .eq. 2) mincor = minmps
196 if (mode .ge. 3) mincor = minz
198 * end of m2core
199 end
201 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
203 subroutine m2amat( mode, m, n, nb,
204 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
205 $ bl, bu, hrtype )
207 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
208 integer*4 ha(ne), hrtype(m)
209 integer ka(nka)
210 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb)
212 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
213 * If mode = 1 or 2, m2amat defines hrtype, the set of row types.
214 * If mode = 1, m2amat also prints the matrix statistics.
215 *
216 * The vector of row-types is as follows:
217 * hrtype(i) = 0 for e rows (equalities),
218 * hrtype(i) = 2 for n rows (objective or free rows),
219 * hrtype(i) = 1 otherwise.
220 * They are used in m2scal and m2crsh.
221 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
223 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
224 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
225 common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj
226 common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac
228 intrinsic abs, max, min
229 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0 )
231 bplus = 0.9*plinfy
232 bminus = - bplus
234 * Construct the vector of row-types.
236 nfixed = 0
237 nfree = 0
238 nnorml = 0
239 do 100 i = 1, m
240 j = n + i
241 b1 = bl(j)
242 b2 = bu(j)
243 itype = 1
244 if (b1 .eq. b2 ) itype = 0
245 if (b1 .le. bminus .and. b2 .ge. bplus) itype = 2
246 hrtype(i) = itype
247 if (itype .eq. 0) nfixed = nfixed + 1
248 if (itype .eq. 2) nfree = nfree + 1
249 if (itype .ne. 1) go to 100
250 if (b1 .le. bminus .or. b2 .ge. bplus) nnorml = nnorml + 1
251 100 continue
253 if (mode .eq. 2) return
254 if (iprint .le. 0) return
256 nbnded = m - nfixed - nfree - nnorml
257 write(iprint, 2200)
258 write(iprint, 2300) ' Rows ', m, nnorml, nfree, nfixed, nbnded
260 nfixed = 0
261 nfree = 0
262 nnorml = 0
264 do 200 j = 1, n
265 b1 = bl(j)
266 b2 = bu(j)
267 if (b1 .eq. b2) then
268 nfixed = nfixed + 1
269 else
270 if (b1 .eq. zero ) then
271 if (b2 .ge. bplus) then
272 nnorml = nnorml + 1
273 end if
274 else if (b1 .le. bminus) then
275 if (b2 .eq. zero ) then
276 nnorml = nnorml + 1
277 else if (b2 .ge. bplus) then
278 nfree = nfree + 1
279 end if
280 end if
281 end if
282 200 continue
284 nbnded = n - nfixed - nfree - nnorml
285 write(iprint, 2300) ' Columns', n, nnorml, nfree, nfixed, nbnded
287 * Find the biggest and smallest elements in a, excluding free rows
288 * and fixed columns.
289 * Also find the largest objective coefficients in non-fixed columns.
291 aijmax = zero
292 aijmin = bplus
293 cmax = zero
294 cmin = bplus
295 ncost = 0
297 do 300 j = 1, n
298 if (bl(j) .lt. bu(j)) then
299 do 250 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
300 i = ha(k)
301 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 2) then
302 if (i .eq. iobj) then
303 aij = abs( a(k) )
304 if (aij .gt. zero) then
305 ncost = ncost + 1
306 cmax = max( cmax, aij )
307 cmin = min( cmin, aij )
308 end if
309 end if
310 else
311 aij = abs( a(k) )
312 aijmax = max( aijmax, aij )
313 aijmin = min( aijmin, aij )
314 end if
315 250 continue
316 end if
317 300 continue
319 if (aijmin .eq. bplus) aijmin = zero
320 adnsty = 100.0*ne / (m*n)
321 write(iprint, 2400) ne, adnsty, aijmax, aijmin, ncost
322 if (ncost .gt. 0) write(iprint, 2410) cmax, cmin
324 * Print a few things to be gathered as statistics
325 * from a bunch of test runs.
327 write(iprint, 2500) nncon, m-nncon, n
328 return
330 2200 format(///
331 $ ' Matrix Statistics' /
332 $ ' -----------------' /
333 $ 15x, 'Total', 6x, 'Normal', 8x, 'Free', 7x, 'Fixed',
334 $ 5x, 'Bounded')
335 2300 format(a, 5i12)
336 2400 format(/ ' No. of matrix elements', i21, 5x, 'Density', f12.3
337 $ / ' Biggest ', 1p, e35.4, ' (excluding fixed columns,'
338 $ / ' Smallest', e35.4, ' free rows, and RHS)'
339 $ // ' No. of objective coefficients', i14)
340 2410 format( ' Biggest ', 1p, e35.4, ' (excluding fixed columns)'
341 $ / ' Smallest', e35.4)
342 2500 format(//' Number of Nonlinear constraints', i12
343 $ / ' Number of Linear constraints', i12
344 $ / ' Number of Variables ', i12)
346 * end of m2amat
347 end
349 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
351 subroutine m2aprd( mode, x, lenx, y, leny,
352 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
353 $ z, nwcore )
355 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
356 integer*4 ha(ne)
357 integer ka(nka)
358 double precision a(ne)
359 double precision x(lenx), y(leny), z(nwcore)
361 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
362 * m2aprd computes various products involving the matrix A.
363 * For mode 1 to 4, x is the basic and/or superbasic variables.
364 * For mode 5 to 8, x is xn, the variables in natural order.
365 *
366 * mode function lenx leny called by
367 * ---- -------- ---- ---- ---------
368 * 1 y = y - B*x m m not used
369 * 1 y = y - (B S)*x ms m not used
370 * 2 y = y - S*x ns m m7rgit
371 * 3 y = y - B(t)*x m m not used
372 * 3 y = y - (B S)(t)*x m ms not used
373 * 4 y = y - S(t)*x m ms m7chzq, m7rg
374 *
375 * 5 y = y - A*xn n m m5setx, m5solv
376 * 6 not used
377 * 7 y = y - (nonlinear A)*xn nnjac nncon m6fun1, m8setj
378 * 8 y = y - (linear A)*xn n nncon m8viol
379 * mode 7 and 8 deal with nonlinear rows only and ignore slacks.
