# ASCEND BLAS FORTRAN LIBRARY Makefile # Ben Allan # Sept 1, 1994 # $Date: 1998/04/25 18:22:44 $ # $Revision: 1.7 $ # $Author: ballan $ # $Source: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ascend/Repository/blas/Makefile.in,v $ # # This file builds the libraries of blas common to minos, # lsode, and other F77 codes connected to ASCEND. # # If you have a blas library (libblas.a) tuned to your hardware, use it # instead; to do that, set the BLASLIB variable in ConfigAscend to point # that libraries location (e.g., /usr/lib/libblas.a) # # If you add files to these targets, please update the README.FORTRAN # in the generic/config directory # SHELL = /bin/sh builddir = ../base/generic srcdir = @fullpathsrcdir@/../../blas VPATH = @fullpathsrcdir@/../../blas # The next variables are the primary executables and/or libraries that # this makefile is responsible for, and the default target of this # makefile. EXECUTABLE = LIBRARY = libascblas.a default: $(LIBRARY) # Defines and Includes that are specific to this directory DIR_SPECIFIC_DEFS = DIR_SPECIFIC_INCS = # The next variables list the source files (EXEC_SCRS) to compile # into the object files (EXEC_OBJS) that are linked with the # library files (EXEC_LIBS) to make EXECUTABLE EXEC_SRCS = EXEC_OBJS = EXEC_LIBS = # The next variables list the source files (LIB_SCRS) to compile # into the object files (LIB_OBJS) that are combined to make LIBRARY LIB_SRCS = \ dasum.f daxpy.f dcopy.f ddot.f dnrm2.f dscal.f idamax.f \ dtrsv.f dswap.f dgemv.f dtrsm.f xerbla.f lsame.f dgemm.f LIB_OBJS = \ dasum.o daxpy.o dcopy.o ddot.o dnrm2.o dscal.o idamax.o \ dtrsv.o dswap.o dgemv.o dtrsm.o xerbla.o lsame.o dgemm.o # The global makefile macros (ConfigAscend) and global rules (Makefile.Rules) # include $(builddir)/ConfigAscend include $(builddir)/Makefile.Rules # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it. # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. # IF YOU PUT ANYTHING HERE IT WILL GO AWAY