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Contents of /trunk/base/generic/compiler/logrel_util.h

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Revision 1063 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sun Jan 7 07:54:06 2007 UTC (17 years, 9 months ago) by johnpye
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Changed ASC_DLLSPEC(TYPE) to ASC_DLLSPEC TYPE, because it was causing havoc with doxygen and ctags.
1 /*
2 * Logical Relation utility functions for Ascend
3 * by Vicente Rico-Ramirez
4 * Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
5 * Version control file: $RCSfile: logrel_util.h,v $
6 * Date last modified: $Date: 1997/07/29 15:52:48 $
7 * Last modified by: $Author: rv2a $
8 *
9 * This file is part of the Ascend Language Interpreter.
10 *
11 * Copyright (C) 1997 Carnegie Mellon University
12 *
13 * This file is part of the Ascend Interpreter.
14 * The Ascend Interpreter is free software; you can redistribute
15 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
16 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
17 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
18 *
19 * Ascend is distributed in hope that it will be
20 * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * General Public License for more details.
23 *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with the program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
26 * Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. Check the file named
28 *
29 */
31 /** @file
32 * Logical Relation utility functions for Ascend.
33 * <pre>
34 * When #including logrel_util.h, make sure these files are #included first:
35 * #include "utilities/ascConfig.h"
36 * #include "compiler.h"
37 * #include "logrelation.h"
38 * #include "instance_enum.h"
39 * #include "fractions.h"
40 * #include "dimen.h"
41 * </pre>
42 */
47 extern enum Expr_enum LogRelRelop(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
48 /**<
49 * <!-- enum Expr_enum LogRelRelop(lrel) -->
50 * <!-- CONST struct logrelation *lrel; -->
51 * Return the type of the logical relation operator of the relation:
52 * - e_boolean_eq equality constraint
53 * - e_boolean_neq non-equality contraint
54 */
56 extern unsigned long NumberBoolVars(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
57 /**<
58 * <!-- unsigned long NumberBoolVars(lrel) -->
59 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
60 * This will indicate the number of distinct boolean atoms to which this
61 * logical relation points. This number contains both fixed and non-fixed
62 * atoms.
63 */
65 extern struct Instance *LogRelBoolVar(CONST struct logrelation *lrel,
66 unsigned long varnum);
67 /**<
68 * <!-- struct Instance *LogRelBoolVar(lrel,varnum) -->
69 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
70 * <!-- unsigned long varnum; -->
71 * This will return the varnum'th boolean variable.
72 */
74 extern unsigned long NumberRelations(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
75 /**<
76 * <!-- unsigned long NumberRelations(lrel) -->
77 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
78 * This will indicate the number of distinct relations to which this
79 * logical relation points. This number contains both conditional
80 * relations and conditional logrelations.
81 */
83 extern struct Instance *LogRelRelation(CONST struct logrelation *lrel,
84 unsigned long relnum);
85 /**<
86 * <!-- struct Instance *LogRelRelation(lrel,relnum) -->
87 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
88 * <!-- unsigned long relnum; -->
89 * This will return the relnum'th relation in the satisfied rel list.
90 */
92 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 * Logical Relation specific code.
94 * Very little sanity checking is done.
95 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 */
98 extern unsigned long LogRelLength(CONST struct logrelation *lrel, int lhs);
99 /**<
100 * <!-- unsigned long LogRelLength(lrel,lhs) -->
101 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
102 * <!-- int lhs; -->
103 * If lhs is true, return the number of terms on the left hand side of the
104 * logical relation; otherwise, return the number of terms on the right
105 * hand side of the logical relation.
106 */
108 extern CONST struct logrel_term
109 *LogRelTerm(CONST struct logrelation *lrel,
110 unsigned long pos,
111 int lhs);
112 /**<
113 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *LogRelTerm(lrel,pos,lhs) -->
114 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
115 * <!-- unsigned long pos; -->
116 * <!-- int lhs; -->
117 * If lhs is true, return the term in position pos of the left hand side;
118 * otherwise, return the term in position pos of the right hand side.
119 * A bizarre thing about this operator: 1<=pos<=LogRelLength(lrel,lhs).
120 * This is a holdover from gllist days.
121 */
123 #ifdef NDEBUG
124 #define NewLogRelTerm(r,p,l) \
125 LOGA_TERM( (l)!=0 ? (&((r)->token.lhs[(p)])) : (&((r)->token.rhs[(p)])) )
126 #else
127 #define NewLogRelTerm(r,p,l) NewLogRelTermF((r),(p),(l))
128 #endif
129 /**<
130 * If lhs is true, return the term in position p of the left hand side;
131 * otherwise, return the term in position p of the right hand side.