380 *
381 * 14 Oct 1991: a, ha, ka added as parameters to help with minoss.
382 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
384 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
385 common /m3len / m ,n ,nb ,nscl
386 common /m3loc / lascal,lbl ,lbu ,lbbl ,lbbu ,
387 $ lhrtyp,lhs ,lkb
388 common /m5len / maxr ,maxs ,mbs ,nn ,nn0 ,nr ,nx
389 common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac
391 tolz = eps0
393 if (mode .lt. 5) then
394 call m2apr1( mode, m, mbs, n, tolz,
395 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka, z(lkb),
396 $ x, lenx, y, leny )
397 else
398 call m2apr5( mode, m, n, nb, nncon, nnjac, tolz,
399 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
400 $ x, lenx, y, leny )
401 end if
403 * end of m2aprd
404 end
406 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
408 subroutine m2apr1( mode, m, mbs, n, tolz,
409 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka, kb, x, lenx, y, leny )
411 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
412 integer*4 ha(ne)
413 integer ka(nka), kb(mbs)
414 double precision a(ne)
415 double precision x(lenx), y(leny)
417 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
418 * m2apr1 computes various matrix-vector products involving
419 * B and S, the basic and superbasic columns of A.
420 *
421 * mode=1 y = y - B*x or y - (B S)*x (depending on lenx)
422 * mode=2 y = y - S*x
423 * mode=3 y = y - B(transpose)*x or y - (B S)(transpose)*x
424 * (mode 3 is not used as yet)
425 * mode=4 y = y - S(transpose)*x
426 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
428 kbase = 0
429 if (mode .le. 2) then
430 * -------------
431 * mode 1 and 2.
432 * -------------
433 if (mode .eq. 2) kbase = m
435 do 200 k = 1, lenx
436 xj = x(k)
437 if (abs(xj) .le. tolz) go to 200
438 j = kb(kbase + k)
439 if (j .le. n) then
440 do 150 i = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
441 ir = ha(i)
442 y(ir) = y(ir) - a(i)*xj
443 150 continue
444 else
445 ir = j - n
446 y(ir) = y(ir) - xj
447 end if
448 200 continue
449 else
450 * -------------
451 * mode 3 and 4.
452 * -------------
453 if (mode .eq. 4) kbase = m
455 do 400 k = 1, leny
456 t = y(k)
457 j = kb(kbase + k)
458 if (j .le. n) then
459 do 350 i = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
460 ir = ha(i)
461 t = t - x(ir)*a(i)
462 350 continue
463 y(k) = t
464 else
465 ir = j - n
466 y(k) = t - x(ir)
467 end if
468 400 continue
469 end if
471 * end of m2apr1
472 end
474 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
476 subroutine m2apr5( mode, m, n, nb, nncon, nnjac, tolz,
477 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka, xn, lenx, y, leny )
479 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
480 integer*4 ha(ne)
481 integer ka(nka)
482 double precision a(ne)
483 double precision xn(lenx), y(leny)
485 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
486 * m2apr5 computes products involving parts of A and xn.
487 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
489 intrinsic abs
491 if (mode .eq. 5) then
492 * ----------------------------------
493 * mode = 5. Set y = y - A*xn.
494 * ----------------------------------
495 do 500 j = 1, n
496 xj = xn(j)
497 if (abs( xj ) .gt. tolz) then
498 do 450 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
499 ir = ha(k)
500 y(ir) = y(ir) - a(k)*xj
501 450 continue
502 end if
503 500 continue
505 else
506 * ------------------------------------------------------------
507 * If mode = 7, set y = y - (Jacobian)*xn.
508 * If mode = 8, set y = y - (linear A)*xn.
509 * Only the first nncon rows are involved, and no slacks.
510 * ------------------------------------------------------------
511 if (mode .eq. 7) then
512 j1 = 1
513 j2 = nnjac
514 else
515 j1 = nnjac + 1
516 j2 = n
517 end if
519 do 800 j = j1, j2
520 xj = xn(j)
521 if (abs( xj ) .gt. tolz) then
522 do 750 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
523 ir = ha(k)
524 if (ir .le. nncon) y(ir) = y(ir) - a(k)*xj
525 750 continue
526 end if
527 800 continue
528 end if
530 * end of m2apr5
531 end
533 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
535 subroutine m2crsh( lcrash, m , n , nb , nn ,
536 $ ne , nka , a , ha , ka ,
537 $ hpiv , hs , hrtype, bl , bu ,
538 $ xn , z , nwcore )
540 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
541 integer*4 ha(ne), hpiv(m), hs(nb), hrtype(m)
542 integer ka(nka)
543 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb), xn(nb), z(nwcore )
545 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
546 * m2crsh looks for a basis in the columns of ( A I ).
547 *
548 * ON ENTRY
549 *
550 * iparm(1) = Crash option (icrash) has been used by m4getb
551 * to set lcrash.
552 * dparm(5) = Crash tolerance (tcrash). Default = 0.1
553 *
554 * lcrash specifies the action to be taken by Crash.
555 * 0,1,2,3 The call is from m4getb.
556 * 4 The call is from m5solv.
557 * 5 The call is from m8setj.
558 *
559 * 0 The all-slack basis is set up.
560 *
561 * 1 A triangular crash is applied to the columns of A.
562 * hs(1:n) is used to help select columns.
563 * tcrash is used to ignore small entries in each column.
564 * Depending on the size of tcrash, the resulting basis
565 * will be nearly (but not strictly) lower triangular.
566 *
567 * 2 As for 1, but nonlinear rows are ignored.
568 *
569 * 3 As for 2, but linear LG rows are also ignored.
570 *
571 * 4 Linear LG rows are now included.
572 * All hs(1:nb) and xn(n+i) are defined.
