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Contents of /trunk/base/generic/compiler/extcall.c

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Revision 954 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sat Dec 9 02:20:15 2006 UTC (17 years, 11 months ago) by johnpye
File MIME type: text/x-csrc
File size: 7854 byte(s)
A few cleanups to get towards compilation on Solaris.
1 /* ASCEND modelling environment
2 Copyright (C) 2006 Carnegie Mellon University
3 Copyright (C) 1990, 1993, 1994 Thomas Guthrie Epperly, Kirk Andre Abbott
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
18 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 *//*
20 by Kirk Andre Abbott
21 Created: Jun 1, 1995.
22 Last in CVS: $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 1998/02/24 21:44:42 $ $Author: ballan $
23 */
25 #include <utilities/ascConfig.h>
26 #include <utilities/ascMalloc.h>
27 #include <utilities/error.h>
28 #include "compiler.h"
29 #include <general/list.h>
30 #include "fractions.h"
31 #include "dimen.h"
32 #include "functype.h"
33 #include "expr_types.h"
34 #include "extinst.h"
35 #include "mathinst.h"
36 #include "extcall.h"
38 struct ExtCallNode *CreateExtCall(struct ExternalFunc *efunc,
39 struct gl_list_t *args,
40 struct Instance *subject,
41 struct Instance *data
42 ){
43 struct ExtCallNode *ext;
44 struct Instance **hndl=NULL;
45 unsigned long pos;
46 int added=0;
48 /*
49 {
50 int i,j,m,n;
51 struct gl_list_t *list1;
52 struct Instance *inst;
54 CONSOLE_DEBUG("...");
56 m = gl_length(args);
57 for(i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
58 list1 = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(args,i);
59 n = gl_length(list1);
60 for(j=1;j<=n;++j){
61 char *tmp;
62 inst = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(list1,j);
63 tmp = WriteInstanceNameString(inst, NULL);
64 CONSOLE_DEBUG("list %d: argument[%d], type '%s', name '%s' at %p"
65 , i, j, instance_typename(inst), tmp, inst
66 );
67 ASC_FREE(tmp);
68 }
69 }
70 }
71 */
73 ext = ASC_NEW(struct ExtCallNode);
74 /* CONSOLE_DEBUG("ASSIGNING efunc = %p TO ExtCallNode %p",efunc,ext); */
75 ext->efunc = efunc;
76 ext->arglist = args;
77 if(data){
78 hndl = AddVarToTable(data,&added); /** FIX FIX FIX **/
79 }
80 ext->data = hndl;
82 if(subject){
83 /* CONSOLE_DEBUG("subject at %p",subject); */
84 pos = GetSubjectIndex(args,subject);
85 ext->subject = pos;
86 /* CONSOLE_DEBUG("subject index is %d",pos); */
87 }else{
88 ext->subject = 0L;
89 }
91 ext->nodestamp = -1;
92 return ext;
93 }
95 void DestroyExtCall(struct ExtCallNode *ext, struct Instance *relinst){
96 struct Instance *ptr;
97 unsigned long len1, c1;
98 unsigned long len2, c2;
99 struct gl_list_t *arglist, *branch;
101 if (!ext) return;
102 arglist = ext->arglist;
103 if (arglist) {
104 len1 = gl_length(arglist);
105 for (c1=1;c1<=len1;c1++) {
106 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(arglist,c1);
107 len2 = gl_length(branch);
108 for (c2=len2;c2>=1;c2--) {
109 if ( (ptr = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(branch,c2)) !=NULL)
110 RemoveRelation(ptr,relinst);
111 }
112 gl_destroy(branch);
113 }
114 gl_destroy(arglist);
115 arglist = NULL;
116 }
117 }
119 struct Instance *GetSubjectInstance(struct gl_list_t *arglist,
120 unsigned long varndx
121 ){
122 struct Instance *arg;
123 struct gl_list_t *branch;
124 unsigned long len1,c=1L,len2,count=0L;
125 long safetycheck;
127 if (arglist&&varndx) {
128 len1 = gl_length(arglist);
129 while(c<=len1){
130 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(arglist,c);
131 if (!branch) return NULL;
132 len2 = gl_length(branch);
133 count += len2;
134 if (count>=varndx){
135 safetycheck = len2-count+varndx;
136 if (safetycheck<=0){
137 ERROR_REPORTER_HERE(ASC_PROG_ERR,"Something really wrong");
138 return NULL;
139 }
140 arg = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(branch,(unsigned long)safetycheck);
141 return arg;
142 }
143 c++;
144 }
145 }
146 return NULL;
147 }
149 unsigned long GetSubjectIndex(struct gl_list_t *arglist, struct Instance *subject){
150 unsigned long len1,c1,len2,c2;
151 struct gl_list_t *branch;
152 struct Instance *arg;
153 unsigned long count=0L;
155 if(arglist&&subject){
156 len1 = gl_length(arglist);