132 * For this operator: 0 <= p < LogRelLength(lrel,lhs) as a C array.
133 * Once Everybody gets their damn hands off LogRelTerm(), switch its
134 * semantics and eliminate one of this pair.
135 * @param r const struct logrelation*, logical relation to query.
136 * @param p unsigned long, position to return.
137 * @param l int, TRUE to return from left hand side, FALSE then from rhs.
138 * @return The term as an CONST struct logrel_term*.
139 * @see NewLogRelTermF()
140 */
141 extern CONST struct logrel_term
142 *NewLogRelTermF(CONST struct logrelation *lrel, unsigned long apos, int lhs);
143 /**<
144 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *NewLogRelTerm(lrel,apos,lhs) -->
145 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
146 * <!-- unsigned long apos; -->
147 * <!-- int lhs; -->
148 * <!-- If lhs is true, return the term in position apos of the left hand side; -->
149 * <!-- otherwise, return the term in position pos of the right hand side. -->
150 * <!-- For this operator: 0 <= apos < LogRelLength(lrel,lhs) as a C array. -->
151 * <!-- Once Everybody gets their damn hands off LogRelTerm, switch its -->
152 * <!-- semantics and eliminate one of this pair. -->
153 * Implementation function for NewLogRelTerm(). Do not use this
154 * function directly - use NewLogRelTerm() instead.
155 */
157 #ifdef NDEBUG
158 #define LogRelSideTerm(rs,p) LOGA_TERM(&((rs)[(p)]))
159 #else
160 #define LogRelSideTerm(rs,p) LogRelSideTermF((rs),(p))
161 #endif
162 /**<
163 * Return the term in position p of the side.
164 * For this operator: 0 <= p < length of the side.
165 * @param rs CONST union LogRelTermUnion*, side.
166 * @param p unsigned long, position to return.
167 * @return The term as an CONST struct logrel_term*.
168 * @see LogRelSideTermF()
169 */
170 extern CONST struct logrel_term
171 *LogRelSideTermF(CONST union LogRelTermUnion *lrelside, unsigned long apos);
172 /**<
173 * <!-- CONST struct logrel_term *LogRelSideTerm(lrelside,apos) -->
174 * <!-- CONST union LogRelTermUnion *lrelside -->
175 * <!-- unsigned long apos; -->
176 * <!-- Return the term in position apos of the side. -->
177 * <!-- For this operator: 0 <= apos < length of the side. -->
178 * Implementation function for LogRelSideTerm(). Do not use this
179 * function directly - use LogRelSideTerm() instead.
180 */
182 #ifdef NDEBUG
183 #define LogRelTermType(rtp) ((rtp)->t)
184 #else
185 #define LogRelTermType(rtp) LogRelTermTypeF(rtp)
186 #endif
187 /**<
188 * Return the type of the logical relation term rtp.
189 * WARNING: if ALLOCATED_TESTS is active, rtp must be an allocated term;
190 * automatic variables will cause an assert() to fail.
191 * @param rtp const struct logrel_term*, the term to query.
192 * @return The type of the term as an enum Expr_enum.
193 * @see LogRelTermTypeF()
194 */
195 extern enum Expr_enum LogRelTermTypeF(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
196 /**<
197 * <!-- enum Expr_enum LogRelTermType(term) -->
198 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
199 * <!-- return the type of the logical relation term. -->
200 * <!-- WARNING: if ALLOCATED_TESTS is active, term must be an allocated term; -->
201 * <!-- automatic variables will cause an assert() to fail. -->
202 * Implementation function for LogRelTermType(). Do not use this
203 * function directly - use LogRelTermType() instead.
204 */
206 extern unsigned long LogTermBoolVarNumber(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
207 /**<
208 * <!-- unsigned long LogTermBoolVarNumber(term) -->
209 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
210 * Return the index into the logical relation variable list.
211 */
213 extern int LogTermBoolean(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
214 /**<
215 * <!-- int LogTermBoolean(term) -->
216 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
217 * Return the boolean value from an e_boolean type logical relation term.
218 */
220 extern int LogTermInteger(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
221 /**<
222 * <!-- int LogTermInteger(term); -->
223 * <!-- CONST struct logrel_term *term; -->
224 * Return the integer value from an e_int type logical relation term.