573 * Slack values of xn(n+i) are used to select LG rows.
574 *
575 * 5 Nonlinear rows are now included.
576 *
577 * hrtype(*) should be defined as described in m2amat:
578 * hrtype(i) = 0 for E rows (equalities)
579 * hrtype(i) = 1 for L or G rows (inequalities)
580 * hrtype(i) = 2 for N rows (objective or free rows)
581 *
582 * xn If lcrash <= 4, xn(1:n) is used to initialize
583 * slacks as xn(n+1:nb) = - A*xn.
584 * Used to select slacks from LG rows to be in B (basis).
585 * If lcrash = 5, xn(n+1:n+nncon) contains slack values
586 * evaluated from xn(1:n) and fcon(*).
587 * Used to select slacks from nonlinear rows to be in B.
588 *
589 * hs If lcrash = 1, 2 or 3, hs(1:n) is used.
590 * If lcrash = 4 or 5, hs(1:nb) is used.
591 * If hs(j) = 0, 1 or 3, column j is eligible for B,
592 * with 3 being "preferred".
593 * If hs(j) = 2, 4 or 5, column j is ignored.
594 *
595 *
596 * Crash has several stages.
597 *
598 * Stage 1: Insert any slacks (N, L or G rows, hrtype = 1 or 2).
599 *
600 * Stage 2: Do triangular crash on any free columns (wide bounds)
601 *
602 * Stage 3: Do triangular crash on "preferred" columns (hs(j) < 0).
603 * For the linear crash, this includes variables set
604 * between their bounds in the MPS file via FR INITIAL.
605 * For the nonlinear crash, it includes nonbasics
606 * between their bounds.
607 * (That is, "pegged" variables in both cases.)
608 *
609 * Stage 4: Grab unit columns.
610 *
611 * Stage 5: Grab double columns.
612 *
613 * Stage 6: Do triangular crash on all columns.
614 *
615 * Slacks are then used to pad the basis.
616 *
617 *
618 * ON EXIT
619 *
620 * hs is set to denote an initial (B S N) partition.
621 * hs(j) = 3 denotes variables for the initial basis.
622 * If hs(j) = 2 still, variable j will be superbasic.
623 * If hs(j) = 4 or 5 still, it will be changed to 0 or 1
624 * by m4chek and variable j will be nonbasic.
625 *
626 * xn If lcrash <= 4, slacks xn(n+1:nb) are initialized.
627 *
628 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
629 * Nov 1986: Essentially the same as in 1976.
630 * Crash tolerance added.
631 * Attention paid to various hs values.
632 *
633 * 12 Nov 1988: After free rows and columns have been processed
634 * (stage 1 and 2), slacks on L or G rows are inserted
635 * if their rows have not yet been assigned.
636 *
637 * 28 Dec 1988: Refined as follows.
638 * Stage 1 inserts free and preferred rows (slacks).
639 * Stage 2 performs a triangular crash on free or
640 * preferred columns, ignoring free rows.
641 * Unpivoted L or G slacks are then inserted.
642 * Stage 3 performs a triangular crash on the other
643 * columns, ignoring rows whose slack is basic.
644 * (Such rows form the top part of U. The
645 * remaining rows form the beginning of L.)
646 *
647 * 30 Apr 1989: Stage 1 now also looks for singleton columns
648 * (ignoring free and preferred rows).
649 * 05 May 1989: Stage 2 doesn't insert slacks if crash option < 0.
650 *
651 * 06 Dec 1989: Stage 2, 3, 4 modified. Columns of length 2 are
652 * now treated specially.
653 *
654 * 20 Dec 1989: Stage 2 thru 5 modified. Free columns done before
655 * unit and double columns.
656 *
657 * 19 May 1992: xn now used to help initialize slacks.
658 * Stage 1 thru 7 redefined as above.
659 *
660 * 01 Jun 1992: abs used to define closeness of slacks to bounds.
661 * Unfortunately, xn(1:n) seldom has meaningful values.
662 *
663 * 02 Jun 1992: Poor performance on the larger problems.
664 * Reverted to simple approach: all slacks grabbed.
665 *
666 * 04 Jun 1992: Compromise -- Crash 3 now has 3 phases:
667 * (a) E rows.
668 * (b) LG rows.
669 * (c) Nonlinear rows.
670 * xn(1:n) should then define the slack values better
671 * for (b) and (c).
672 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
674 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
675 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
676 common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30)
677 common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint
678 common /m7len / fobj ,fobj2 ,nnobj ,nnobj0
679 common /m8len / njac ,nncon ,nncon0,nnjac
681 equivalence ( iparm(1), icrash )
682 equivalence ( dparm(5), tcrash )
684 intrinsic abs, max
685 double precision apiv(2)
686 integer ipiv(2)
687 parameter ( nstage = 6 )
688 integer num(nstage), stage
689 logical free, prefer, gotslk,
690 $ stage2, stage3, stage4, stage5
691 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0,
692 $ small = 1.0d-3, big = 1.0d+4 )
694 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
695 if (lcrash .le. 3) write(iprint, 1000) icrash
696 if (lcrash .eq. 3 .and. nncon .lt. m) write(iprint, 1030)
697 if (lcrash .eq. 4) write(iprint, 1040)
698 if (lcrash .eq. 5) write(iprint, 1050)
699 end if
701 if (lcrash .le. 4) then
703 * Sets slacks xn(n+1:nb) = - A*xn.
704 * This is where the slacks are initialized.
705 * They may be altered later (see the end of Crash).
707 call dload ( m, zero, xn(n+1), 1 )
708 call m2aprd( 5, xn, n, xn(n+1), m,
709 $ ne, nka, a, ha, ka,
710 $ z, nwcore )
711 end if
713 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
714 * For Crash option 0, set hs(j) = 3 for all slacks and quit.