157 for(c1=1;c1<=len1;c1++){
158 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(arglist,c1);
159 if(branch==NULL){
160 ERROR_REPORTER_HERE(ASC_PROG_ERR,"Found null branch");
161 return 0L; /* error */
162 }
163 len2 = gl_length(branch);
164 for(c2=1;c2<=len2;c2++){
165 count++;
166 arg = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(branch,c2);
167 if (arg==subject){
168 /* CONSOLE_DEBUG("Subject index %lu",count);*/
169 return count;
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 ERROR_REPORTER_HERE(ASC_PROG_ERR,"Reached impossible place");
174 return 0L; /*NOTREACHED*/
175 }
176 CONSOLE_DEBUG("No subject index found");
177 return 0L;
178 }
180 unsigned long CountNumberOfArgs(struct gl_list_t *arglist,
181 unsigned long start, unsigned long end
182 ){
183 unsigned long c,count=0L;
184 struct gl_list_t *branch;
186 if(arglist){
187 assert(start<=end);
188 for (c=start;c<=end;c++){
189 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(arglist,c);
190 if(branch==NULL){
191 ERROR_REPORTER_HERE(ASC_PROG_ERR,"Found null branch");
192 return 0L; /*error*/
193 }
194 count += gl_length(branch);
195 }
196 return count;
197 }
198 return 0L;
199 }
201 struct gl_list_t *LinearizeArgList(struct gl_list_t *arglist,
202 unsigned long start, unsigned long end
203 ){
204 struct gl_list_t *result,*branch;
205 struct Instance *arg;
206 unsigned long c1,len2,c2;
208 if (arglist){
209 assert(start<=end);
210 result = gl_create(20L);
211 for(c1=start;c1<=end;c1++){
212 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(arglist,c1);
213 if (!branch){
214 gl_destroy(result);
215 return NULL;
216 }
217 len2 = gl_length(branch);
218 for(c2=1;c2<=len2;c2++){
219 arg = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(branch,c2);
220 gl_append_ptr(result,(VOIDPTR)arg);
221 }
222 }
223 return result;
224 }
225 return NULL;
226 }
228 void DestroySpecialList(struct gl_list_t *list)
229 {
230 unsigned long len,c;
231 struct gl_list_t *branch,*tmp;
232 if (list) {
233 tmp = list;
234 len = gl_length(tmp);
235 for (c=1;c<=len;c++) {
236 branch = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(tmp,c);
237 if (branch != NULL) {
238 gl_destroy(branch);
239 }
240 }
241 gl_destroy(tmp);
242 list = NULL;
243 }
244 }
246 struct gl_list_t *CopySpecialList(struct gl_list_t *list){
247 unsigned long len1,c1,len2,c2;
248 struct gl_list_t *result,*branch,*tmp;
249 struct Instance *arg;
250 if (list) {
251 len1 = gl_length(list);
252 result = gl_create(len1);
253 for(c1=1;c1<=len1;c1++) {
254 tmp = (struct gl_list_t *)gl_fetch(list,c1);
255 if (tmp) {
256 len2 = gl_length(tmp);
257 branch = gl_create(len2);
258 for (c2=1;c2<=len2;c2++) {
259 arg = (struct Instance *)gl_fetch(tmp,c2);
260 gl_append_ptr(branch,(VOIDPTR)arg);
261 }
262 }
263 else{
264 DestroySpecialList(result);
265 return NULL;
266 }
267 gl_append_ptr(result,(VOIDPTR)branch);
268 }
269 return result;
270 }
271 return NULL;
272 }
274 struct ExternalFunc *ExternalCallExtFuncF(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
275 return ext->efunc;
276 }
278 struct gl_list_t *ExternalCallArgListF(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
279 return ext->arglist;
280 }
282 struct Instance *ExternalCallDataInstance(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
283 struct Instance **hndl;
284 hndl = ext->data;
285 if(hndl!=NULL){
286 /*
287 ExtCallNode::data is an array of pointers to Instance
288 structures. We are here returning the first pointer from that array.
289 */
290 return *hndl;
291 }else{
292 return NULL;
293 }
294 }
296 int ExternalCallNodeStampF(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
297 return ext->nodestamp;
298 }
300 void SetExternalCallNodeStamp(struct ExtCallNode *ext, int nodestamp){
301 if (ext->nodestamp==-1) {
302 ext->nodestamp = nodestamp;
303 }
304 }
306 unsigned long ExternalCallVarIndexF(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
307 return ext->subject;
308 }
310 struct Instance *ExternalCallVarInstance(struct ExtCallNode *ext){
311 struct Instance *i;
312 assert(ext->subject);
313 i = GetSubjectInstance(ext->arglist,ext->subject);
314 assert(i!=NULL);
315 return i;
316 }

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