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Index of /trunk/base/autotools

Files shown:7
Directory revision: 1435 (of 3507)
Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 2012)

File (rev) Rev. Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory        
config/  630  18 years  johnpye   Trying to fix problem with TCLINCLUDE and TKINCLUDE when tkConfig.sh not used?
reconfig84  624  18 years  ben.allan   Summary: most of the recent complaints about autotools build fixed, but the buil…
reconfig-ubuntu  629  18 years  johnpye   Added changes to allow autotools build on ubuntu. There were some wrong assumpti…
reconfig  467  18 years  ben.allan   Changed the syntax of import from IMPORT id FROM id; to IMPORT id FROM "quoted/t…
configure.in  1435  17 years  ballan   updated the makefile stuff to work in the current dir structure. still lots of p…
configure  1435  17 years  ballan   updated the makefile stuff to work in the current dir structure. still lots of p…
acsite.m4  411  18 years  ben.allan   Restored autotools to working, parsers to typ_ and zz_, Fixed many missing initi…
NOTES.configure  189  18 years  johnpye   Changing default name for Jam-built libraries Annotating out-of-date NOTES.confi…

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