715 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
716 if (lcrash .eq. 0) then
717 call hload ( n, 0, hs , 1 )
718 call hload ( m, 3, hs(n+1), 1 )
719 go to 900
720 end if
722 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
723 * Crash option 1, 2 or 3. lcrash = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
724 * tolslk measures closeness of slacks to bounds.
725 * i1,i2 are the first and last rows of A involved in Stage 1.
726 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
727 tolslk = 0.25
728 call iload ( nstage, 0, num, 1 )
730 if (lcrash .le. 3) then
731 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
732 * First call. lcrash = 1, 2 or 3.
733 * Initialize hpiv(*) for all rows and hs(*) for all slacks.
734 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
735 i1 = 1
736 if (lcrash .ge. 2) i1 = nncon + 1
737 i2 = m
738 nrows = i2 - i1 + 1
740 * Make sure there are no basic columns already (hs(j) = 3).
741 * If there are, make them "preferred".
743 do 20 j = 1, n
744 if (hs(j) .eq. 3) hs(j) = -1
745 20 continue
747 * Make relevant rows available: hpiv(i) = 1, hs(n+i) = 0.
749 if (nrows .gt. 0) then
750 call hload ( nrows, 1, hpiv(i1), 1 )
751 call hload ( nrows, 0, hs(n+i1), 1 )
752 end if
754 if (lcrash .eq. 1) then
755 nbasic = 0
756 else
758 * lcrash = 2 or 3: Insert nonlinear slacks.
760 nbasic = nncon
761 if (nncon .gt. 0) then
762 call hload ( nncon, 3, hpiv , 1 )
763 call hload ( nncon, 3, hs(n+1), 1 )
764 end if
765 end if
767 if (lcrash .eq. 3) then
769 * Insert linear inequality slacks (including free rows).
771 do 25 i = i1, m
772 if (hrtype(i) .ge. 1) then
773 nbasic = nbasic + 1
774 nrows = nrows - 1
775 hpiv(i) = 3
776 hs(n+i) = 3
777 end if
778 25 continue
779 end if
781 * We're done if there are no relevant rows.
783 if (nrows .eq. 0) go to 800
785 else
786 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
787 * Second or third call. lcrash = 4 or 5.
788 * Initialize hpiv(*) for all rows.
789 * hs(*) already defines a basis for the full problem,
790 * but we want to do better by including only some of the slacks.
791 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
792 if (lcrash .eq. 4) then
793 * ------------------------------------------------------------
794 * Crash on linear LG rows.
795 * ------------------------------------------------------------
796 if (nncon .eq. m) go to 900
797 i1 = nncon + 1
798 i2 = m
800 * Mark nonlinear rows as pivoted: hpiv(i) = 3.
802 nbasic = nncon
803 if (nbasic .gt. 0) then
804 call hload ( nbasic, 3, hpiv, 1 )
805 end if
807 * Mark linear E rows as pivoted: hpiv(i) = 3
808 * Make linear LG rows available: hpiv(i) = 1, hs(n+i) = 0.
810 do 30 i = i1, m
811 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 0) then
812 nbasic = nbasic + 1
813 hpiv(i) = 3
814 else
815 hpiv(i) = 1
816 hs(n+i) = 0
817 end if
818 30 continue
820 * Mark linear LG rows with hpiv(i) = 2
821 * if any basic columns contain a nonzero in row i.
823 do 50 j = 1, n
824 if (hs(j) .eq. 3) then
825 do 40 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
826 i = ha(k)
827 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 1) then
828 if (i .gt. nncon) then
829 if (a(k) .ne. zero) hpiv(i) = 2
830 end if
831 end if
832 40 continue
833 end if
834 50 continue
836 else
837 * ------------------------------------------------------------
838 * lcrash = 5. Crash on nonlinear rows.
839 * ------------------------------------------------------------
840 i1 = 1
841 i2 = nncon
843 * Mark all linear rows as pivoted: hpiv(i) = 3
845 nbasic = m - nncon
846 if (nbasic .gt. 0) then
847 call hload ( nbasic, 3, hpiv(nncon+1), 1 )
848 end if
850 * Make nonlinear rows available: hpiv(i) = 1, hs(n+i) = 0.
852 call hload ( nncon, 1, hpiv , 1 )
853 call hload ( nncon, 0, hs(n+1), 1 )
855 * Mark nonlinear rows with hpiv(i) = 2
856 * if any basic columns contain a nonzero in row i.
858 do 70 j = 1, n
859 if (hs(j) .eq. 3) then
860 do 60 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
861 i = ha(k)
862 if (i .le. nncon) then
863 if (a(k) .ne. zero) hpiv(i) = 2
864 end if
865 60 continue
866 end if
867 70 continue
868 end if
869 end if
871 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
872 * Stage 1: Insert relevant slacks (N, L or G rows, hrtype = 1 or 2).
873 * If lcrash = 4 or 5, grab them only if they are more than
874 * tolslk from their bound.
875 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
876 stage = 1
877 gotslk = lcrash .eq. 4 .or. lcrash .eq. 5
879 do 100 i = i1, i2
880 j = n + i
881 if (hs(j) .le. 1 .and. hrtype(i) .gt. 0) then
882 if (gotslk) then
883 d1 = xn(j) - bl(j)
884 d2 = bu(j) - xn(j)
885 if (min( d1, d2 ) .le. tolslk) then
887 * The slack is close to a bound or infeasible.
888 * Move it exactly onto the bound.
890 if (d1 .le. d2) then
891 xn(j) = bl(j)
892 hs(j) = 0
893 else
894 xn(j) = bu(j)
895 hs(j) = 1
896 end if
897 go to 100
898 end if
899 end if
901 nbasic = nbasic + 1
902 num(stage) = num(stage) + 1
903 hpiv(i) = 3
904 hs(j) = 3
905 end if
906 100 continue
908 if (nbasic .eq. m) go to 700
910 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
911 * Apply a triangular crash to various subsets of the columns of A.
912 *
913 * hpiv(i) = 1 if row i is unmarked (initial state).
914 * hpiv(i) = 3 if row i has been given a pivot
915 * in one of a set of triangular columns.
