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Contents of /trunk/base/generic/compiler/rel_blackbox.h

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Revision 1066 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sun Jan 7 10:02:41 2007 UTC (17 years, 8 months ago) by johnpye
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Adding doxygen 'addtogroup' for Solver, Compiler, Integrator.
1 /*
2 ASCEND Language Interpreter
3 Copyright (C) 2006 Carnegie-Mellon University
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 This file is part of the SLV solver.
19 *//** @file
21 @NOTE blackbox equations support the form
23 output[i] = f(input[j] for all j) foreach i
25 which we calculate by calling yhat = f(x),
26 and then residual is (y - yhat).
27 */
32 /** addtogroup compiler Compiler
33 @{
34 */
36 #include <utilities/ascConfig.h>
37 #include "instance_enum.h"
38 #include "relation_type.h"
39 #include <general/list.h>
40 #include "expr_types.h"
41 #include "extfunc.h"
43 extern int BlackBoxCalcResidual(struct Instance *i, double *res, struct relation *r);
45 /** Compute standard form residual and gradient.
46 See relation_util.h gradient functions
47 for additional notes on the gradient output array and varlist.
48 @param i the relation instance in question.
49 @param residual the residual computed (output).
50 @param gradient the gradient computed (output), an array as long as r->varlist
51 and with elements corresponding to the elements of varlist.
52 @param r the relation data from i.
53 */
54 extern int BlackBoxCalcResidGrad(struct Instance *i, double *residual, double *gradient, struct relation *r);
56 /** Compute standard form gradient.
57 See relation_util.h gradient functions
58 for additional notes on the gradient output array and varlist.
59 @param i the relation instance in question.
60 @param gradient the gradient computed (output), an array as long as r->varlist
61 and with elements corresponding to the elements of varlist.
62 @param r the relation data from i.
63 */
64 extern int BlackBoxCalcGradient(struct Instance *i, double *gradient, struct relation *r);
66 /**
67 Return the output variable instance from r, assuming r is from a blackbox.
68 */
69 extern struct Instance *BlackBoxGetOutputVar(CONST struct relation *r);
71 /** All the relations evaluated in a single call to y=f(x) have this data in common. */
72 struct BlackBoxCache { /* was extrelcache, sort of. */
73 struct gl_list_t *argListNames; /**< list of list of names. */
74 struct Name *dataName; /**< name of the DATA instance. */
75 struct ExternalFunc *efunc; /**< external function table. */
76 struct BBoxInterp interp; /**< userdata lives in here only */
77 int32 inputsLen; /**< number of actual, not formal, inputs */
78 int32 outputsLen; /**< number of actual, not formal, outputs. */
79 int32 jacobianLen;
80 int32 hessianLen;
81 double *inputs; /**< aka x; previous input for func eval. */
82 double *outputs; /**< aka yhat. previous output for func eval. */
83 double *inputsJac; /**< aka x; previous input for gradient eval. */
84 double *jacobian; /**< sensitivity dyhat/dx ; row major format; previous gradient output. */
85 double *hessian; /**< undetermined format */
86 int residCount; /**< number of calls made for y output. */
87 int gradCount; /**< number of calls made for gradient. */
88 int refCount; /**< when to destroy */
89 int count; /**< serial number */
90 };
92 /** Fetch the input array len size.
93 @param bbc the source.
94 */
95 extern int32 BlackBoxCacheInputsLen(struct BlackBoxCache *bbc);
97 /** All the elements of an array of blackbox relations resulting
98 from a single external statement have the BlackBoxCache in common, but
99 the varlist and lhs are unique to the specific relation.
100 If someone really needs a nodestamp, for some reason,
101 the 'common' pointer is unique to the set.
102 */
103 struct BlackBoxData {
104 struct BlackBoxCache *common;
105 int count;
106 };
108 /** make a blackboxdata unique to a single relation.
109 @param common the data common to all the relations in the array of blackbox output relations.
110 @param lhsindex the index of this relation's residual in the blackbox output vector.
111 @param lhsVarNumber the index of the output variable (y) in the relation's varlist.
112 */
113 extern struct BlackBoxData *CreateBlackBoxData(struct BlackBoxCache *common);
115 /* do anoncopy of bbox data for relation sharing. */
116 extern void CopyBlackBoxDataByReference(struct relation *src, struct relation *dest, void *bboxtable_p);
118 /* called when destroying the relation containing b. */
119 extern void DestroyBlackBoxData(struct relation * rel, struct BlackBoxData *b);
121 /**
122 Returns an initialized common data for a blackbox relation array
123 with an initial refcount 1.
124 Call DeleteRefBlackBoxCache when done with the object, and
125 make a call to AddRef any time the pointer is stored in a
126 persistent structure.
127 @param inputsLen number of actual, not formal, inputs.
128 @param outputsLen number of actual, not formal, outputs.
129 @param argListNames list of lists of names of real atom instances in/output.
130 @param dataName name of the data instance.
131 */
132 extern struct BlackBoxCache *CreateBlackBoxCache( int32 inputsLen, int32 outputsLen, struct gl_list_t *argListNames, struct Name *dataName, struct ExternalFunc *efunc);
134 /** make a persistent reference to b. */
135 extern void AddRefBlackBoxCache(struct BlackBoxCache *b);
137 /** dispatch the init function on a bbox after updating the input instance list
138 from the names list.
139 @param context the parent model containing the relations the cache is
140 referenced by.
141 @param b a cache in need of the init call.
142 */
143 extern void InitBBox(struct Instance *context, struct BlackBoxCache *b);
145 /** remove a persistent reference to *b.
146 sets *b to null before returning.
147 deallocates **b if refcount has dropped to 0.
148 */
149 extern void DeleteRefBlackBoxCache(struct relation *rel, struct BlackBoxCache **b);
151 /* @} */
153 #endif /* ASC_REL_BLACKBOX_H */

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