225 */
227 extern int LogTermIntegerBoolValue(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
228 /**<
229 * <!-- int LogTermInteger(term); -->
230 * <!-- CONST struct logrel_term *term; -->
231 * Return a 0-1 value from an e_int type logical relation term.
232 */
234 extern int LogTermBoolVar(CONST struct logrelation *lrel,
235 CONST struct logrel_term *term);
236 /**<
237 * <!-- int LogTermBoolVar(lrel,term) -->
238 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
239 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
240 * Return the integar value from a e_var type logical relation term.
241 */
243 extern int LogTermSatisfied(CONST struct logrelation *lrel,
244 CONST struct logrel_term *term,
245 int perturb,
246 struct gl_list_t *instances);
247 /**<
248 * <!-- int LogTermSatisfied(lrel,term); -->
249 * <!-- CONST struct logrelation *lrel; -->
250 * <!-- CONST struct logrel_term *term; -->
251 * <!-- int perturb; -->
252 * <!-- struct gl_list_t *instances; -->
253 * Return the truth value of a SATISFIED logical relation term.
254 * If perturb, and the instances pointed by the SATISFIED term is included
255 * in the list instances, the truth value of the SATISFIED term is
256 * inverted.
257 */
259 extern CONST struct Name *LogTermSatName(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
260 /**<
261 * <!-- struct Name *LogTermSatName(term) -->
262 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
263 * Return the name of the conditional equation specified in an
264 * e_satisfied term
265 */
267 extern unsigned long LogTermSatRelNumber(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
268 /**<
269 * <!-- unsigned long LogTermSatRelNumber(term) -->
270 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
271 * Return the index into the logical relation relations list.
272 */
274 extern double LogTermSatTolerance(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
275 /**<
276 * <!-- double *LogTermSatTolerance(term) -->
277 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
278 * Return the real value specified as the tolerance of an e_satisfied term
279 */
281 extern CONST dim_type *LogTermSatDimensions(CONST struct logrel_term *term);
282 /**<
283 * <!-- const dim_type *LogTermSatDimensions(term) -->
284 * <!-- const struct logrel_term *term; -->
285 * Return the dimensions of the real value specified in the tolerance of
286 * an e_satisfied term
287 */
289 extern unsigned long LogRelDepth(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
290 /**<
291 * <!-- unsigned long LogRelDepth(lrel) -->
292 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
293 * Return the depth of stack required to evaluate this logical relation.
294 */
296 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 * TokenRelation Infix operations.
298 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 */
301 /*
302 * The four defines following return term pointers.
303 * struct logrel_term *r, *t;
304 * r = LogTermUniLeft(t); for example.
305 * These should be implemented as functions which assert type
306 * and revert to macros with NDEBUG.
307 */
308 #define LogTermUniLeft(t) ( ((struct LogRelUnary *)t) -> left)
309 /**<
310 * Retrieve the lhs of a unary logical relation.
311 * Parameter and return values are <code>struct logrel_term*</code>.
312 */
313 #define LogTermBinLeft(t) ( ((struct LogRelBinary *)t) -> left)
314 /**<
315 * Retrieve the lhs of a binary logical relation.
316 * Parameter and return values are <code>struct logrel_term*</code>.
317 */
318 #define LogTermBinRight(t) ( ((struct LogRelBinary *)t) -> right)
319 /**<
320 * Retrieve the rhs of a binary logical relation.
321 * Parameter and return values are <code>struct logrel_term*</code>.
322 */
324 extern struct logrel_term *LogRelINF_Lhs(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
325 /**<
326 * Returns the lhs of an infix logical relation. This may be NULL,
327 * if the logical relation has not been set for infix scanning.
328 */
330 extern struct logrel_term *LogRelINF_Rhs(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
331 /**<
332 * Return the rhs of an infix logical relation. This may be NULL
333 * if the logical relation has not been set up for infix scanning.
334 */
336 extern CONST struct gl_list_t *LogRelBoolVarList(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
337 /**<
338 * <!-- const struct gl_list_t *LogRelBoolVarList(lr); -->
339 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lr; -->
340 * Returns the unique incident variable list which is owned by the
341 * logical relation. *DO NOT MODIFY*. It is for the convenience of those
342 * desirous of a READ_ONLY look. It is a list of instance pointers,
343 * which maybe NULL.