916 * hpiv(i) = 2 if one of the triangular columns contains
917 * a nonzero in row i below the triangle.
918 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
920 do 600 stage = 2, nstage
921 stage2 = stage .eq. 2
922 stage3 = stage .eq. 3
923 stage4 = stage .eq. 4
924 stage5 = stage .eq. 5
926 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
927 * Main loop for triangular crash.
928 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
929 do 200 j = 1, n
930 js = hs(j)
931 if (js .gt. 1 ) go to 200
932 if (bl(j) .eq. bu(j)) go to 200
934 if ( stage2 ) then
935 free = bl(j) .le. - big .and. bu(j) .ge. big
936 if ( .not. free ) go to 200
938 else if ( stage3 ) then
939 prefer = js .lt. 0
940 if ( .not. prefer) go to 200
941 end if
943 * Find the biggest aij, ignoring free rows.
945 k1 = ka(j)
946 k2 = ka(j+1) - 1
947 aimax = zero
949 do 130 k = k1, k2
950 i = ha(k)
951 if (hrtype(i) .ne. 2) then
952 ai = a(k)
953 aimax = max( aimax, abs( ai ) )
954 end if
955 130 continue
957 * Prevent small pivots if crash tol is too small.
959 if (aimax .le. small) go to 200
961 * Find the biggest pivots in rows that are still
962 * unpivoted and unmarked. Ignore smallish elements.
963 * nz counts the number of relevant nonzeros.
965 aitol = aimax * tcrash
966 nz = 0
967 npiv = 0
968 ipiv(1) = 0
969 ipiv(2) = 0
970 apiv(1) = zero
971 apiv(2) = zero
973 do 150 k = k1, k2
974 i = ha(k)
975 if (hs(n+i) .ne. 3) then
976 ai = abs( a(k) )
977 if (ai .gt. aitol) then
978 nz = nz + 1
979 ip = hpiv(i)
980 if (ip .le. 2) then
981 if (apiv(ip) .lt. ai) then
982 apiv(ip) = ai
983 ipiv(ip) = i
984 end if
985 else
986 npiv = npiv + 1
987 end if
988 end if
989 end if
990 150 continue
992 * Grab unit or double columns.
994 if ( stage4 ) then
995 if (nz .ne. 1) go to 200
996 else if ( stage5 ) then
997 if (nz .ne. 2) go to 200
998 end if
1000 * See if the column contained a potential pivot.
1001 * An unmarked row is favored over a marked row.
1003 ip = 1
1004 if (ipiv(1) .eq. 0 .and. npiv .eq. 0) ip = 2
1005 i = ipiv(ip)
1007 if (i .gt. 0) then
1008 nbasic = nbasic + 1
1009 num(stage) = num(stage) + 1
1010 hpiv(i) = 3
1011 hs(j) = 3
1012 if (nbasic .ge. m) go to 700
1014 * Mark off all relevant unmarked rows.
1016 do 180 k = k1, k2
1017 i = ha(k)
1018 if (hs(n+i) .ne. 3) then
1019 ai = abs( a(k) )
1020 if (ai .gt. aitol) then
1021 if (hpiv(i) .eq. 1) hpiv(i) = 2
1022 end if
1023 end if
1024 180 continue
1025 end if
1026 200 continue
1027 600 continue
1029 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1030 * All stages finished.
1031 * Fill remaining gaps with slacks.
1032 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1033 700 npad = m - nbasic
1034 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1200) num, npad
1036 if (npad .gt. 0) then
1037 do 720 i = 1, m
1038 if (hpiv(i) .lt. 3) then
1039 nbasic = nbasic + 1
1040 hs(n+i) = 3
1041 if (nbasic .ge. m) go to 800
1042 end if
1043 720 continue
1044 end if
1046 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1047 * Make sure there aren't lots of nonbasic slacks floating off
1048 * their bounds. They could take lots of iterations to move.
1049 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1050 800 do 850 i = i1, i2
1051 j = n + i
1052 if (hs(j) .le. 1 .and. hrtype(i) .gt. 0) then
1053 d1 = xn(j) - bl(j)
1054 d2 = bu(j) - xn(j)
1055 if (min( d1, d2 ) .le. tolslk) then
1057 * The slack is close to a bound or infeasible.
1058 * Move it exactly onto the bound.
1060 if (d1 .le. d2) then
1061 xn(j) = bl(j)
1062 hs(j) = 0
1063 else
1064 xn(j) = bu(j)
1065 hs(j) = 1
1066 end if
1067 end if
1068 end if
1069 850 continue
1071 900 return
1073 1000 format(// ' Crash option', i3)
1074 1030 format( ' Crash on linear E rows:')
1075 1040 format( ' Crash on linear LG rows:')
1076 1050 format( ' Crash on nonlinear rows:')
1077 1200 format(
1078 $ ' Slacks', i6, ' Free cols', i6, ' Preferred', i6
1079 $ / ' Unit ', i6, ' Double ', i6, ' Triangle ', i6,
1080 $ ' Pad', i6)
1082 * end of m2crsh
1083 end
1085 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1087 subroutine m2scal( m, n, nb, ne, nka, nn, nncon, nnjac,
1088 $ hrtype, ha, ka, a, ascale, bl, bu, rmin, rmax )
1090 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1091 integer*4 hrtype(m), ha(ne)
1092 integer ka(nka)
1093 double precision a(ne), ascale(nb), bl(nb), bu(nb)
1094 double precision rmin(m), rmax(m)
1096 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1097 * m2scal computes scale factors ascale from A, bl, bu.
1098 *
1099 * In phase 1, an iterative procedure based on geometric means is
1100 * used to compute scales from a alone. This procedure is derived
1101 * from a routine written by Robert Fourer, 1979. The main steps
1102 * are:
1103 *
1104 * (1) Compute aratio = max(i1,i2,j) a(i1,j) / a(i2,j).
1105 * (2) Divide each row i by
1106 * ( min(j) a(i,j) * max(j) a(i,j) ) ** 1/2.
1107 * (3) Divide each column j by
1108 * ( min(i) a(i,j) * max(i) a(i,j) ) ** 1/2.
1109 * (4) Compute sratio as in (1).
1110 * (5) If sratio .lt. scltol * aratio, repeat from step (1).
1111 *
1112 * Free rows (hrtype=2) and fixed columns (bl=bu) are not used
1113 * at this stage.
1114 *
1115 * In phase 2, the scales for free rows are set to be their largest
1116 * element.
1117 *
1118 * In phase 3, fixed columns are summed in order to compute
1119 * a scale factor sigma that allows for the effective rhs of the
1120 * constraints. All scales are then multiplied by sigma.
1121 *
1122 *
1123 * If lscale = 1, the first nncon rows and the first nn columns will
1124 * retain scales of 1.0 during phases 1-2, and phase 3 will not be
1125 * performed. (This takes effect if the problem is nonlinear but
1126 * the user has specified scale linear variables only.)
1127 * However, all rows contribute to the linear column scales,
1128 * and all columns contribute to the linear row scales.
1129 *
1130 * If lscale = 2, all rows and columns are scaled. To guard against
1131 * misleadingly small Jacobians, if the maximum element in any of
1132 * the first nncon rows or the first nnjac columns is less than
1133 * smallj, the corresponding row or column retains a scale of 1.0.
1134 *
1135 * Initial version March 1981.
1136 * Feb 1983. For convenience, everything is now double-precision.
1137 * Aug 1983. Revised to damp the effect of very small elements.
1138 * On each pass, a new row or column scale will not be
1139 * smaller than sqrt(damp) times the largest (scaled)
1140 * element in that row or column.
1141 * Oct 1986. Scale option 2 and phase 3 implemented.
1142 * Nov 1989. Large scales are now reduced to at most 0.1/tolx (say)
1143 * to help prevent obvious infeasibilities when the
1144 * problem is unscaled.
1145 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1147 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
1148 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
1149 common /m2parm/ dparm(30),iparm(30)
1150 common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale
1151 common /m5log1/ idebug,ierr,lprint
1152 common /m5tols/ toldj(3),tolx,tolpiv,tolrow,rowerr,xnorm
1154 intrinsic abs, min, max, sqrt
1156 double precision ac, ar, amin, amax, aratio, bnd, b1, b2,
1157 $ cmin, cmax, cratio, damp, sigma,
1158 $ small, smallj, sratio
1160 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0,
1161 $ damp = 1.0d-4, smallj = 1.0d-2 )
1163 if (iprint .gt. 0 ) write(iprint, 1000)
1164 if (scltol .ge. one) scltol = 0.99
1165 bplus = 0.1*plinfy
1166 aratio = bplus
1167 maxk = 11
1168 if (lscale .eq. 1) then
1169 * Do linear rows and columns only.
1170 istart = nncon + 1
1171 jstart = nn + 1
1172 else
1173 * Do all rows and cols if lscale .ge. 2
1174 istart = 1
1175 jstart = 1
1176 end if
1178 do 50 j = 1, nb
1179 ascale(j) = one
1180 50 continue
1182 if (jstart .gt. n) go to 900
1184 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1185 * Main loop for phase 1.
1186 * Only the following row-types are used:
1187 * hrtype(i) = 2 for n rows (objective or free rows),
1188 * hrtype(i) = 0 or 1 otherwise.
1189 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1191 do 400 kk = 1, maxk
1193 * Find the largest column ratio.
1194 * Also set new column scales (except on pass 0).
1196 npass = kk - 1
1197 amin = bplus
1198 amax = zero
1199 small = smallj
1200 sratio = one
1202 do 250 j = jstart, n
1203 if (bl(j) .lt. bu(j)) then
1204 cmin = bplus
1205 cmax = zero
1207 do 230 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
1208 i = ha(k)
1209 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 2 ) go to 230
1210 ar = abs( a(k) )
1211 if (ar .eq. zero) go to 230
1212 ar = ar / ascale(n+i)
1213 cmin = min( cmin, ar )
1214 cmax = max( cmax, ar )
1215 230 continue
1217 ac = max( cmin, damp*cmax )
1218 ac = sqrt( ac ) * sqrt( cmax )
1219 if (j .gt. nnjac) small = zero
1220 if (cmax .le. small) ac = one
1221 if (npass .gt. 0 ) ascale(j) = ac
1222 amin = min( amin, cmin / ascale(j) )
1223 amax = max( amax, cmax / ascale(j) )
1224 cratio = cmax / cmin
1225 sratio = max( sratio, cratio )
1226 end if
1227 250 continue
1229 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
1230 write(iprint, 1200) npass, amin, amax, sratio
1231 end if
1232 if (npass .ge. 3 .and.
1233 $ sratio .ge. aratio*scltol) go to 420
1234 if (kk .eq. maxk ) go to 420
1235 aratio = sratio
1238 * Set new row scales for the next pass.
1240 if (istart .le. m) then
1241 do 300 i = istart, m
1242 rmin(i) = bplus
1243 rmax(i) = zero
1244 300 continue
1246 do 350 j = 1, n
1247 if (bl(j) .lt. bu(j)) then
1248 ac = ascale(j)
1250 do 330 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
1251 i = ha(k)
1252 if (i .lt. istart) go to 330
1253 ar = abs( a(k) )
1254 if (ar .eq. zero ) go to 330
1255 ar = ar / ac
1256 rmin(i) = min( rmin(i), ar )
1257 rmax(i) = max( rmax(i), ar )
1258 330 continue
1259 end if
1260 350 continue
1262 do 360 i = istart, m
1263 j = n + i
1264 ar = rmax(i)
1265 if (i .le. nncon .and. ar .le. smallj) then
1266 ascale(j) = one
1267 else
1268 ac = max( rmin(i), damp*ar )
1269 ascale(j) = sqrt( ac ) * sqrt( ar )
1270 end if
1271 360 continue
1272 end if
1273 400 continue
1275 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1276 * End of main loop.