344 */
346 extern CONST struct gl_list_t *LogRelSatRelList(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
347 /**<
348 * <!-- const struct gl_list_t *LogRelSatRelList(lr); -->
349 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lr; -->
350 * Returns the unique relation list which is owned by the
351 * logical relation. *DO NOT MODIFY*. It is for the convenience of those
352 * desirous of a READ_ONLY look. It is a list of instance pointers,
353 * which maybe NULL.
354 */
356 ASC_DLLSPEC int LogRelResidual(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
357 /**<
358 * <!-- int LogRelResidual(lrel) -->
359 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
360 * Return the boolean residual of the logical relation.
361 */
363 extern void SetLogRelResidual(struct logrelation *lrel, int value);
364 /**<
365 * <!-- void SetLogRelResidual(lrel,value) -->
366 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
367 * <!-- int value; -->
368 * Set the value of the logical relation residual.
369 */
371 ASC_DLLSPEC int LogRelIsCond(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
372 /**<
373 * <!-- int LogRelIsCond(lrel) -->
374 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
375 * Return the value of the logiscond flag of the logicalrelation.
376 */
378 extern void SetLogRelIsCond(struct logrelation *lrel);
379 /**<
380 * <!-- void SetLogRelIsCond(lrel) -->
381 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
382 * Sets the value of the logiscond field of the logical relation to 1
383 */
385 extern int LogRelNominal(CONST struct logrelation *lrel);
386 /**<
387 * <!-- int LogRelNominal(lrel) -->
388 * <!-- const struct logrelation *lrel; -->
389 * Return the nominal of the logical relation.
390 */
392 extern void SetLogRelNominal(struct logrelation *lrel, int i);
393 /**<
394 * <!-- void SetLogRelNominal(lrel,i) -->
395 * <!-- struct logrelation *lrel; -->
396 * <!-- int i; -->
397 * Sets the value of the nominal field of the logical relation to the
398 * value of i
399 */
401 extern int FindTolInSatTermOfLogRel(struct Instance *lrelinst,
402 struct Instance *condinst,
403 double *tolerance);
404 /**<
405 * <!-- status = FindTolInSatTermOfLogRel(lrelinst,condinst); -->
406 * <!-- struct Instance *lrelinst; -->
407 * <!-- struct Instance *condinst; -->
408 * <!-- int status; -->
409 * <!-- double *tolerance; -->
410 * Look in the logrelation instance lrelinst for a SATISFIED term involving
411 * the instance condinst. When found, it will find the obtain tolerance
412 * specified in the SATISFIED term (if such a value is given) and it will
413 * assign it to the *tolerance. If the condinst is a logrel (mistakenly),
414 * or if the SATISFIED term does not specify a value for the tolerance,
415 * it will assign the default value DEFTOLERANCE to *tolerance.
416 * status !=0 indicates it did not find a term containing the instance.
417 */
419 /*
420 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
421 * Calculation routines
422 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 */
425 /*
426 * Calculation of the Logical Residuals of a logical relation :
427 * LogRelCalcResidualPostfix
428 * LogRelCalcResidualInfix
429 * and calculation of the values(s) of a boolean variable which make a
430 * logical relation to be satisfied:
431 * LogRelFindBoolValues
432 *
434 * The solution of conditional model implicates the presence of
435 * SATISFIED terms (satisfaction of Boundary conditions)
436 * in some of the logical relations. Because the freedom that the
437 * modeling language gives to the user, sometimes is very difficult
438 * to know if the change of the truth value of a SATISFIED term is
439 * really meaningful to the configuration of the conditional problem.
440 * A boundary may be crossed, but still the boolean dependent on that
441 * condition may not change; furthermore, even a change in that boolean
442 * may not affect the configuration of the problem because a change
443 * of configuration may require the satisfaction of several conditions
444 * simultaneously.
445 * The easier way to test if the crossing of a boundary affects the current
446 * configuration is to solve the logical relations assuming such a
447 * crossing and finding if the configuration of the problem changes.
448 * This task is performed here by using the "perturb" flag and a list
449 * of pointers to the relation instance which constitutes the boundary(ies).
450 * The activation of the perturbation flag causes the calculation
451 * routines to INVERT the truth value of the SATISFIED terms containing
452 * the relation instances pointed by the list of pointers.
453 * The flag and the list of pointers are needed because the SATISFIED term
454 * is not an instance by itself and we have access to it only trough the
455 * logrel instance.
456 * Another option would be to modify the values of the variables incident
457 * in the boundary until the truth value of the SATISFIED changes by itself,
458 * but this would have to be iteratively (i.e. more expensive), since it
459 * would be required to perform gradient calculations in
460 * order to know how the change of the value of some variable will modify
461 * the residual of the boundary. Other question that we would need to
462 * answer is how many variables should be modified simultaneously,etc.