1277 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1279 * Invert the column scales, so that structurals and logicals
1280 * can be treated the same way during subsequent unscaling.
1281 * Find the min and max column scales while we're at it.
1282 * Nov 1989: nclose counts how many are "close" to 1.
1283 * For problems that are already well-scaled, it seemed sensible to
1284 * set the "close" ones exactly equal to 1.
1285 * Tried "close" = (0.5,2.0) and (0.9,1.1), but they helped only
1286 * occasionally. Have decided not to interfree.
1288 420 amin = bplus
1289 amax = zero
1290 close1 = 0.5
1291 close2 = 2.0
1292 nclose = 0
1295 do 430 j = 1, n
1296 ac = one / ascale(j)
1298 if (amin .gt. ac) then
1299 amin = ac
1300 jmin = j
1301 end if
1302 if (amax .lt. ac) then
1303 amax = ac
1304 jmax = j
1305 end if
1307 if (ac .gt. close1 .and. ac .lt. close2) then
1308 nclose = nclose + 1
1309 *---- ac = one
1310 end if
1312 ascale(j) = ac
1313 430 continue
1315 * Remember, column scales are upside down.
1317 amax = one / amax
1318 amin = one / amin
1319 k = max( 1, n - jstart + 1 )
1320 percnt = nclose * 100.0 / k
1321 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
1322 write(iprint, 1300)
1323 write(iprint, 1310) 'Col', jmax, amax, 'Col', jmin, amin,
1324 $ nclose, percnt
1325 end if
1327 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1328 * Phase 2. Deal with empty rows and free rows.
1329 * Find the min and max row scales while we're at it.
1330 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1331 amin = bplus
1332 amax = zero
1333 imin = 0
1334 imax = 0
1335 nclose = 0
1337 do 440 i = istart, m
1338 j = n + i
1340 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 2) then
1341 ar = rmax(i)
1342 if (ar .eq. zero) ar = one
1343 else
1344 ar = ascale(j)
1345 if (ar .eq. zero) ar = one
1347 if (amin .gt. ar) then
1348 amin = ar
1349 imin = i
1350 end if
1351 if (amax .lt. ar) then
1352 amax = ar
1353 imax = i
1354 end if
1356 if (ar .gt. close1 .and. ar .lt. close2) then
1357 nclose = nclose + 1
1358 *---- ar = one
1359 end if
1360 end if
1362 ascale(j) = ar
1363 440 continue
1365 if (imin .eq. 0) then
1366 amin = zero
1367 amax = zero
1368 end if
1369 k = max( 1, m - istart + 1 )
1370 percnt = nclose * 100.0 / k
1371 if (iprint .gt. 0) then
1372 write(iprint, 1310) 'Row', imin, amin, 'Row', imax, amax,
1373 $ nclose, percnt
1374 end if
1376 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1377 * Phase 3.
1378 * Compute what is effectively the rhs for the constraints.
1379 * We set rmax = ( A I ) * x for fixed columns and slacks,
1380 * including positive lower bounds and negative upper bounds.
1381 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1382 if (lscale .ge. 2) then
1383 call dload ( m, zero, rmax, 1 )
1385 do 500 j = 1, nb
1386 bnd = zero
1387 b1 = bl(j)
1388 b2 = bu(j)
1389 if (b1 .eq. b2 ) bnd = b1
1390 if (b1 .gt. zero) bnd = b1
1391 if (b2 .lt. zero) bnd = b2
1392 if (bnd .eq. zero) go to 500
1394 if (j .le. n ) then
1395 do 480 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
1396 i = ha(k)
1397 rmax(i) = rmax(i) + a(k) * bnd
1398 480 continue
1399 else
1400 * Free slacks never get here,
1401 * so we don't have to skip them.
1402 i = j - n
1403 rmax(i) = rmax(i) + bnd
1404 end if
1405 500 continue
1407 * We don't want nonzeros in free rows to interfere.
1409 do 520 i = 1, m
1410 if (hrtype(i) .eq. 2) rmax(i) = zero
1411 520 continue
1413 * Scale rmax = rmax / (row scales), and use its norm sigma
1414 * to adjust both row and column scales.
1416 ac = dnorm1( m, rmax, 1 )
1417 call dddiv ( m, ascale(n+1), 1, rmax, 1 )
1418 sigma = dnorm1( m, rmax, 1 )
1419 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1400) ac, sigma
1420 sigma = max( sigma, one )
1421 call dscal ( nb, sigma, ascale, 1 )
1423 * Big scales might lead to excessive infeasibility when the
1424 * problem is unscaled. If any are too big, scale them down.
1426 amax = zero
1427 do 540 j = 1, n
1428 amax = max( amax, ascale(j) )
1429 540 continue
1431 do 550 i = 1, m
1432 if (hrtype(i) .ne. 2) then
1433 amax = max( amax, ascale(n + i) )
1434 end if
1435 550 continue
1437 big = 0.1 / tolx
1438 sigma = big / amax
1439 if (sigma .lt. one) then
1440 call dscal ( nb, sigma, ascale, 1 )
1441 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1410) sigma
1442 end if
1443 end if
1445 if (iparm(4) .gt. 0 .and. iprint .gt. 0) then
1446 if (istart .le. m) write(iprint,1500) (i,ascale(n+i),i=istart,m)
1447 if (jstart .le. n) write(iprint,1600) (j,ascale(j ),j=jstart,n)
1448 end if
1450 900 return
1452 1000 format(// ' Scaling' / ' -------'
1453 $ / ' Min elem Max elem Max col ratio')
1454 1200 format( ' After', i3, 1p, e12.2, e12.2, 0p, f20.2)
1455 1300 format(/ 12x, 'Min scale', 23x, 'Max scale', 6x,
1456 $ 'Between 0.5 and 2.0')
1457 1310 format(1x, a, i7, 1p, e10.1, 12x, a, i7, e10.1, i17, 0p, f8.1)
1458 1400 format(/ ' Norm of fixed columns and slacks', 1p, e20.1
1459 $ / ' (before and after row scaling) ', 1p, e20.1)
1460 1410 format( ' Scales are large --- reduced by ', 1p, e20.1)
1461 1500 format(// ' Row scales r(i)',
1462 $ 8x, ' a(i,j) = r(i) * scaled a(i,j) / c(j)'
1463 $ / ' ----------------' // 5(i6, g16.5))
1464 1600 format(// ' Column scales c(j)',
1465 $ 5x, ' x(j) = c(j) * scaled x(j)'
1466 $ / ' -------------------' // 5(i6, g16.5))
1468 * end of m2scal
1469 end
1471 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1473 subroutine m2scla( mode, m, n, nb, ne, nka,
1474 $ ha, ka, a, ascale, bl, bu, pi, xn )
1476 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1477 integer*4 ha(ne)
1478 integer ka(nka)
1479 double precision a(ne), ascale(nb), bl(nb), bu(nb)
1480 double precision pi(m), xn(nb)
1482 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1483 * m2scla scales or unscales a, bl, bu, pi, xn using ascale.
1484 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1486 common /m1eps / eps,eps0,eps1,eps2,eps3,eps4,eps5,plinfy
1487 common /m3scal/ sclobj,scltol,lscale
1488 common /m5lobj/ sinf,wtobj,minimz,ninf,iobj,jobj,kobj
1490 parameter ( one = 1.0d+0 )
1492 bplus = 0.1*plinfy
1493 if (mode .eq. 1) then
1494 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1495 * mode = 1 --- scale a, bl, bu, xn and pi.
1496 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1497 do 150 j = 1, nb
1498 scale = ascale(j)
1499 if (j .le. n) then
1500 do 110 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
1501 i = ha(k)
1502 a(k) = a(k) * ( scale / ascale(n+i) )
1503 110 continue
1504 end if
1505 xn(j) = xn(j) / scale
1506 if (bl(j) .gt. -bplus) bl(j) = bl(j) / scale
1507 if (bu(j) .lt. bplus) bu(j) = bu(j) / scale
1508 150 continue
1510 call ddscl ( m, ascale(n+1), 1, pi, 1 )
1511 if (jobj .gt. 0) sclobj = ascale(jobj)
1512 else
1513 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1514 * mode = 2 --- unscale everything.
1515 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
1516 do 250 j = 1, nb
1517 scale = ascale(j)
1518 if (j .le. n) then
1519 do 210 k = ka(j), ka(j+1) - 1
1520 i = ha(k)
1521 a(k) = a(k) * ( ascale(n+i) / scale )
1522 210 continue
1523 end if
1524 xn(j) = xn(j) * scale
1525 if (bl(j) .gt. -bplus) bl(j) = bl(j) * scale
1526 if (bu(j) .lt. bplus) bu(j) = bu(j) * scale
1527 250 continue
1529 call dddiv ( m, ascale(n+1), 1, pi, 1 )
1530 sclobj = one
1531 end if
1533 * end of m2scla
1534 end
1536 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1538 subroutine m2unpk( jq, m, n, ne, nka, a, ha, ka, y )
1540 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1541 integer*4 ha(ne)
1542 integer ka(nka)
1543 double precision a(ne)
1544 double precision y(m)
1546 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1547 * m2unpk expands the jq-th column of ( A I ) into y.
1548 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1550 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0 )
1552 call dload ( m, zero, y, 1 )
1554 if (jq .le. n) then
1555 do 10 k = ka(jq), ka(jq+1) - 1
1556 i = ha(k)
1557 y(i) = a(k)
1558 10 continue
1559 else
1560 islack = jq - n
1561 y(islack) = one
1562 end if
1564 * end of m2unpk
1565 end
1567 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1569 subroutine matcol( m, n, nb, ne, nka,
1570 $ a, ha, ka, bl, bu, col, ztol )
1572 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1573 integer*4 ha(ne)
1574 integer ka(nka)
1575 double precision a(ne), bl(nb), bu(nb), col(m)
1577 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1578 * matcol creates a new matrix column from the dense vector col.
1579 * It becomes column number jnew, which is updated accordingly.
1580 * Elements as small as the zero tolerance ztol are not retained.
1581 * Default bounds are given to the new variable.
1582 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
1584 common /m1file/ iread,iprint,isumm
1585 common /m3mps3/ aijtol,bstruc(2),mlst,mer,
1586 $ aijmin,aijmax,na0,line,ier(20)
1587 common /cyclcm/ cnvtol,jnew,materr,maxcy,nephnt,nphant,nprint
1589 intrinsic abs
1591 if (jnew .ge. n) go to 900
1592 jnew = jnew + 1
1593 ia = ka(jnew)
1595 do 100 i = 1, m
1596 if (abs( col(i) ) .le. ztol) go to 100
1597 if (ia .gt. ne) go to 910
1598 a (ia) = col(i)
1599 ha(ia) = i
1600 ia = ia + 1
1601 100 continue
1603 if (ia .eq. ka(jnew)) go to 920
1604 bl(jnew) = bstruc(1)
1605 bu(jnew) = bstruc(2)
1606 ka(jnew + 1) = ia
1607 return
1609 * Too many columns.
1611 900 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1000)
1612 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 1000)
1613 go to 990
1615 * Too many elements.
1617 910 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1100)
1618 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 1100)
1619 go to 990
1621 * Zero column.
1623 920 if (iprint .gt. 0) write(iprint, 1200)
1624 if (isumm .gt. 0) write(isumm , 1200)
1626 * Error exit.
1628 990 materr = materr + 1
1629 return
1631 1000 format(/ ' XXX MATCOL error. Not enough Phantom columns.')
1632 1100 format(/ ' XXX MATCOL error. Not enough Phantom elements.')
1633 1200 format(/ ' XXX MATCOL error. New column of A was zero.')
1635 * end of matcol
1636 end

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