463 * Notice that this is not necessary because we do not care about a change
464 * in the real values of the variables incident in the boundary (and, as
465 * a matter of fact, we do not want ot modify the current values), we only
466 * want to know what would it happen with the value of logical variables
467 * if the truth value of the SATISFIED term changes.
468 *
469 * A third option would be to keep the information about the number
470 * of subregions in the conditional model and the values for the booleans
471 * which make them active. This is unaceptable for problems involving
472 * a big number of boundary conditions, since the problem is combinatorial.
473 *
479 * LogRelCalcResidual
482 */
484 extern int LogRelCalcResidualPostfix(struct Instance *i,
485 int *res,
486 int perturb,
487 struct gl_list_t *instances);
488 /**<
489 * <!-- status = int LogRelCalcResidualPostfix(i,res,perturb,instances); -->
490 * <!-- struct Instance *i; -->
491 * <!-- int *res; -->
492 * <!-- int perturb; -->
493 * <!-- struct gl_list_t *instances; -->
494 * <!-- int status; -->
495 * Sets *res to the logical residual of the logical relation. The logical
496 * residual is evaluating by comparing the truth values of the two terms
497 * of the logical relation. If the logical relation is an equality, a
498 * residual of 1 (TRUE) means that the two terms has the same truth value,
499 * if they do not, the residual is zero. Similar reasoning applies when
500 * the logical relation is an inequality.
501 * Uses postfix evaluation.
502 * If *perturb !=0, that means that we will invert the truth value of
503 * the SATISFIED terms involving the relation instances pointed by the
504 * gl_list.
505 * status != 0 implies a problem.
506 */
508 extern int LogRelCalcResidualInfix(struct Instance *i,
509 int *res,
510 int perturb,
511 struct gl_list_t *instances);
512 /**<
513 * <!-- status = LogRelCalcResidualInfix(i,res,perturb,instances); -->
514 * <!-- struct Instance *i; -->
515 * <!-- int *res; -->
516 * <!-- int perturb; -->
517 * <!-- struct gl_list_t *instances; -->
518 * <!-- int status; -->
519 * Sets *res to the logical residual of the logical relation. The logical
520 * residual is evaluating by comparing the truth values of the two terms
521 * of the logical relation. If the logical relation is an equality, a
522 * residual of 1 (TRUE) means that the two terms has the same truth value,
523 * if they do not, the residual is zero. Similar reasoning applies when
524 * the logical relation is an inequality.
525 * Uses infix evaluation.
526 * If *perturb !=0, that means that we will invert the truth value of
527 * the SATISFIED terms involving the relation instances pointed by the
528 * gl_list
529 * status != 0 implies a problem.
530 */
532 extern int *LogRelFindBoolValues(struct Instance *i,
533 unsigned long *dvarnum,
534 int *able,
535 int *nsolns,
536 int perturb,
537 struct gl_list_t *instances);
538 /**<
539 * <!-- soln_list = LogRelFindBoolValues(i,dvarnum,able,nsolns,perturb,instances); -->
540 * <!-- struct Instance *i; -->
541 * <!-- long *dvarnum; -->
542 * <!-- int *able; -->
543 * <!-- int *nsolns; -->
544 * <!-- int perturb; -->
545 * <!-- struct gl_list_t *instances; -->
546 * <!-- int *soln_list; -->
547 *
548 * LogRelFindBoolValues WILL find a booolean solution if there is one.
549 * The user must pass in a pointer to a
550 * struct logrelation. The calling function should check able and/or
551 * nsolns before accessing the information in the soln_list.
552 * nsolns < 0 : severe problems, soln_list will be NULL
553 * nsolns = 0 : No solution found
554 * nsolns > 0 : The soln_status equals the number of roots found
555 * nsolns is at most two for logical operations.
556 * The calling function should NOT free the soln_list.
557 * If *perturb !=0, that means that we will invert the truth value of
558 * the SATISFIED terms involving the relation instances pointed by the
559 * gl_list in order to find the boolean values wanted.
560 */
562 #define LogRelCalcResidual(i,r) LogRelCalcResidualPostfix(i,r,0,NULL)
563 /**<
564 * Macro for users interested in the calculation of pure logic relations.
565 * Not conditional modeling.
566 */
568 #endif /* __LOGRELATION_UTIL_H_SEEN__ */

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